Seeds? Possible hermy? Freaking out

Is what I am seeing seed pods? And possibly some boy bits? Will try get some better photos tonight of a few spots that look concerning to me. This is the only plants out of 10 that I checked so far but all of them were clones from a mother plant. Heard about stress turning plants hermy and it got me super worried lol any insight appreciated. Oh and 17 days since flip all plants where definitely female and proud before flip



Well-Known Member
Looks female to me. You get those tiny calxys right on the split. It won't turn into much you can shave it off just to be safe if you want won't be a real sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
The second pic does look like it could be a pollen sack. The others look fine. I would pluck the second one off and keep an eye out for any more.


Well-Known Member
The second photo on the left seems more like a ball sack no hairs ? You reckon looks normal?

looks normal but I would keep an eye out for BALLS and if u see them carefully remove them early

When in doubt Pluck it out
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British Gas

Active Member
It is female but if you want an insurance policy for the future pick up flower dragon if you are in Canada/USA or optic foliar switch if you are anywhere els. Spray on day 7 and day 17 you won’t get herms


Well-Known Member
It is female but if you want an insurance policy for the future pick up flower dragon if you are in Canada/USA or optic foliar switch if you are anywhere els. Spray on day 7 and day 17 you won’t get herms
There's nothing you can spray on plants to prevent hermies. It's a genetic thing.