this poppy recipe looks good

It's legal to buy unwashed poppy seeds, its just illegal to buy the seed pods..

If you read that link I posted it states right in there that it's illegal to sell unwashed seeds in the US so your Starbucks bagel's poppy seeds are the washed ones. If you can get quantities of them from a local farmer then maybe they didn't wash them but commercial sellers are going to follow the rules.

I seem to recall having this same discussion with the lady who used to own a health food store about pot seeds. She was adamant that a friend got high as f'k eating one pot seed. Not a real thing I told her but she was so sure of it.

The dried poppy flowers are banned here as they were being used by some cultures here in Canada that have traditionally used them to make tea for medicinal use when they were shipped for decorative use as they are sometimes used in bouquets with other dried plants.

Using the dried pods medicinally is akin to the Peruvians using coca leaves for stamina when living high in the mountains. They're not getting stoned and to them it was like us having a morning coffee to get our day started.

It wasn't until the western world came along and turned harmless use into concentrated drugs that lead to the discovery of how much fun they could be and under our judeo-christian system of laws having fun must be sinful so we need to prohibit such activities. Then pressure the countries that used it traditionally with no real harmful effect to follow our lead. That's worked out so well hasn't it. :)

I just want to grow some for my own use and not worried that the cops are going to show up and drag me off to jail for it. I've been growing pot here since '01 and tho I was always a little paranoid about it didn't lose sleep over it. I was getting a medpot slip from a doc here for about the last 10 years but I didn't bother getting a renewal this year. I'll grow what I want and not bother worrying about it. I'll be over the 4 plant limit but even if caught they just make you kill any over 4 unless you have so many that it's obvious you're growing for sale. I've never sold and just give it away to a close circle of friends that need it for aches and pains or to fight cancer. I've lost two good friends to that insidious disease in the last year.

Frankly, given that the Dea doesn't seem to actually enforce this 2019 rule, I doubt all poppy seeds are certified as "washed".

Chances are that depending on the origin, the seeds are not washed at all.

But that doesn't change the danger. When you are consuming the results of one to two pounds of any substance you are about as likely to invest a whole lot of alkaloid as you are to injest nearly none.
Frankly, given that the Dea doesn't seem to actually enforce this 2019 rule, I doubt all poppy seeds are certified as "washed".

Chances are that depending on the origin, the seeds are not washed at all.

But that doesn't change the danger. When you are consuming the results of one to two pounds of any substance you are about as likely to invest a whole lot of alkaloid as you are to injest nearly none.

I don't plan to buy a couple pounds of poppy seeds to try them out but will be sure to wash seeds I collect from any plants I grow and give it a try.

Good article here all about it.

I don't plan to buy a couple pounds of poppy seeds to try them out but will be sure to wash seeds I collect from any plants I grow and give it a try.

Good article here all about it.

I have been growing them for decades. If you are at all careful (don't fucking plant row upon row of them) then you can get half a dozen nice doses of real opium and another half a dozen cups of great tea.

The scary thing is when you plant the giganthum type, they look like great martian invaders.

Everything was great until the media started offering pictures of fields in Afghanistan. Now everyone knows what they look like.

If you have abandoned fields and lots of seeds you can be johny poppy seed and spread then far and wide.

I did that several years, a pound each year and never ever saw a single plant but who knows? You get them to grow once and they are there permanently.
The scary thing is when you plant the giganthum type, they look like great martian invaders.

I just have the opium poppy seeds, Papaver somniferum. I'm going to try to talk the wife out of one of the raised beds and plant them pretty thick and thin if needed. We're rural and they can't be seen from the road so not worried about that.

How long to they take to be big enough to harvest? We usually can't plant outside until the middle of June and have until the end of Sept. I can be hot for May now but we'll get a killing frost or two before middle of June almost every year. My buddy in the city has a couple dozen that seem to finish in his front yard in the city every year so they should do OK here.

Can you leave them in the garden until they dry or should you pick them still green and dry then? I figured to grind them up and extract from that.

Lots of info on the web. Even how to turn it into heroin if I want. ;)

I collected a little booger worth of sap once. Very bitter tasting and numbed the tongue for quite some time.

I got some too many years ago then dried it down to putty and smoked it. Got a nice mellow buzz. I took a file to a fork and sharpened the tines so I could score lines on the pods and then scraped the sap off once it had hardened up a bit.

I just want to make some meds for those days when my arthritis flares up bad. I used to get 30 - 50mg Demerol every 4 - 6 months for shit like that then the opiod crisis got really bad and the doc cut me off. I liked to take 3 at a time when I was really hurting and not only got rid of the pain but got to enjoy a really good buzz for an evening. I'd been getting them for almost 4 years and never got any kind of habit much less an addiction so it pissed me off that he wouldn't renew me any more. I can't take codeine or morphine. Codeine gives me hives and morphine makes me puke really bad as it wears off. No problems at all with demerol.

I got some too many years ago then dried it down to putty and smoked it. Got a nice mellow buzz. I took a file to a fork and sharpened the tines so I could score lines on the pods and then scraped the sap off once it had hardened up a bit.

I just want to make some meds for those days when my arthritis flares up bad. I used to get 30 - 50mg Demerol every 4 - 6 months for shit like that then the opiod crisis got really bad and the doc cut me off. I liked to take 3 at a time when I was really hurting and not only got rid of the pain but got to enjoy a really good buzz for an evening. I'd been getting them for almost 4 years and never got any kind of habit much less an addiction so it pissed me off that he wouldn't renew me any more. I can't take codeine or morphine. Codeine gives me hives and morphine makes me puke really bad as it wears off. No problems at all with demerol.

If you can't take codeine and morphine I suggest you stay away from poppies entirely.
How many plants would someone need to grow to yield a worthwhile amount of opium? I mean, if I'd grow 5 of them out in a raised planter, would it amount to much of anything?
If you can't take codeine and morphine I suggest you stay away from poppies entirely.

I tried just capping up and eating some of the straw and had no ill effects and a mild buzz. Still have a dozen smallish pods left.

I don't want to take major doses or anything. Just enough to take the edge off the pain when needed.
I just have the opium poppy seeds, Papaver somniferum. I'm going to try to talk the wife out of one of the raised beds and plant them pretty thick and thin if needed. We're rural and they can't be seen from the road so not worried about that.

How long to they take to be big enough to harvest? We usually can't plant outside until the middle of June and have until the end of Sept. I can be hot for May now but we'll get a killing frost or two before middle of June almost every year. My buddy in the city has a couple dozen that seem to finish in his front yard in the city every year so they should do OK here.

Can you leave them in the garden until they dry or should you pick them still green and dry then? I figured to grind them up and extract from that.

Lots of info on the web. Even how to turn it into heroin if I want. ;)


I'm in warm weather and let them winter over so... seems kind of short.

You "harvest" when the crown turns up. Grinding and extracting has never worked for me. I will milk twice a few days apart then cut the capsules off and hang them till dry. That is for tea.
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Side yard
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Odd one in the mix
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I collected a little booger worth of sap once. Very bitter tasting and numbed the tongue for quite some time.
I grow variety as well..
The antique Flemish and black peony are my favorite peony varieties for looks.. I like to have a mix of every type growing if I can..
Rite now I'll be sowing some Lauren's grape and some pepper box..
I have seen many people turn to tincture. I've always wanted to try it but have yet to get what I think is a sufficient amount. Smoking is the very beat but it is wasteful and you can only smoke the real latex, not putty or any sort of extraction.

I think smoking burns off some of the lesser compounds leaving only morphine where imbibing it gives you coding and some of the pharmaceutical precursors that dampen or subdue the high.

But this is nothing but conjecture on my part.

I once saw a survivalist online store that boasted seeds for a geneticly altered poppy with the highest alkaloid content on earth. It might have been a scam but I can not find the site any more.

The difference between the high content flowers and the seed poppies is huge. I have milked the more conventional types and gotten a bb sized bit that offered a nice laid back, languid, very pleasant sensation. And I've gotten that from a high alkaloid variety that nearly made me sick. I was shocked at the power.

I have forgotten the high alkaloid content names but it must be all over the internet.
Absolutely gorgeous P. Som. peonies (paeoniflorum) you got there. I've heard they're pretty potent, at least an Estonian study on them (Here) claims that. I grew some Lauren's Grape last year, only 3 plants but they were loaded with pods, albeit tiny ones.
Thnx. The poppies have spread quite a bit since we purchased this place in '99. They're all volunteers that come up every year on their own - never intentionally planted. They bloom in mid July here (around 43°N) and sprout early to mid May. The gentleman we purchased the property from was Belgium and I'm guessing he brought them over when he immigrated here. Another European acquaintance told me that they used the poppy heads wrapped in gause for teething babies to numb the pain.
I have seen many people turn to tincture. I've always wanted to try it but have yet to get what I think is a sufficient amount. Smoking is the very beat but it is wasteful and you can only smoke the real latex, not putty or any sort of extraction.

I think smoking burns off some of the lesser compounds leaving only morphine where imbibing it gives you coding and some of the pharmaceutical precursors that dampen or subdue the high.

But this is nothing but conjecture on my part.

I once saw a survivalist online store that boasted seeds for a geneticly altered poppy with the highest alkaloid content on earth. It might have been a scam but I can not find the site any more.

The difference between the high content flowers and the seed poppies is huge. I have milked the more conventional types and gotten a bb sized bit that offered a nice laid back, languid, very pleasant sensation. And I've gotten that from a high alkaloid variety that nearly made me sick. I was shocked at the power.

I have forgotten the high alkaloid content names but it must be all over the internet.
I have a litre of tincture somewhere. I soaked 100+ dried/ground heads for 6 months in 72% moonshine. I'm a chicken shit to try consuming any of it orally and don't have too many discomforts yet to try it as a topical ointment.
I have a litre of tincture somewhere. I soaked 100+ dried/ground heads for 6 months in 72% moonshine. I'm a chicken shit to try consuming any of it orally and don't have too many discomforts yet to try it as a topical ointment.

Oh my, by all means try it. Go real light, how big were your poppies, what kind, when they were harvested and how much hooch?

Oh, and topical won't work at all, morphine contends with the brain not the nerves themselves. It changes how you perceive pain and is not an anesthetic.

Wait, I just noticed you have a liter. That's one pod per 10 MLS right? Unless your poppies are really small that's pretty strong I guess.

In my experience, two smallish pods of typical flower type plants is enough for a subtle relaxing feeling for six hrs or so.

Were I you I'd probably start with one or two mills. But never ever try to adjust the dose. If two mills don't work, just wait a day and then try four. If four doesn't go to six and then eight.

Like that. If I were you of course.

Tincture is nice because it is predictable. It will all be of identical strength. Contrary to individual poppies or..far worse, seed tea.
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They say that the entire plant has actives in it. I figured that I could make a poppy sprout sandwich. But the little sprouts are too delicate to sprout in a sprouting jar. So I tried planting on a grow fabric. It didn't take long before I had a luxurious carpet of inch and a half plants. I snipped off a big handful and laid it on some sourdough bread with home grown tomatoes and mayo.

Didn't work at all, nor did two sandwiches.
Pity. Oh, and it didn't taste bad at all.