Examples of Democratic Party leadership

The answer to the Border Crisis that Biden created isn't more money, it's enforcing the laws already on the books. Biden wants open borders. He has no interest in stopping the insanity. He's the main problem. He reversed all Trumps policies that were working on day one. This is the outcome of Biden's Idiocy. The GOP simply is tired of it and are now finally demanding that we protect our own borders before we give more funding to Ukraine and Israel to protect their countries and their borders. It's about time. Secure our freaking border already.
More work was done at the southern border during the Biden administration than during the Trump administration.

But you won't find that information on Fox, Newsmax, Western Journal, OANN, Washingon Times, or any of the other "news" outlets from which you get your information.
Speaking of facts:

Excerpts from Joe Biden's speech in Boston on 12/5

On the strength of the economy since he took office and a jab at the Donald Herbert Hoover Trump (Laughter):

"Now, for the reason that I’m here today, specifically, is to thank you all. You know, when I came to office, the pandemic was raging and the economy was reeling.

In the four years Donald Trump was president — and he’s the only president other than Herbert Hoover who actually lost jobs in a four-year period. And that’s why I often re- — think of him as Donald “Herbert Hoover” Trump. (Laughter.)

But all kidding aside, since then, we’ve made incredible progress with your help — record progress. We’ve created 14 million new jobs, more jobs than have ever been created by any president in a four-year term.

Record economic growth — 5 percent last quarter alone.

Record low unemployment — 21 straight months of under 4 percent unemployment.

And today, we have the lowest inflation rate of every — any major economy in the world."

On the threat Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans pose to US Democracy:

"I could go on, but today I want to talk about what this election is fundamentally about. The future of American
democracy — it’s not hyperbole — is literally at risk. The future of American democracy is literally at risk.

I first raised the alarm bells about Donald Trump’s threat to democracy back when I ran in 2020. I spoke at Independence Hall and made a speech about why I thought it was at stake. And I’ve spoken to it repeatedly ever since.

In fact, I was attacked in 2022 in the midterms for spending so much time talking about the threats to American democracy.

But while the pundits — what they didn’t understand — but the voters heard what I was saying. The election deniers were defeated all over America.

And now, when people talk about — look back on 2020, I don’t think they thought I was exaggerating about the threat to democracy.

And thank God, because of the people like you, we won in 2020. And that’s not hyperbole. Because of you in the audience, we won in 2020.

I might add, we won with more votes than any presidential candidate has ever gotten in American history: 81 million votes.

Almost like somebody’s age. I don’t know how that (inaudible). (Laughter.) It’s hell turning 40 twice.

But now, I don’t think anyone doubts our democracy is even more at risk in 2024. And I’m serious. Because this time, we’re running against an election denier-in-chief.

Trump’s not even hiding the ball anymore. He’s telling us exactly what he wants to do. He’s making no bones about it.

He’s proud to say he killed Roe v. Wade. Because of the Court he appointed, he killed Roe v. Wade.

He’s running again to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. I could go on.

But let’s be clear about what’s at stake in 2024. Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy. And, again, I say it the second time. I believe that with every fiber of my being. And the former President makes no bones about it.

Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what he’s actually saying these days. He’s saying it out loud. He says, “2024 is the final battle.” He goes on to say, “I am your retribution.” He talks about, quote, “We’re a failing nation.” He goes on to say — and these are all quotes — “Either they win or we win. And if they win, we no longer have a country.”

Trump proudly proclaims himself an election denier. You know, he’s the only losing candidate in American history to — not to accept the will of the American people. He didn’t even show up at my inauguration. He never even showed up. I can’t say I was disappointed, but he never showed up. (Laughter.) "

Say it out loud Joe. There is no need to avoid the topic of what the opponent is openly doing and saying.
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Trump is out of office and their only path back into office is through excluding voters.
Excluding voters has been the central point of Jim Crow (both Dixiecrat & GOP)/‘libertarian’/“conservative” policy & practice since Reconstruction. They’ve *kinda* ‘moved beyond race’ because they’ve broadened the servant pool to include non-white ethnicities from all over the world, not just those targeted by the African slave trade…but that in no way means that they’re all equally dismissed.

Since I became old enough to vote, voting itself has come under attack (we can all think of plenty of examples), and it has gone hand-in-hand with the rise of cradle-to-grave Christian-only culture (the megachurches), TV evangelism, & the rise of the current “Republican Party”; the “moral majority”, “business pragmatism”, & “libertarian personal responsibility”, & the deliberate weaponization of the abortion issue have shaped & sharpened it, into what it is now: a tool FOR takeover, and a cadre of shock troops fervently devoted to The Cause according to whoever’s pointing while they’re looking

Ultimately, I guess that’s the point of forcing the US into dysfunction & default: to make it vulnerable to a hostile takeover by the billionaire class, who want their turn @ aristocracy, and (IMO) will reserve the franchise exclusively for their well-propertied white male selves. All others non-voting, non-citizens, commoditized as units of labor & service, “given food, shelter, and useful employment”.

if that sounds like slavery to you, can’t say I’m surprised
Excluding voters has been the central point of Jim Crow (both Dixiecrat & GOP)/‘libertarian’/“conservative” policy & practice since Reconstruction. They’ve *kinda* ‘moved beyond race’ because they’ve broadened the servant pool to include non-white ethnicities from all over the world, not just those targeted by the African slave trade…but that in no way means that they’re all equally dismissed.

Since I became old enough to vote, voting itself has come under attack (we can all think of plenty of examples), and it has gone hand-in-hand with the rise of cradle-to-grave Christian-only culture (the megachurches), TV evangelism, & the rise of the current “Republican Party”; the “moral majority”, “business pragmatism”, & “libertarian personal responsibility”, & the deliberate weaponization of the abortion issue have shaped & sharpened it, into what it is now: a tool FOR takeover, and a cadre of shock troops fervently devoted to The Cause according to whoever’s pointing while they’re looking

Ultimately, I guess that’s the point of forcing the US into dysfunction & default: to make it vulnerable to a hostile takeover by the billionaire class, who want their turn @ aristocracy, and (IMO) will reserve the franchise exclusively for their well-propertied white male selves. All others non-voting, non-citizens, commoditized as units of labor & service, “given food, shelter, and useful employment”.

if that sounds like slavery to you, can’t say I’m surprised
"their only path back into office is through excluding voters " I said that in March, 2021 and it's still true.

I don't think Republicans have exactly demolished their opposition with that strategy in the recent past. I think we have gotten the upper hand and are through the worst that the alliance between dominionist religious zealots and ultra right wing billionaires/multimillionaires could bring to bear against our democracy. But the effort isn't over by any measure. It's like winning the first half of the battle but only gaining a slight advantage with much more effort needed before the end. But let's not lose sight of where we are.

Trump lost in 2020, lost again when he attempted a coup in 2021. There have been no red waves of electoral successes for MAGA in the states or at the federal level. The field is still wide open for Democrats to do well in the elections next year. The economy is strong, inflation is under control and the US is engaged in meaningful acts on the world stage. Biden is justified in claiming that the past four years are a success.

I'm not disagreeing with you that the dark forces of radical and perhaps fascist authoritarianism are in position to take our democracy away. If they do, given the power that high tech can put into their hands, their success could be made permanent and you are right that their goal seems to be nothing short of slavery for all but a small ruling class.

I'm not surprised that we are at this nexus. I've been saying it ever since the mid 2010's. The early part of the 2020's are going to suck because they will be the last gasp of white male Christian patriarchal society majority that has dominated this country from its inception through to now. The status quo is fighting back hard and are desperate to gain control before demographics permanently shift toward a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural US society. Those who oppose democracy have an advantage in the courts. Those who support democracy have an advantage in the election polls, which is why the hard line right are doing their utmost to exclude voters. I don't think they are winning in that struggle but I could be wrong and the results of this struggle will determine what kind of country we have going into the 2030's and beyond.
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The answer to the Border Crisis that Biden created isn't more money, it's enforcing the laws already on the books. Biden wants open borders. He has no interest in stopping the insanity. He's the main problem. He reversed all Trumps policies that were working on day one. This is the outcome of Biden's Idiocy. The GOP simply is tired of it and are now finally demanding that we protect our own borders before we give more funding to Ukraine and Israel to protect their countries and their borders. It's about time. Secure our freaking border already.

Politicians winning elections by doing a reasonable thing that reasonable voters want and getting their votes.

Imagine that!

Biden Finally Picks A Side In The Big Clean Energy Fight Dividing Democrats
The administration's strict rules for "green" hydrogen boost some clean power, like geothermal energy, but deal a blow to nuclear.

the plan as of now is to require companies seeking to claim one of the IRA’s so-called 45V tax credits for producing clean hydrogen with electrolyzers plugged into the grid, to submit documentation from an accredited third-party certification service showing that each kilogram of hydrogen was made with electricity that checks three boxes.

The first is that the electrolyzer facility was located near a source of clean electricity. The second is that the facility was generating the hydrogen at a time when there was plenty of clean electricity on the grid. The third ― and most controversial ― is that new, clean supply entered service on the grid to offset the electrolyzer’s demand.

This may or may not give so-called green hydrogen the boost that investors are looking for but it gives them funding and a regulatory framework within which they can operate. What it prevents is greenwashing that the nuclear industry was trying use to sneak into Biden's environmental policies.
MAGA GOP have "drill, baby drill" and Democrats have a strategy to move the US to clean power. They show the will and acumen to do this. Nuclear Power lobbyists failed to dirty it up. The "both sides bad" argument did another face plant.
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Budman, thanx for the correction...typo on my part

To date, the average gasoline price during President Biden’s term — with nearly two years still to go — is $3.60/gallon. That is on a pace to be the highest average under any president. Here is how prices stack up per gallon, from lowest to highest average for their terms:

  1. Joe Biden (partial term) — $3.60
  2. Barack Obama first term — $3.12
  3. Barack Obama second term — $2.95
  4. George W. Bush second term — $2.77
  5. Donald Trump — $2.57
  6. George W. Bush first term — $1.59
So, you can see how someone could argue that Republicans are better for gasoline prices. Presidents Bush and Trump were the only presidents that oversaw average gasoline price below $3.00/gallon for four consecutive years of a term.

It is SO RISKY to pass on a thing you haven’t demonstrated for yourself.

There was a recent thread on Xitter recently that was driven in part by the assertion that only 24,000 votes were cast in Fulton County GA in the ‘20 election (the whole ‘massive vote fraud’ scheme). Knowing the area, I couldn’t let that pass, & looked into it: turns out Fulton Co. received over 500,000 (~540k IIRC) according to the professionally not-liberal GA state department board of elections

Sadly I was unable to navigate back to the thread with the correction; but this is why there’s a public record of things that happen - & this is the difference between doing research & watching YT & calling it research.

You’ve heard about “being ‘on the record’ or ‘off the record’”, I’m sure. The record involved is the public record, of which I spoke. Births, deaths, accidents, marriages, hirings, firings, real-property transfers, car license & registration, eye-witness statements, public statements, video of events, testimony, doctor’s appointments, court dates, arrests, verdicts, laws, investigations - there is a public record of almost everything that ACTUALLY HAPPENS because shit that actually happens leave REAL traces in the real world. Evidence is gained by poring through the things that actually happened, were actually done, said, witnessed, reported, VERIFIED and enforceable.

Short version is, if what you’re passing on doesn’t exist in the public record, but only in unsupported assertions of persons without evidence, best to not even mention it as a possibility, & wait to see what comes out of the matter. Jumping to conclusions based on no evidence is never a good look for anyone
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It is SO RISKY to pass on a thing you haven’t demonstrated for yourself.
Short version is, if what you’re passing on doesn’t exist in the public record, but only in unsupported assertions of persons without evidence, best to not even mention it as a possibility, & wait to see what comes out of the matter. Jumping to conclusions based on no evidence is never a good look for anyone