

Well-Known Member

We might be in for some interesting times.

All Ukraine has to do when they fight the Russians to the border and develop their own long-range missiles, is take out the Russian rail bridges leading into the Caucuses to create a world of hurt for Vlad. He would lose a half dozen republics there in an instant and be unable to stir up shit in the region. Even his summer home at Sochi would be cut off by rail and so would Rostov. Take the rail bridges out as far east as the border with Kazakhstan. That should keep Vlad and his remaining army busy for a spell while the rest of it gets the shit beat out of it trying to stay inside Ukraine's borders.

I'm not sure if F16s could deal with the missile attacks, maybe with an integrated air defense system, the radars at least. All the more reason to sink the Black Sea fleet or as much of it as they can and cut off Crimea so they can't operate from there.


Well-Known Member
The Ukrainians have broken through many of the Russian defenses and minefields and are widening the penetration to gain maneuver options and roll up the Russian flanks, cutting those at the front off on either side. Now the superior equipment, training and motivation of the Ukrainians will come into play and increase the further they go. They have a much better military culture with NCOs the master tradesmen of war and a better more flexible tactical doctrine that costs them far fewer lives and depends on the initiative of the troops. Tactics, maneuver, equipment and training will come more into play as the battlefield opens up and the Ukrainians are much better at all of them. Drones will have to do for close tactical air support and reconnaissance and AA defenses will have to deal with Russian air attacks. As the battlefield opens up more, the Ukrainians might bring a BULK or S300 AA system forward into their zone of increasing control and "ambush" some Russian planes.

25 Sep: RELENTLESS! Ukrainians TAKE BY STORM 2 TOWNS SIMULTANEOUSLY | War in Ukraine Explained


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Nato battlegroup in Latvia learning from Ukraine for future conflicts

1,502 views Sep 26, 2023 #forcesnews #nato #latvia
The Nato battlegroup in Latvia has become "laser-focused" on developing conventional tactics, the commander of the fighting force has told Forces News.

Canadian troops are leading the multinational battlegroup stationed in the country as part of Nato's enhanced Forward Presence programme, with more than 1,000 soldiers and their vehicles being deployed to deter any potential hostilities from neighbouring Russia.


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Putin's Fleet could be forced out of Crimea as command suspected of turning on itself | Ben Hodges

19,074 views Sep 26, 2023 Frontline | The War in Ukraine and Global Security
"Their air defence is not properly coordinated or very effective in Crimea...Russia cannot actually defend this place."

Ukraine will make Crimea untenable and force Putin's Black Sea Fleet out of Sevastopol if Russian air defences don't improve, says Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges.


Well-Known Member
Russia cannot sustain this level of losses and I think the Ukrainian loses are a fraction of the Russians, even when attacking. If they are waiting for the election they will have to wait until Jan 20th, 2025 and Joe will make sure the Russians lose and their military is destroyed before the November election of 24, so will the allies. If they are depending on Trump, then like a lot of Americans they will be disappointed, it will be interesting to see their reaction if he is disqualified this December, will they pack up and leave Ukraine with all hope lost? I think Trump is the only one among the republicans they can depend on, because they own him. After Trump goes away and a magat manages to get elected, the talk on Ukraine was just to con the base and the policy would be quietly continued. I don't think too many in the GOP who are speaking against Ukraine, care about the issue, it was just to appease and please Trump.



Ursus marijanus
Russia cannot sustain this level of losses and I think the Ukrainian loses are a fraction of the Russians, even when attacking. If they are waiting for the election they will have to wait until Jan 20th, 2025 and Joe will make sure the Russians lose and their military is destroyed before the November election of 24, so will the allies. If they are depending on Trump, then like a lot of Americans they will be disappointed, it will be interesting to see their reaction if he is disqualified this December, will they pack up and leave Ukraine with all hope lost? I think Trump is the only one among the republicans they can depend on, because they own him. After Trump goes away and a magat manages to get elected, the talk on Ukraine was just to con the base and the policy would be quietly continued. I don't think too many in the GOP who are speaking against Ukraine, care about the issue, it was just to appease and please Trump.

to the bolded: if Congress decides otherwise, the executive branch cannot swing this.

Even with the Biden administration not severely obstructed, this is one of those “how much do you wanna bet on it?” situations.

The Russians have been on the edge of collapse for a very long time. So I place a great deal more value on “did happen” than “will/might happen”.

So far, none of the bold predictions of Russia’s collapse or defeat are in the “happened” column.


Well-Known Member
to the bolded: if Congress decides otherwise, the executive branch cannot swing this.

Even with the Biden administration not severely obstructed, this is one of those “how much do you wanna bet on it?” situations.

The Russians have been on the edge of collapse for a very long time. So I place a great deal more value on “did happen” than “will/might happen”.

So far, none of the bold predictions of Russia’s collapse or defeat are in the “happened” column.
Joe can use seized Russian money and he can declare Russia a terrorist state and get a lot more cash, a whole lot more. However, there are a ton of tricks he can use in the meantime to make sure Vlad loses. Funding has been set aside for years of support and as Russia grows weaker militarily, less will be required. The GOP is divided right down the middle on this issue, so much so even Lindsey Grahm found the spine to oppose Trump on it. Joe is not gonna let Vlad win in Ukraine and half the republicans support him on this and ATACAMS with permission to take out Russian rail bridges inside Russia will end it fast, and republicans say they want them delivered too and were lobbying for it. Then there are the F16s arriving soon, Joe will destroy Vlad on the cheap, with one arm tied behind his back.


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Ukraine frontline: Soldiers strap DIY bombs to commercial drones | BBC Newsnight

43,729 views Sep 26, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #BBCNews
On the Ukraine war’s eastern front, one Ukrainian unit has granted the BBC rare access to life on the frontline.

The BBC follows the 24th Mechanised Brigade as it straps DIY bombs to commercial drones, positioned just metres from the enemy.

Here, soldiers must be well-camouflaged as they are hunted by the Russians.