Blaze & Daze

We just spent all day at the PDGA Invitational in Florida. We have 2 days left. We had so much fun. Met a bunch of players. Watched the best men and women in the world play and followed their cards. We walked over 20k steps up and down the mountain. The teepad on hole #18 is the highest point in Florida. If you like disc golf, I highly recommend going over to a tournamemt for at least a day to check it.out. we had vip passes so we can actually follow the cards around. But there is general admission and multiple spots you can watch from. The staff and volunteers were helpful and the course was amazing.

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That is amazing! What a fkn kick ass job! Congratulations on the new pad!! It looks FANTASTIC!! It’s so great to see you again Tyler. How are the wedding gigs going? I’m so happy you’re doing so well !

Hey, Doc! Thank you for your kind words. I love owning a house, spent most of the nest egg grow money buying it cash, then poured in another $25 grand renovating, including paying a pro electrician to wire the grow room with 8000 watts! Feels weird not to have the huge nest egg, but it is nice not having rent nor a mortgage payment. Had to spend that grow cash on something, I'll have to share the details of bringing in over a hundred grand cash to the bank, that was a trip ;) I should be able to build it back up with the fruits from the grow room and the music biz. The music biz is going great, I'm very fortunate that people really dig my shit, so many bookings. I was so sorry to read that you caught the covid. I was starting to think you were just too sexy to catch it. How is that going, along with everything else? You're always on the move...
Hey, Doc! Thank you for your kind words. I love owning a house, spent most of the nest egg grow money buying it cash, then poured in another $25 grand renovating, including paying a pro electrician to wire the grow room with 8000 watts! Feels weird not to have the huge nest egg, but it is nice not having rent nor a mortgage payment. Had to spend that grow cash on something, I'll have to share the details of bringing in over a hundred grand cash to the bank, that was a trip ;) I should be able to build it back up with the fruits from the grow room and the music biz. The music biz is going great, I'm very fortunate that people really dig my shit, so many bookings. I was so sorry to read that you caught the covid. I was starting to think you were just too sexy to catch it. How is that going, along with everything else? You're always on the move...
I am so happy for you!! All your accomplishments and sacrifices and All your hard work and dedication paid off. And you love what you do and you make people happy doing it. You are living the dream!
oh Covid, yeah, very unfortunate. For me so far I have recovered but my husband is struggling
To cover. Hopefully soon. We are on the road now and headed for a new travel assignment. Life just keeps rolling on in an unpredictable fashion. Taking care of people who need my help when and where I want to help. Trying to make a living on my own terms in the healthcare industry. Still trying to find a fit for a misfit:
We just spent all day at the PDGA Invitational in Florida. We have 2 days left. We had so much fun. Met a bunch of players. Watched the best men and women play and followed their cards. We walked over 20k steps up and down the mountain. The teepad on hole #18 is the highest point in Florida. If you like disc golf, I highly receomend going over to a tirnamemt fir at least a day to check it.out. we had vip passes so we can actually follow the cards around. But there is general admission and multiple spots you can watch from. The staff and volunteers were helpful and the course was amazing.

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Awesome definitely have to talk to my nephew down there! Great times man l, very cool mountain!
My Blue Lab BluePen for pH decided to throw up the batt. signal after having used it since late 2019. So I got almost 4ish years out of the factory battery, not bad, maybe. My old pH meter was a table top Hanna that I got from a chemist friend of mine in trade for an ounce, it was acurate feature heavy for the time and $400 new, but also slow and tedious to setup.

One thing I noticed, about 2 years ago the bluepen started adjusting to un-modifiied (RO or tap) water VERY slowly, from the 4.0 calibration fluid to tap water could take up to 15 - 20 minutes to reach 7.2. It snapped to nutreated water fast enough 2-3 minutes, but any unadulterated water took forever. Cleaning helped, I thought, maybe it was psychosomatic but it seemed faster after cleaning, but not as fast as it was new out of the box. It gave me time to watch more youtube.

The mystery is solved, after I changed out the battery it snapped to 7.2 for the tap-water within 30 seconds. So, the 'low battery' warning on this thing is approximately two years late in letting you know.

20min X 3 waterings a week X 52 weeks X 2 years = 104 hours waiting because the battery warning couldn't be bothered to come on when the AAA voltage drop atually affected performance. Oh yeah, an hour to find a screw driver both small enough and with enough torque and find a battery. So 105 hours. >:( I feel like I've single handedly supported several youtubers with my views <ad ends in 5 seconds> while waiitng on this damn thing.

Oh well, didn't have to buy a new one like I've been threatening to for a year, knoweldge is power or in this case a new AAA is, change your batteries early if the bluelab starts acting wonky.
My Blue Lab BluePen for pH decided to throw up the batt. signal after having used it since late 2019. So I got almost 4ish years out of the factory battery, not bad, maybe. My old pH meter was a table top Hanna that I got from a chemist friend of mine in trade for an ounce, it was acurate feature heavy for the time and $400 new, but also slow and tedious to setup.

One thing I noticed, about 2 years ago the bluepen started adjusting to un-modifiied (RO or tap) water VERY slowly, from the 4.0 calibration fluid to tap water could take up to 15 - 20 minutes to reach 7.2. It snapped to nutreated water fast enough 2-3 minutes, but any unadulterated water took forever. Cleaning helped, I thought, maybe it was psychosomatic but it seemed faster after cleaning, but not as fast as it was new out of the box. It gave me time to watch more youtube.

The mystery is solved, after I changed out the battery it snapped to 7.2 for the tap-water within 30 seconds. So, the 'low battery' warning on this thing is approximately two years late in letting you know.

20min X 3 waterings a week X 52 weeks X 2 years = 104 hours waiting because the battery warning couldn't be bothered to come on when the AAA voltage drop atually affected performance. Oh yeah, an hour to find a screw driver both small enough and with enough torque and find a battery. So 105 hours. >:( I feel like I've single handedly supported several youtubers with my views <ad ends in 5 seconds> while waiitng on this damn thing.

Oh well, didn't have to buy a new one like I've been threatening to for a year, knoweldge is power or in this case a new AAA is, change your batteries early if the bluelab starts acting wonky.

I just broke my Bluelab pen last weekend while scrubbing it with a toothbrush too aggressively. Shattered the bulb. I had it since 2017, the thing is a beast. I only changed the battery last year, so I got many years off the original, too. I just purchased another, nice to see the price hadn't skyrocketed like everything else, I paid about the same as in 2017. Here's to another seven years of service...
Hey, Doc! Thank you for your kind words. I love owning a house, spent most of the nest egg grow money buying it cash, then poured in another $25 grand renovating, including paying a pro electrician to wire the grow room with 8000 watts! Feels weird not to have the huge nest egg, but it is nice not having rent nor a mortgage payment. Had to spend that grow cash on something,

Super smart move. Glad it worked out with the cash. A friend tried that @ the bank once with a house he was buying and got all sorts of fun from the IRS. I did something similar back in the 90's. Took me 20 years to finish the place but I never took out a loan/borrowed a dime. Every harvest I bought another load of lumber or appliances or... Once it was far enough along it got its own grow spot that I checked once a week...(55 miles one way) and it helped pay its own way for awhile there. Then legality hit.... oh well. It was fun while it lasted (20+ years)