Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 28.1%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 41 25.6%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 74 46.3%

  • Total voters
Boy, are we getting buried with snow this weekend! Winter is making up for lost time and I don't expect to begin to dig out until Monday, as a lot more snow is gonna fall tomorrow. Looking at the weather radar the sonofabitch is just parked on top of us shitting snow and not moving off at all. There is no point in clearing it until the plow comes by and by Monday the snowbank on the street should be 6 or 7 feet high and the fellow up the road with the snow blower will earn his bucks! In a week or ten days warm rain and trade winds from down south might wash it all away

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For the last 10 years you guys have been getting worse winter storms and a lot more snow than we have in northern Alberta. Same down in southern Alberta getting the spin-off of the atmospheric river hitting the west coast.

After a week of +6 the only place to find snow around my place is in the woods and that's little patches here and there. -9 this morning at 9:30 but it's winter and -9 is better than the -36 we had for about 10 days 2 weeks ago. I haven't had to shovel snow once this winter and only once or twice for little bits last year.

Doesn't mean we couldn't get a good storm or two yet but the trend in the 23 years I've been up here is to milder winters with less snow and I'm liking it but the farmers aren't. Really hot in May then cool and wetter in June the last few years.

Good luck!

For the last 10 years you guys have been getting worse winter storms and a lot more snow than we have in northern Alberta. Same down in southern Alberta getting the spin-off of the atmospheric river hitting the west coast.

After a week of +6 the only place to find snow around my place is in the woods and that's little patches here and there. -9 this morning at 9:30 but it's winter and -9 is better than the -36 we had for about 10 days 2 weeks ago. I haven't had to shovel snow once this winter and only once or twice for little bits last year.

Doesn't mean we couldn't get a good storm or two yet but the trend in the 23 years I've been up here is to milder winters with less snow and I'm liking it but the farmers aren't. Really hot in May then cool and wetter in June the last few years.

Good luck!

We got away until January, most melted and February arrived, we are down to 2 or 3 months of what I would call winter. Right now, the car is completely buried in the driveway, the back door is completely blocked and in some places the snow is up to the bottom of the windows without drifting too much either. I dunno how high the snowbanks will be when the plow punches through, but I don't expect to see over the top of them and I'm not short! Worst storm I'm seen here since I moved back home over a decade ago. In a week or two it might all be gone with a spell of warm weather and rain.

For now, I'm hunkered down and waiting it out, the lights are still on, and I've got a nice warm coffee...
5 feet of snow here in CB, snowbound for the weekend and maybe plowed out tomorrow with the driveway and walkway snow blown out, I hope. I expect walking down the walkway will be like walking in a canyon and the streets will look the same with 10-foot-high snowbanks. It's worse in some places than my neighborhood. The plows should be out after midnight in force and looking at the radar it should be done for the most part after midnight. Hey, we're Canadians and shit happens!

Just talked to some young fellow's storm walking up the street, which was plowed yesterday. They said the main routes are clear and that is what the plows have been doing, steadily keeping the main routes for emergencies open. If they need to get to a side street a plow leads the way.

Cape Breton, N.S., declares state of emergency amid winter storm
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Heat wave in Chile. Wildfires in towns.

Their turn now eh. At least things seem pretty calm in Australia this year.

It's shaping up to be a bad fire season in western Canada this year with so little snow so far. Ground moisture is at an all-time low so could be bad for crops as well. They expect to have such tight water restrictions here in Alberta that people will have to let their lawns and gardens die or face big fines. We at least have our own water in a big dugout on my property so we can use all the water we need and they can't say shit. We never water the lawn. I want that crap to dry out so I don't have to cut it. :)

Here in Nova Scota we recently had 2 extreme weather events, that could be attributed to climate change. An early hurricane that wrecked the power grid from one end of the province to the other and now a record snowstorm that has me buried here in Cape Breton.

I dug a path to the street with some help, but my car is still buried and looking up the narrow high banked street, just a few are dug out and a lot of people don't even have a path out of their house. The wet snow has frozen almost solid with a drop in the temps and the plowed snowbanks of compressed snow are like concrete. The power is still on though, but some folks are getting in a bad way, tomorrow I'm getting a lift to the grocery store and a buddy across the street is dug out too. My snowblower guy is kinda fucked in these conditions and I told him to wait for warmer weather to get the car out. The snow against the back door has shrunk down and I might open the window in the storm door and see if I can shovel enough to open the back door to the deck. I'll wait until noon, by then the sun on the deck should have thawed it at 1C.

I feed the birds too, this weather is hard on them, no bread gets thrown away and they like cat food too, they can't get to their food, like we can't get out of our driveways. It does not last long when thrown on the hard snow and competition for food is frantic because they are hungry. They are part of our urban communities, are all around us and are suffering, if one has eyes to see and a heart to empathize.

I wonder what the next extreme weather event will bring our way, rain floods and hurricanes in California and rivers of rain on the west coast. Maybe drought, heatwaves and forest fires this summer.

Cape Breton snow-clearing hits roadblock as wet snow freezes to ice
Carbon capture appears to be a sham

A deeper dive

In that first link, the last paragraph makes it hard to take what the billionaire has to say at face value:

Australia's Fortescue is a major iron ore producer, which is used in steel-making and it announced a new project last year to produce green steel on a commercial scale. Iron and steel-making account for a major share of global heavy industry emissions, and its trade has become source of contention between the United States and the EU, which have so far failed to negotiate a "green steel" trade deal.

I'm not saying he is wrong, but to me it lands the same way as when Elon wanted a pause on AI when he was creating a new AI company at the same time. Billionaires trying to make another billion is all.

The technology to convert CO2 with minimal energy that produces useable/saleable carbon at a reasonable price may be possible. I agree that converting to renewable energy is the direction the world needs to go, but CO2 is going to be released for quite a while yet and planting trees by itself is not the answer.

In that first link, the last paragraph makes it hard to take what the billionaire has to say at face value:

Australia's Fortescue is a major iron ore producer, which is used in steel-making and it announced a new project last year to produce green steel on a commercial scale. Iron and steel-making account for a major share of global heavy industry emissions, and its trade has become source of contention between the United States and the EU, which have so far failed to negotiate a "green steel" trade deal.

I'm not saying he is wrong, but to me it lands the same way as when Elon wanted a pause on AI when he was creating a new AI company at the same time. Billionaires trying to make another billion is all.

The technology to convert CO2 with minimal energy that produces useable/saleable carbon at a reasonable price may be possible. I agree that converting to renewable energy is the direction the world needs to go, but CO2 is going to be released for quite a while yet and planting trees by itself is not the answer.

Imo the second link puts the teeth into his claim. Current CO2 capture is focused on high-content process streams — and it uses fossil energy to drive it.

Trying to decarbonize 19th-century tech is less effective than replacing it with bottom-up carbon-neutral processes imo.

So while I recognize that the dude is an interested party, Inthink he is correct to call out the overclaim being done by those who want to sell the idea of “cleaning up” carbon-intensive energy rather than implementing technology that cuts out fossil fuel providers entirely, to their corporate detriment.
Here in Nova Scota we recently had 2 extreme weather events, that could be attributed to climate change. An early hurricane that wrecked the power grid from one end of the province to the other and now a record snowstorm that has me buried here in Cape Breton.

I dug a path to the street with some help, but my car is still buried and looking up the narrow high banked street, just a few are dug out and a lot of people don't even have a path out of their house. The wet snow has frozen almost solid with a drop in the temps and the plowed snowbanks of compressed snow are like concrete. The power is still on though, but some folks are getting in a bad way, tomorrow I'm getting a lift to the grocery store and a buddy across the street is dug out too. My snowblower guy is kinda fucked in these conditions and I told him to wait for warmer weather to get the car out. The snow against the back door has shrunk down and I might open the window in the storm door and see if I can shovel enough to open the back door to the deck. I'll wait until noon, by then the sun on the deck should have thawed it at 1C.

I feed the birds too, this weather is hard on them, no bread gets thrown away and they like cat food too, they can't get to their food, like we can't get out of our driveways. It does not last long when thrown on the hard snow and competition for food is frantic because they are hungry. They are part of our urban communities, are all around us and are suffering, if one has eyes to see and a heart to empathize.

I wonder what the next extreme weather event will bring our way, rain floods and hurricanes in California and rivers of rain on the west coast. Maybe drought, heatwaves and forest fires this summer.

Cape Breton snow-clearing hits roadblock as wet snow freezes to ice

How’s it going old man?
Just saw first lady bug of the year. Got crocus flowering in my garden (a full month earlier than 50y ago). It’s 20 degrees Celcius higher than what I sometimes got as a kid waiting for ice to get thick enough to skate on. Yesterday was the hottest (15c / 59f) Feb 15 ever measured in NL, first official ‘spring day’. In one place it was 17.9C / 64f. I hear birds sing. It’s weird, almost twilightzonish. Especially after 18:00, or 6pm for you military time challenged folk, when it gets dark but not really cold. I don’t even have heating on. In February.
The shape of things to come. There will be water wars.

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Already have rivers and reservoirs drying up in southern Alberta to the point they're digging up river beds to get water for towns. Agriculture is dependent on irrigation down there too so that's going to go to shit.

I won't be getting any spring runoff in my dugout again this year either but should be good for a while yet.
