Thanks for the info!! I do have a rare one would hate to let it go.... but.....
And I have had a few duds from seeds that seem like it might have had it.....
I have had a theory in my head that all the indoor (especially led) has changed the genetics of the seeds...maybe it led the path for this viroid to get going....I have been harassed about wanting seeds from outdoor grown plants but the strains in the 90's just seemed way better than todays and i sourced from outdoor only back then
I did not hear the part in the vid that soaking seeds in bleach water helped? is this true?
thanks again for the info
The bleach soak will help with seeds only if the outside is contaminated but inside is clean. Worth a try, I made seed from an infected plant, viroid well suppressed, and got clean plants after a 2 min soak. Still, I wouldn't sell or distribute seed from an infected plant. Use the soak as a precautionary measure- it will also kill off any fusarium, pythium, or bacteria that could lurk on the seed's outer hull.
If your clone is definitely rare/irreplaceable, then I'd get a consultation with Bill's company. You may be able to outrun it by planting one in 30-50+gallons of healthy soil, full season outdoor, then taking as small of cuts as you can from the top only.
Plants can definitely adapt to indoor or outdoors, but I don't see that causing susceptibility to viroid. My old NL clone is one of the most resistant to it, but loves a metal halide like nothing else. Was probably born and raised under them, 80's/90's. It takes only a generation or two for something to adapt for indoor/out. Some we have like both.