Blaze & Daze

You know you are on to something. Every time my back is fucked and i got a degenerative thing going on, the more i chill the more fucked i am. But very serious about what PT can do to help.

No you said it. It's your core. And my legs and knees are really coming back. Walking around my flat work area and not skiing like I used to really was making a a bad way. Your core muscles are what keeps your back aligned.
Waiting for the referrals to go through and for them to get back to me.
I would think that referral would be quick.
I had to do a bunch of shit just to have a CT authorized. Got it. Then a whole PT session to get another fucking MRI ordered. Then after the MRI, officially diagnosed with a pars defect and will only get worse without surgery, the doctor tells me “you don’t want surgery”
And around the same time my dad pretty much got put into a walker after surgery. I guess the doc was right.
Please go to PT bro
Prior to this episode I could go and do stuff for about 15-20 minutes then I'd have to sit for awhile, I'd be good with just getting back to that point. I have permanent nerve damage from when my disk self destructed so that will never get better. Half of my right calf atrophied because of it. I couldn't walk before my first surgery and walked right after, so it worked for me. He had to pick pieces of disk away from my spine.
PT has been great for teaching my body to use different muscles and for core building. Thanks to my father, both my Sister and I have Kyphosis and resulting Sciatica. The key is doing the work/exercises daily to see results. General flexibility has improved noticeably. Give it a shot if you can. Pain sucks.