Well-Known Member
It's legal to buy unwashed poppy seeds, its just illegal to buy the seed pods..
If you read that link I posted it states right in there that it's illegal to sell unwashed seeds in the US so your Starbucks bagel's poppy seeds are the washed ones. If you can get quantities of them from a local farmer then maybe they didn't wash them but commercial sellers are going to follow the rules.
I seem to recall having this same discussion with the lady who used to own a health food store about pot seeds. She was adamant that a friend got high as f'k eating one pot seed. Not a real thing I told her but she was so sure of it.
The dried poppy flowers are banned here as they were being used by some cultures here in Canada that have traditionally used them to make tea for medicinal use when they were shipped for decorative use as they are sometimes used in bouquets with other dried plants.
Using the dried pods medicinally is akin to the Peruvians using coca leaves for stamina when living high in the mountains. They're not getting stoned and to them it was like us having a morning coffee to get our day started.
It wasn't until the western world came along and turned harmless use into concentrated drugs that lead to the discovery of how much fun they could be and under our judeo-christian system of laws having fun must be sinful so we need to prohibit such activities. Then pressure the countries that used it traditionally with no real harmful effect to follow our lead. That's worked out so well hasn't it.

I just want to grow some for my own use and not worried that the cops are going to show up and drag me off to jail for it. I've been growing pot here since '01 and tho I was always a little paranoid about it didn't lose sleep over it. I was getting a medpot slip from a doc here for about the last 10 years but I didn't bother getting a renewal this year. I'll grow what I want and not bother worrying about it. I'll be over the 4 plant limit but even if caught they just make you kill any over 4 unless you have so many that it's obvious you're growing for sale. I've never sold and just give it away to a close circle of friends that need it for aches and pains or to fight cancer. I've lost two good friends to that insidious disease in the last year.