Well-Known Member
Boy, are we getting buried with snow this weekend! Winter is making up for lost time and I don't expect to begin to dig out until Monday, as a lot more snow is gonna fall tomorrow. Looking at the weather radar the sonofabitch is just parked on top of us shitting snow and not moving off at all. There is no point in clearing it until the plow comes by and by Monday the snowbank on the street should be 6 or 7 feet high and the fellow up the road with the snow blower will earn his bucks! In a week or ten days warm rain and trade winds from down south might wash it all away
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For the last 10 years you guys have been getting worse winter storms and a lot more snow than we have in northern Alberta. Same down in southern Alberta getting the spin-off of the atmospheric river hitting the west coast.
After a week of +6 the only place to find snow around my place is in the woods and that's little patches here and there. -9 this morning at 9:30 but it's winter and -9 is better than the -36 we had for about 10 days 2 weeks ago. I haven't had to shovel snow once this winter and only once or twice for little bits last year.
Doesn't mean we couldn't get a good storm or two yet but the trend in the 23 years I've been up here is to milder winters with less snow and I'm liking it but the farmers aren't. Really hot in May then cool and wetter in June the last few years.
Good luck!