Hamas offensive against Israel

I remember you mentioning the posts from Israel were deleted because of edited timestamps.. here is a screenshot of their post
View attachment 5336873

Yes, I saw it yesterday with the video and with the video removed. I watched the video a few times and decided that there was nothing to conclude from the video. I chalked it up to being too fast on the gun, happens to all of us. This still does not change the fact all the other evidence points to Hamas. Obviously you do not agree. As I do not have a horse in the race I have come down on both sides in this thread. I would guess you could also see that things are not black and white in the ME. And there is misinformation from both sides, lack of information, we do the best we can. At the least I have no issue saying one side can be right and wrong along the length of the conflict, the person that can't is just fooling themselves.
He got called out for being an influencer or for giving Israel's "Hamas base airstrike" away??

that wasn't an airstrike......that an islamic jihad missed that miss fired

he was the influencer who started the misinformation saying it was an air strike.....and it wasn't
Yes, I saw it yesterday with the video and with the video removed. I watched the video a few times and decided that there was nothing to conclude from the video. I chalked it up to being too fast on the gun, happens to all of us. This still does not change the fact all the other evidence points to Hamas. Obviously you do not agree. As I do not have a horse in the race I have come down on both sides in this thread. I would guess you could also see that things are not black and white in the ME. And there is misinformation from both sides, lack of information, we do the best we can. At the least I have no issue saying one side can be right and wrong along the length of the conflict, the person that can't is just fooling themselves.
I have never supported humans being murdered or give an "Okay Daddio" thumbs up to Hamas or any other party, it's sickening how they were put into a position where they had to resort to mass violence to get the world's attention.

Israel has been slowly exterminating full on families from this planet, torturing Palestinians, arresting CHILDREN, raping the land from Palestinians for 75 years is ab-so-lutely DISGUSTING TO THE HUMAN RACE!!

How does everyone feel about how those child terrorists are doing right about now? The world looking at Palestine as terrorists is just fucking stupid. Half of the civilians are children, and yet Israel is okay to murder them because "terrorists" ?? Do you agree the Palestinian civilians (that have nothing to do with Hamas) should be kept and treated as prisoners?
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Intel, defense officials tell senators that Israel did not strike hospital
U.S. intelligence and defense officials told senators at a classified briefing Wednesday that Israel is not responsible for a blast that reportedly killed hundreds of people at a hospital in Gaza, contradicting earlier media reports and claims from Hamas that an Israeli airstrike caused the carnage.
Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, also told senators that there is no direct evidence that Iran ordered or had foreknowledge of the attack by Hamas militants that killed more than 1,000 Israeli civilians living near the border with the Gaza Strip, lawmakers say.

Senators heard from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown and Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

The officials told lawmakers about the administration’s efforts to recover American hostages and the U.S. military assets being transferred to Israel.
Austin ticked off a list of Israel’s defense needs, such as 155 mm artillery shells and interceptors for its Iron Dome missile defense system.
Republican senators warned them that any foreign aid package requested by President Biden would need to include meaningful changes to immigration law to stem the huge flow of migrants across the U.S.-Mexico border.
Biden is reportedly preparing a supplemental spending request that will include up to $100 billion of funding for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and domestic border security.

The blast at al-Ahli Arab hospital, which sparked angry anti-Israel protests across the Middle East, was a top point of discussion during the one-and-a-half-hour briefing in the Senate’s sensitive compartmented information facility.

“We also discussed the explosion at the hospital and received very compelling evidence that this was an errant missile launched from within Gaza; it was not an Israeli attack of some kind,” said Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) after the briefing. “We have to be careful not to join in with the propaganda that’s promoted by Hamas.”

Other senators confirmed that account.
“There is fairly consistent evidence that the attack on the hospital was not Israeli originated,” said Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who said the findings were delivered with a “consistent degree of confidence.”

President Biden told reporters in Tel Aviv earlier Tuesday that Palestinian militants are responsible for the hospital blast, citing intelligence from the Defense Department.
“Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team — not you,” Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a joint event.
U.S. intelligence analysts have drawn that conclusion from satellite data, intercepted communications between Hamas officials and open-source video.

Multiple senators say the high-level briefing also knocked down initial reporting that Iran gave the greenlight or had prior knowledge of the surprise attack on Israeli towns outside of Gaza.
Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said Haines “confirmed” what U.S. intelligence officials have been saying anonymously, that there’s no evidence that Iran knew about the attack ahead of time.
“She confirmed that there was no — as of now — no direct evidence that they had foreknowledge or were involved in planning the attacks,” he said.

Rounds said “there is no link that we have found that connects” Iran “with the specific planning” of the Hamas attack “or the operation itself.”
Intelligence and defense officials, however, reiterated that Iran has long provided training and weapons to Hamas.
“We also were told that almost 100 percent of the funding, weaponry and training that Hamas receives comes from Iran. So Iran is clearly behind Hamas,” he said.

The senior administration officials did not give the lawmakers any advanced preview of exactly how large a spending package Biden will request for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.
Since the West Bank and Gaza are ruled by two different entities and the ones that started the mess are Hamas I will limit myself to that (do not have the time for the last year of history). Israel does a poor job of exterminating the Palistinians,

"The population growth rate is among the highest in the world: 3.4 percent in the West Bank and 4.0 percent in Gaza, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates."

In 1967 there was an estimated 660k in Gaza and 350k in the west bank. Today there is 2.23 million in Gaza and 3.25 in the West Bank, 37% is under the age of 14. If Israel is trying to exterminate the Palestinians they are doing a real poor job of it. I can also see why Israel would not be ok with a one state solution as they might find themselves out-babied. And on being in jail, a 14 year old kid can easily throw a rock or fire a gun as any other. They do not have to be a member of Hamas to do it. The funny thing about the leaders of Hamas, they live in luxury outside of the area.
"Exterminating families" meaning families that span generations have been killed.

On Saturday, a representative of the Palestinian Health Ministry brought listed the names of 12 families who were killed, each one at its home, each one in a single bombing. Since then, in one air raid before dawn on Sunday, which lasted 70 minutes and was directed at three houses on Al Wehda Street in the Rimal neighborhood of Gaza, three families numbering 38 people in total were killed. Some of the bodies were found on Sunday morning. Palestinian rescue forces only managed to find the rest of the bodies and pull them out from the rubble only on Sunday evening.
more like wwπ
we’ll see how the pie gets divided in a coupla global hot spots
This is a perfect storm for the ME, in that Israel is no longer untouchable and that was proven last week with the Hamas attack.

The pity/sympathy that Israel was surrounded with last week is dissipating as rapidly as they drop bombs on & starve the inhabitants of Gaza.
Besides a wake up call for the World that never really thought or cared about Palestine, they are now becoming aware of why Hamas exists at all.

Now a decision has to be made, do I think that Hamas is the aggressor, or is it Israel ? (another colony the Brits fucked up)

And then for the kicker the US has 2, not one, but 2 carrier strike forces off the coast and 2000 personal in Israel.

Hezbollah is knocking on the door of border of Israel in the east, surrounded by Syria (who fucking hate Israe} and Lebanon which is stuck in the middle of this clusterfuck.

Then we have the 2 arch enemies to the south united together, Iran & Iraq just waiting and hoping that Israel starts something.

That would be a gift from Allah, because one way other if Israel did attack first, Iran will make Israel bleed

They probably would/will lose to Israel but Iran would seriously fuck them up in the process.

So, here the US is, stuck in this shit, where as no matter what happens, the US is going to come out the loser.

They go to war, we go to war.

And if we don't go to war, every nation in the world possibly, will still think we're just as bad as the Israelis because we back/finance them no matter what they do, and this war is a perfect example

We're going to cut off all food/medicine/electricity/water and internet to 2 million people and at the same time blow the shit out of them,
is that ok Joe?

And Joe & the USA say's, be my guest (just mail the check)


This is wonderful.

Oh, did I mention a rise attacks on Jews all over the world?

Just watch.
more like wwπ
we’ll see how the pie gets divided in a coupla global hot spots
This is a perfect storm for the ME, in that Israel is no longer untouchable and that was proven last week with the Hamas attack.

The pity/sympathy that Israel was surrounded with last week is dissipating as rapidly as they drop bombs on & starve the inhabitants of Gaza.
Besides a wake up call for the World that never really thought or cared about Palestine, they are now becoming aware of why Hamas exists at all.

Now a decision has to be made, do I think that Hamas is the aggressor, or is it Israel ? (another colony the Brits fucked up)

And then for the kicker the US has 2, not one, but 2 carrier strike forces off the coast and 2000 personal in Israel.

Hezbollah is knocking on the door of border of Israel in the east, surrounded by Syria (who fucking hate Israe} and Lebanon which is stuck in the middle of this clusterfuck.

Then we have the 2 arch enemies to the south united together, Iran & Iraq just waiting and hoping that Israel starts something.

That would be a gift from Allah, because one way other if Israel did attack first, Iran will make Israel bleed

They probably would/will lose to Israel but Iran would seriously fuck them up in the process.

So, here the US is, stuck in this shit, where as no matter what happens, the US is going to come out the loser.

They go to war, we go to war.

And if we don't go to war, every nation in the world possibly, will still think we're just as bad as the Israelis because we back/finance them no matter what they do, and this war is a perfect example

We're going to cut off all food/medicine/electricity/water and internet to 2 million people and at the same time blow the shit out of them,
is that ok Joe?

And Joe & the USA say's, be my guest (just mail the check)


This is wonderful.

Oh, did I mention a rise attacks on Jews all over the world?

Just watch.
This is a perfect storm for the ME, in that Israel is no longer untouchable and that was proven last week with the Hamas attack.

The pity/sympathy that Israel was surrounded with last week is dissipating as rapidly as they drop bombs on & starve the inhabitants of Gaza.
Besides a wake up call for the World that never really thought or cared about Palestine, they are now becoming aware of why Hamas exists at all.

Now a decision has to be made, do I think that Hamas is the aggressor, or is it Israel ? (another colony the Brits fucked up)

And then for the kicker the US has 2, not one, but 2 carrier strike forces off the coast and 2000 personal in Israel.

Hezbollah is knocking on the door of border of Israel in the east, surrounded by Syria (who fucking hate Israe} and Lebanon which is stuck in the middle of this clusterfuck.

Then we have the 2 arch enemies to the south united together, Iran & Iraq just waiting and hoping that Israel starts something.

That would be a gift from Allah, because one way other if Israel did attack first, Iran will make Israel bleed

They probably would/will lose to Israel but Iran would seriously fuck them up in the process.

So, here the US is, stuck in this shit, where as no matter what happens, the US is going to come out the loser.

They go to war, we go to war.

And if we don't go to war, every nation in the world possibly, will still think we're just as bad as the Israelis because we back/finance them no matter what they do, and this war is a perfect example

We're going to cut off all food/medicine/electricity/water and internet to 2 million people and at the same time blow the shit out of them,
is that ok Joe?

And Joe & the USA say's, be my guest (just mail the check)


This is wonderful.

Oh, did I mention a rise attacks on Jews all over the world?

Just watch.
News of Hamas being brutal on both sides of the border does not minimize Israeli atrocities, like the “kill them all and let god sort them out” airstrikes on residential areas. Fascists do such things.

News of Israeli war (and not quite war) crimes does not minimize those perpetrated by Hamas against not only Israelis but also Gazans, like using civilians as human shields for Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Fascists do such things.
This is a perfect storm for the ME, in that Israel is no longer untouchable and that was proven last week with the Hamas attack.

The pity/sympathy that Israel was surrounded with last week is dissipating as rapidly as they drop bombs on & starve the inhabitants of Gaza.
Besides a wake up call for the World that never really thought or cared about Palestine, they are now becoming aware of why Hamas exists at all.

Now a decision has to be made, do I think that Hamas is the aggressor, or is it Israel ? (another colony the Brits fucked up)

And then for the kicker the US has 2, not one, but 2 carrier strike forces off the coast and 2000 personal in Israel.

Hezbollah is knocking on the door of border of Israel in the east, surrounded by Syria (who fucking hate Israe} and Lebanon which is stuck in the middle of this clusterfuck.

Then we have the 2 arch enemies to the south united together, Iran & Iraq just waiting and hoping that Israel starts something.

That would be a gift from Allah, because one way other if Israel did attack first, Iran will make Israel bleed

They probably would/will lose to Israel but Iran would seriously fuck them up in the process.

So, here the US is, stuck in this shit, where as no matter what happens, the US is going to come out the loser.

They go to war, we go to war.

And if we don't go to war, every nation in the world possibly, will still think we're just as bad as the Israelis because we back/finance them no matter what they do, and this war is a perfect example

We're going to cut off all food/medicine/electricity/water and internet to 2 million people and at the same time blow the shit out of them,
is that ok Joe?

And Joe & the USA say's, be my guest (just mail the check)


This is wonderful.

Oh, did I mention a rise attacks on Jews all over the world?

Just watch.
No, the US only have one carrier group in the region, the second just left the US and is expected to be in place in a month.

Exclusive: US to send 2nd aircraft carrier to eastern Mediterranean
USS Eisenhower will join the USS Ford off of Israel
ByMartha Raddatz and Luis Martinez
October 14, 2023, 6:45 PM

"The Eisenhower strike group left Norfolk, Virginia, earlier on Saturday bound for a previously scheduled deployment that would take it to the Middle East via the Mediterranean Sea where it was to participate in previously-scheduled exercises in the U.S. European Command area of responsibility."

And you do know that the US will provide the aid from their carriers?

Biden announces $100 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza and West Bank

The U.S. will send $100 million in aid for humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, President Joe Biden said on Wednesday.

“This money will support more than 1 million displaced in conflict affected Palestinians, including emergency needs in Gaza,” Biden said Wednesday during a speech in Tel Aviv.
It looks more and more like a failed PIJ rocket launch to me the preliminary evidence seems to indicate this and not Israeli weapons. Looks like the failed rocket launch from the video that fell a few hundred feet and crashed into the ground on its side.

And Israel? Who is Israel working with and being funded by AND with what purpose? To reign over the land?

Land stealing progression..
View attachment 5336927

Do you believe Israel ever had the right to take land from Palestinians forcing them out of their homes and eventually into an apartheid state where the world looks at you as "the enemy"?
No, I have said Israel is wrong taking land that was to be for the Palestinians. But then came the war of 1967 where the Arab countries tried to smug out Israel. Should Israel keep the land they captured in the war? Should there be no cost for the Arabs for attacking Israel? I think that the areas won in that war might be seen as Israel, any of the "territories" that they had taken over since then should not. But at the same time I think that the Palestinians should make peace with Israel rather than having the destruction of Israel in their charter. There will be no piece ever if Israel can not be its own state without the threat of war against it.

The Ottoman Empire held the lands for 100's of years, there was no Palestinian rule. The Palestinians were not even seen as a people,

"Under Ottoman rule, the inhabitants of Palestine were Ottoman subjects. Those persons known later as 'Palestinians', had no particular legal status under Otto- man rule. As such, a distinct 'Palestinian people' did not exist at that time. The 'Palestinians' constituted a sector of the larger 'Ottoman people'."







Seems a lot of redrawing of lines, between WWI and II.
last chance this is the third time.

We do not pick at eachother its not a debate it becomes two people going at eachother it derails the thread we do not gang up on eachother either.

put the user on ignore youre not going to change their mind (dont claim you will you never have)

under no circumstances should there be ANY graphic photos links etc here, get your war porn elsewhere.

if there is another time i have to come back here you will be

1. removed from thread
2. issued a formal warning which could very well result in banning some of you have high warning counts.
3. and or/ discouraged user feature
More information about the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza

Where were the victims taken after the explosion in the hospital?
Large numbers of injured people were brought to al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

What else do we know about the al-Ahli Arab Hospital?
The hospital is the oldest and the only Christian hospital in Gaza, according to the Jerusalem diocese’s website. It’s one of the 22 hospitals in northern Gaza struggling to respond to the recent crisis that has seen 3,300 Palestinians killed and more than 13,000 wounded as Israel has targeted residential infrastructures.

As well as running a programme for breast cancer detection, the hospital also provides “free community clinic with transportation from outlying neighbourhoods, clinic for underweight and manourished children, physical and occupational therapy”. According to reports by The Wall Street Journal, the hospital “recently got a new cancer ward with funds coming mainly from the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in Texas”. It’s currently headed by Suhaila Tarazi.

How many health facilities have been attacked so far in October?
There have been over 115 attacks on healthcare in Palestine since the start of the conflict on October 7, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). At least 20 hospitals in Gaza City and North Gaza and one hospital in Rafah have received repeated evacuation orders from the Israeli military, and 77 attacks have been documented in the West Bank, 43 of these attacks have caused physical violence to health teams.

“Gaza’s medical infrastructure has been irreparably damaged and healthcare providers are working in a dire situation with limited access to medical supplies and conditions that do not allow them to provide timely and quality healthcare,” said Tlaleng Mofokeng, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health.
I have never supported humans being murdered or give an "Okay Daddio" thumbs up to Hamas or any other party, it's sickening how they were put into a position where they had to resort to mass violence to get the world's attention.

Israel has been slowly exterminating full on families from this planet, torturing Palestinians, arresting CHILDREN, raping the land from Palestinians for 75 years is ab-so-lutely DISGUSTING TO THE HUMAN RACE!!

How does everyone feel about how those child terrorists are doing right about now? The world looking at Palestine as terrorists is just fucking stupid. Half of the civilians are children, and yet Israel is okay to murder them because "terrorists" ?? Do you agree the Palestinian civilians (that have nothing to do with Hamas) should be kept and treated as prisoners?
Yes, the government of Israel is conducting a persecution of the population for the actions of relatively few terrorists. I would characterize their actions as genocide if somebody asked.

Yes, the governing body of Hamas is supporting the actions of relatively few terrorists to commit terrorists acts on the people of Israel. Listening to their rhetoric and following the actions of the terrorists Hamas gives safe harbor to in Gaza, I would say they would commit genocide if they could.

Neither the governing body of Hamas or the government of Israel are taking meaningful actions to end this violence. It appears that both sides are using violence as a means to promote whatever it is they intend to achieve and I don't understand what that is.

I sympathize with the civilians on both sides and condemn leadership on either side for their use of this situation to further goals that have nothing to do with a peaceful resolution.

The disaster at that hospital is being used as a propaganda tool by leaders of both sides with no evidence that either side cares about the people and god damn them for that.
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Hamas only exists at all because of the treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel since 1948.

That's it

They really aren't that religious in that they hardly ever mention Allah, but instead the much more common chants are Death to Israel and Death to the Great Satan, the USA.

Yup, all over the ME and seemingly repeated all over the World right now (time to say your Canadian) is pretty much the same old schtick.

But, it's really too late for a 2 state solution I think..

Too many settlements/outposts/Jews for that anymore.

Yes, Israel will get the land they are so desperate for, but will never, ever be able to live calmly and secure again.

Deep down inside they know that no matter what they do to protect themselves, the inevitable will continue and that is death.

Someday & somewhere a Palestinian is going to try to kill me is always in their thoughts, it has to be if your a Jew in Israel

And they'd be right

And forever and ever your going to be scared.

I hope it was worth it.