Examples of GOP Leadership

Lara Trump: Republican Voters Want RNC to Pay Donald’s Legal Bills

And here it is folks ….. the master grift.

Lara Trump, the person whom Donald Trump wants to be the new co-chair of the Republican National Committee, said Wednesday that she thinks Republican voters across the country would like to see the political organization pay the former president’s mounting legal bills.

The daughter-in-law of the current frontrunner for the 2024 GOP nomination acknowledged that she isn’t sure if the RNC rules would actually permit such payments but said conservative voters would support the idea because they perceive his various criminal and civil cases as forms of political persecution. “That’s why people are furious right now,” she said, adding: “They feel like it’s an attack not just on Donald Trump but on this country—so yeah, I think that is a big interest to people, absolutely.”

Lara Trump spoke at the Trump campaign headquarters in South Carolina ahead of the state’s Republican primary on Saturday. She also said the GOP needs a major fundraising push to help Trump in his bid for a second presidential term and for other congressional races.

We need to raise about half a billion dollars between now and November 5,” she said, according to Reuters. “We gotta make sure that people understand when they donate their money to the RNC, indeed it’s going go to causes that they care about.”

Well well well …. More shenanigans from the Orange Orangutan.
Seems he was trying to change the addresses at the last minute since being denied a stay in judgement enforcement.
” Trying to change to Florida addresses “ in a way to argue that NY AG couldn’t seize.

Scammer bullshit 101.

Surprised he didn’t sell his properties to a cat for a dollar just avoid the inevitable.


Note the additional 8 months of interest tacked on too.
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Before you guys say im high ( i am :mrgreen: ) but …. This fatfuck is probably the Antichrist.
Read his words …. What meaning do you get from it?

View attachment 5372543

To me it literally says : You will not honor christ.
I saw the words "of Christians" as his boundary condition. He'll set the boundaries. It's just another warning not to let him back into power. oops, my Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses just blacked out. Gotta go.
meanwhile, the Johnson is reducing himself to a backcountry preacher threatening fire and brimstone on a bed of lies. Emphasis mine.

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson wants all Republicans to know the stakes of the upcoming elections: the southern border is “wide open” and the economy is “in chaos.”

that’s bs x2

Buck's (R-Colo.) resolution urges Harris to convene the Cabinet to “declare what is obvious to a horrified Nation: That the President is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.”
Wasn't that in the General Attorney report that Biden can't be prosecuted for the same charges as Trump, because Biden is to old to remember where he puts top secret papers?
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This was only the latest colorful Trump tale about supposed water restrictions in Beverly Hills. At California’s Republican convention in September, he said, “Rich people in Beverly Hills – we don’t feel so sorry for ’em, but I do, actually.

They pay millions of dollars in taxes, they’re taking a shower, they’re told to hurry up, you’re only allowed a small amount of water when they take a shower.

That’s why rich people from Beverly Hills, generally speaking, don’t smell so good.”

That last sentence seemed like a joke, and the audience laughed. But he delivered the part about supposed Beverly Hills water rules as if he was describing a real policy.

Facts First: All of Trump’s claims are wrong. Beverly Hills does not have any limits on residents’ indoor water use; it does not restrict how many gallons of water they can use, how many times a day they can brush their teeth or how long they can spend in the shower.

This , from a known walrus that has eye watering body odor , swamp ass and ghoulish halitosis.