Examples of Democratic Party leadership

The Democrats and Biden can try and twist the meaning of the term MAGA, but in reality it has and always will mean Make America Great Again. And in the context that we are all talking about that would mean a Make America Great Again supporter, or someone who voted for Trump. You know it and I know it.
You’re right, we all know what it means. Make America Great Again…. like it was in 1859.
I believe 2024 will be a landslide victory for the Democrats. People aren't just voting about policy anymore, they are voting for a pro-democracy party. I've always been registered as an independent, but once I learned about Trump wanting to suspend the constitution, it was a no-brainier decision. I will never vote Republican and many folks whom I have talked to feel the same. Republican or not.
I hope you’re correct.
:lol: I've heard that before. Have fun in Canada Eh.
I'll try to make this simple for you.

Trump lost in 2020 and no one who talked then about leaving if he won had to make that move. Ever since losing by a whopping large margin in 2020, Trump has done nothing to attract new supporters. He can't possibly win unless he does. It's just simple arithmetic. 51.3% is greater than 46.8%.
I'll try to make this simple for you.

Trump lost in 2020 and no one who talked then about leaving if he won had to make that move. Ever since losing by a whopping large margin in 2020, Trump has done nothing to attract new supporters. He can't possibly win unless he does. It's just simple arithmetic. 51.3% is greater than 46.8%.
According to recent polls, a memo of which was obtained by POLITICO, the former president leds Biden in Arizona by 8 percentage points, Georgia by 3 points, Michigan by 12 points, Pennsylvania by 6 points and Wisconsin by 10 points. These five states delivered a total of 73 electoral votes in 2020, enough to produce a decisive Electoral College victory for Biden.

These poll numbers send a message to those who think Trump’s grip on the Republican Party is loosening

According to recent polls, a memo of which was obtained by POLITICO, the former president leds Biden in Arizona by 8 percentage points, Georgia by 3 points, Michigan by 12 points, Pennsylvania by 6 points and Wisconsin by 10 points. These five states delivered a total of 73 electoral votes in 2020, enough to produce a decisive Electoral College victory for Biden.

These poll numbers send a message to those who think Trump’s grip on the Republican Party is loosening

Polls this far out from the election are as good as a Magic 8-Ball


So, YES! Indications say YES!
And so, after a diversion away from the topic of this thread, back to the show.

This from one of the people who crafted the Affordable Care Act. She's here to remind us what Republicans intend should happen to the youth and lower income people who lived on the edge of ruin before the ACA came into being.

Don't forget what Republicans tried to do as their first act after they took power in 2017. They almost took away healthcare from tens of millions of people.

Kids who graduate from HS and don't go to college. And many of those who do. Their first job often doesn't provide healthcare. This Wisconsin Democrat, Tammy Baldwin, wrote the portion of the ACA that requires HC coverage providers to give parents the ability to provide coverage to their kids until age 26 under their plans.

Republicans don't think they should.
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100%. Healthcare coverage is not a luxury or a privilege. It's a necessity.
I'm true believer in Universal Healthcare. The argument being that universal healthcare wouldn't be as good as the healthcare provided to us now. That being said, Japan has universal coverage and are ranked #1 in the highest life expectancy in all of the G20. So what was that argument again?
I'm true believer in Universal Healthcare. The argument being that universal healthcare wouldn't be as good as the healthcare provided to us now. That being said, Japan has universal coverage and are ranked #1 in the highest life expectancy in all of the G20. So what was that argument again?
True capitalists hate longevity. Once one has survived retirement age, one is diverting money that should be going to them instead.
Biden’s approval ratings have languished far below 50 percent for more than a year; the end of his presidential honeymoon coincided with the messy U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the prolonged pandemic, not to mention his high-spending policies for exacerbating inflation, his failure to enact promises such as paid family leave, universal pre-K, far-reaching voting-rights legislation, and a ban on assault weapons.

Billionaire and the founder and CEO of Social Capital Chamath Palihapitiya, a west coast Democrat, and ,who only a few months ago called Trump “an idiot savant, minus the savant”, is now praising him.

But now, that billionaire Democrat is sounding the alarm over the massive danger associated with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

As war spreads from Eastern Europe to the Middle East, Chamath Palihapitiya, says Donald Trump’s ability to maintain global peace looks “pretty incredible” in indsight. But now as it becomes increasingly clear how quickly the world is falling apart with Joe Biden at the helm, the investor is changing his tune.
