Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Recovering brother done it all definitely not worth it coke all that crap I could stop anytime but morphine is bad for me going on 15 years now clean ;)
Mornin' kids...

Much respect on the kick. Lots of us fucked up. LOL.

I stopped drinking in the mid-90's. I've been stupid a few times since but never go back/always remember WHY it's the worst fucking crap ass drug there is everytime I step back in the ring. If booze is legal...why aren't all the other hard drugs legal? Makes no sense here. Alcohol is equal to heroin in it's addictive properties....'s everywhere.

Kicked the narcs after 10 years of Pain Management and the related fun associated with all of that. Got sick of it all one day and just made the call. Spent a hellish week curled up in a ball wanting to die.

But I'll still chose narcs over booze if I'm being stupid. Narcs are limited in supply/looked down upon. Booze just isn't. It's so's crazy.


Well-Known Member
Mornin' kids...

Much respect on the kick. Lots of us fucked up. LOL.

I stopped drinking in the mid-90's. I've been stupid a few times since but never go back/always remember WHY it's the worst fucking crap ass drug there is everytime I step back in the ring. If booze is legal...why aren't all the other hard drugs legal? Makes no sense here. Alcohol is equal to heroin in it's addictive properties....'s everywhere.

Kicked the narcs after 10 years of Pain Management and the related fun associated with all of that. Got sick of it all one day and just made the call. Spent a hellish week curled up in a ball wanting to die.

But I'll still chose narcs over booze if I'm being stupid. Narcs are limited in supply/looked down upon. Booze just isn't. It's so's crazy.
Be proud of your accomplishments y’all. Been four years sober and quitting drinking was the best decision I ever made for myself. It ain’t easy. I’m at these conferences and it’s just a big ‘ol booze fest. Watching grown men’s drunk shenanigans, I’m never more grateful I did 8-)
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Well-Known Member
happy leap day! in observance of this most wonderous holiday/special occasion, our coffee pot lept from the countertop onto the ceramic tile floor, exploding into 100's of pieces. thankfully we (er, ME) always have an extra coffee pot in storage, for such things. i get made fun of for my prepper-adjacent personality, but most folks do appreciate my ability to supply random items and bulk food at *just* the right time.


Well-Known Member
Be proud of your accomplishments y’all. Been four years sober and quitting drinking was the best decision I ever made for myself. It ain’t easy. I’m at these conferences and it’s just a big ‘ol booze fest. Watching grown men’s, drunk shenanigans, I’m never more grateful I did 8-)

I gave up most socializing because of the whole booze thing. (and grief...and Covid) It's no fun to be around drunk people "straight". Even concerts now are just a buncha drunk clowns talking over the tunes. Nobody smokin'/glazed eye staring at the stage like the old days when you could barely see the stage for all of the pot smoke...and booze wasn't even served in the venue. Such a fall from grace.... :rolleyes::wall: Those 70's sure wuz fun....


Well-Known Member
my friend gave me a book a about 7 years ago, when i realized that at 40, i really needed to change my drinking habits. it's called "quit like a woman" and the author really does a great job explaining how fucked up it is that alcohol is socially accepted, so much so that my doctor is like, "you can drink in moderation!" meanwhile if i asked her "can i smoke cigarettes in moderation?" she would laugh at me. anyway, it's a great book and i know lots of men who have read it as well. i went from 3-5 drinks a day (a bottle of wine a day was common at least 4 days a week) to maybe 1 or 2 a month. THAT is my drug. i've quit nicotine, never looked back. alcohol, i can say no now, finally. but sugar? it's wild how i just canNOT kick that one.


Well-Known Member
On my last foray into the alcohol void Aug 2022 we had a big party here at my house. 100 people. CO famous Bluegrass band. Food/booze/raffle/etc.

Margaritas were always my go -to in the day. >>True< margs are almost straight up booze. (none of that sweet crap/mixer) I made 6 gallons of em.

Stupidly...I got hammered. I mean hammered. It was a 3K evening and I remember about 1K of it. I can hold myself OK when loaded...I just black the Hell out. I can't even remember everyone leaving/etc. Only came around when I felt that fun urge to purge about 1 am... uuuhhhumm. Yup. Fun. :rolleyes: