I'm not sure how long ago this occurred, but I just visited my favourite strain source this past week, www.peakseedsbc.com and was devestated to see that the website has been shut down! Not only that, but any and all email addresses associated with the domain are also no longer functional, telling me that this is likely not a technical issue with the website, but a full on company shut down. :( Mike J. seems to have closed up shop. Maybe this isn't new news and others have been aware of this for a while now, but I just realized it now!

If anyone can help me get in touch with Mike J from peak, please let me know. If anyone has any extra peak seeds laying around that they wouldn't mind selling / trading, please let me know. (keep in mind I'm really only interested in the blueberry, northern lights, skunk, and the corresponding crosses). I really hope to hear from someone regarding this issue asap as I really feel like I might have already missed the boat!!!!

I've been ordering seeds from this guy for almost the entire time that I've been growing, and looking back on archive.org (the way back machine), I now realize that I've been ordering from him for pretty much his website's entire lifespan. www.peakseedsbc.com started in 2007 and I'm pretty sure my first order from the site was in 2008.

Anyways, I've been growing his genetics pretty much every year since then, give or take a couple years where I was too busy working and was unable to grow. I've always been a strictly outdoor grower, only growing indoors to give my plants a head start for putting outdoors and for creating clones for planting outdoors. I live in Ontario, Canada. The main genetics he sold (blueberry, skunk, and northern lights, and the crosses between the 3) all worked phenomenally for me in my climate. Specifically Northern Skunk and Skunk Berry were always hands down winners for me. They always stood up to at least a couple of frosts without much issues, and were very mold and mildew resistant compared to most every other strain claiming to be 'outdoor strains'. The skunkberry specifically was excellent for producing customer favorite purple nugs with a great stone and a great flavor profile. The northern lights x skunk seemed to be one of the better yielding strains for m`e, although it did take a little longer to finish flowering. As if almost done on purpose, to make up for the longer flowering time, it seemed to be the most resistant to frost, mold, and mildew, allowing it to be left out there to finish properly.

Anyways, what I'm getting at with this thread is that I would love to know how to contact 'Mike J' from peakseedsbc. I've searched around and have seen that he has an account on rolllitup.org, but I'm not sure if he still posts with it or not. I haven't done too much searching thus far, but the most recent post of his that I have come across so far has been in 2021 which is concerning. Again though, I still have more threads to go through and more searches to conduct.

I would like to get my hands on a couple packs of blueberry, northern lights, and sweet skunk so that I can flower out males and females together and produce for myself a few hundred of all the original varieties before they are completely lost to time.. I've been growing these genetics for so long and I really don't want to switch to growing anything else. At this point in time I'm now 40 years old. I really enjoy the high I get from these 3 strains and the combinations of them all when crossed with each other. There are always different phenos that show up as well which is always great to discover from time to time.

I currently have a full 10 pack of northern skunk, a 10 pack of sweet skunk, and 5 seeds of skunk berry. My plan is to grow out males and females of each of these strains separately, turning those 10 and 5 packs into a few hundred of each instead, as to buy myself another 5 -10 years before having to repeat the process (depending on how well they store)

Thanks for your time~!~!~!
Care to fill me on up and in please??? Seriously I'm missing a couple strains that I really would like to continue growing for the foreseeable future if I could. Thankfully I do still have a half dozen skunkberry seeds, a 10 pack of northern skunk, and a 10 pack of sweet skunk which I think are the top 3 of the lineup.. so if it comes down to it, I can utilize these if need be to produce a lifetime supply of seeds for myself, kris-kross gonna make me jumping them with each other in order to get some phenotypes which should end up resembling northern lights and blueberry. I always found the pure blueberry difficult to grow and I never grew it outdoors.

Anyhow... Somebody wanna fill me in? I get the sense there is some drama that went down concerning peakseeds and Mike J??? Let a brotha kno whatup!
I'm not sure how long ago this occurred, but I just visited my favourite strain source this past week, www.peakseedsbc.com and was devestated to see that the website has been shut down! Not only that, but any and all email addresses associated with the domain are also no longer functional, telling me that this is likely not a technical issue with the website, but a full on company shut down. :( Mike J. seems to have closed up shop. Maybe this isn't new news and others have been aware of this for a while now, but I just realized it now!

If anyone can help me get in touch with Mike J from peak, please let me know. If anyone has any extra peak seeds laying around that they wouldn't mind selling / trading, please let me know. (keep in mind I'm really only interested in the blueberry, northern lights, skunk, and the corresponding crosses). I really hope to hear from someone regarding this issue asap as I really feel like I might have already missed the boat!!!!

I've been ordering seeds from this guy for almost the entire time that I've been growing, and looking back on archive.org (the way back machine), I now realize that I've been ordering from him for pretty much his website's entire lifespan. www.peakseedsbc.com started in 2007 and I'm pretty sure my first order from the site was in 2008.

Anyways, I've been growing his genetics pretty much every year since then, give or take a couple years where I was too busy working and was unable to grow. I've always been a strictly outdoor grower, only growing indoors to give my plants a head start for putting outdoors and for creating clones for planting outdoors. I live in Ontario, Canada. The main genetics he sold (blueberry, skunk, and northern lights, and the crosses between the 3) all worked phenomenally for me in my climate. Specifically Northern Skunk and Skunk Berry were always hands down winners for me. They always stood up to at least a couple of frosts without much issues, and were very mold and mildew resistant compared to most every other strain claiming to be 'outdoor strains'. The skunkberry specifically was excellent for producing customer favorite purple nugs with a great stone and a great flavor profile. The northern lights x skunk seemed to be one of the better yielding strains for m`e, although it did take a little longer to finish flowering. As if almost done on purpose, to make up for the longer flowering time, it seemed to be the most resistant to frost, mold, and mildew, allowing it to be left out there to finish properly.

Anyways, what I'm getting at with this thread is that I would love to know how to contact 'Mike J' from peakseedsbc. I've searched around and have seen that he has an account on rolllitup.org, but I'm not sure if he still posts with it or not. I haven't done too much searching thus far, but the most recent post of his that I have come across so far has been in 2021 which is concerning. Again though, I still have more threads to go through and more searches to conduct.

I would like to get my hands on a couple packs of blueberry, northern lights, and sweet skunk so that I can flower out males and females together and produce for myself a few hundred of all the original varieties before they are completely lost to time.. I've been growing these genetics for so long and I really don't want to switch to growing anything else. At this point in time I'm now 40 years old. I really enjoy the high I get from these 3 strains and the combinations of them all when crossed with each other. There are always different phenos that show up as well which is always great to discover from time to time.

I currently have a full 10 pack of northern skunk, a 10 pack of sweet skunk, and 5 seeds of skunk berry. My plan is to grow out males and females of each of these strains separately, turning those 10 and 5 packs into a few hundred of each instead, as to buy myself another 5 -10 years before having to repeat the process (depending on how well they store)

Thanks for your time~!~!~!
Mike went legit back in April or May of 2022. His company is now called Far West Genetics. He won’t be selling any more seeds, no need to try. Welcome to the shock we all felt lol. There are several Peaks threads already discussing it.

Your best bet is to find some folks who preserved his IBL's and see about procuring from one of them. I currently have a Sweet Skunk preservation run going thanks to @Rozgreenburn and his skills. Hopefully I’ll also get to the Northern Lights and Cinderella 99. Unfortunately I’m not holding the Blueberry, so that one I can’t preserve. Once you get all the IBL's, you can make your own f1 crosses.
Mike went legit back in April or May of 2022. His company is now called Far West Genetics. He won’t be selling any more seeds, no need to try. Welcome to the shock we all felt lol. There are several Peaks threads already discussing it.

Your best bet is to find some folks who preserved his IBL's and see about procuring from one of them. I currently have a Sweet Skunk preservation run going thanks to @Rozgreenburn and his skills. Hopefully I’ll also get to the Northern Lights and Cinderella 99. Unfortunately I’m not holding the Blueberry, so that one I can’t preserve. Once you get all the IBL's, you can make your own f1 crosses.

Hey Hitch.. I've got the northern lights x C99 if interested in trading. I've got an unbusted 10 pack of sweet skunk that I intend on breeding with itself to produce a few hundred or so sweet skunk replicas. I'll probably run 6 of the 10 seeds (so keeping 4 of the originals), probably getting 3 fems and 3 males, who knows tho.. all I need is at least 1 male but its better if I get equal males and females to preserve genetic diversity, correct?

As for my skunkberry seeds.. I've only got 5, so I really need to play it safe with them. I'm not gonna pop them all in the same grow. I'll probably do 3 of the 5 and hope for a male. If I get all females, I won't put them into flower and I'll pop the last 2. if these also turn out female (very unlikely but you never know) then I would probably take an original sweet skunk seed or 2, and a few from my self created batch of sweet skunk seeds, and hopefully finally get a male. I would pollinate everything with this, making for the offspring of the skunkberry fems skunkberry x skunk

Also.. What mean by the IBL strains?? My guess is Northern Lights, Blueberry, and Sweet Skunk.. yea? But what does IBL stand for? Irritable bowel and lips?
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So I don’t have any Peaks to trade right now. The Sweet Skunk are currently being preserved. The NL and C99 I need to hold on to until they can be preserved. Maybe reach out at this time next year.

IBL means Inbred line. You are correct Sweet Skunk, Blueberry, Cinderella 99 and Northern Lights were the four he sold seeds of.

Cant speak to Canadian legalities, but all the seeds he sent to the US were certainly grey market.
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seeds and seed sales have always been legal here in canada. How do you suggest I treat my sweet skunk originals to preserve the genes for myself? I'm guessing a straight germination of all 10 seeds and letting the males impregnate the fems wouldn't exactly give me perfect sweet skunk seeds in the offspring, right?

I think it would be moreso the case if I were to do that with the Skunkberry seeds I've got since they are F1's, correct?
Several years ago I crossed Peak Seeds' Northern lights with Blueberry and have been growing and producing this strain since then. I have about 100 seeds left and can produce more if anyone is interested. My favorite product is NL/BB x Death Bubba. I also really like Lucky13 Grand Daddy Purple. I have produced these strains for my own purpose because they are amazing. I can produce more if there is interest.
Hi gear is still available. It's just limited to licensed Canadians. If you can network with some Canadian growers you may still have access.
So whats the deal i take it in canada you need to be licensed to buy or import seeds or what? I thought everyone was allowed to grow just with the medical thing it gave you the allowance of higher plant numbers etc ?
seeds and seed sales have always been legal here in canada. How do you suggest I treat my sweet skunk originals to preserve the genes for myself? I'm guessing a straight germination of all 10 seeds and letting the males impregnate the fems wouldn't exactly give me perfect sweet skunk seeds in the offspring, right?

I think it would be moreso the case if I were to do that with the Skunkberry seeds I've got since they are F1's, correct?

Seeds were technically legal up here as souvenirs before the Cannabis Act (legalization) in 2018. Selling them as a business was never legal, it was always 'gray' area.

After legalization all seeds are now considered cannabis and importation, sale, etc of them without a Health Canada licensed operation and through legal distribution channels is VERY illegal (although rarely if ever enforced).

As for your question about preserving your seeds. Open pollination will best preserve the biggest 'picture' of the genetics.

Pollenate all of the females with all of the males. Now you have captured all of the genetics you have available.

After that you can start growing seeds from your favourite of the females and doing selections from there if you want to refine the line to your liking.

If you make F2s from your Skunkberry seeds the offspring will be pretty all over the place and less uniform than the F1. That could be a good thing depending on your goals
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Seeds were technically legal up here as souvenirs before the Cannabis Act (legalization) in 2018. Selling them as a business was never legal, it was always 'gray' area.

After legalization all seeds are now considered cannabis and importation, sale, etc of them without a Health Canada licensed operation and through legal distribution channels is VERY illegal.

As for your question about preserving your seeds. Open pollination will best preserve the biggest 'picture' of the genetics.

Pollenate all of the females with all of the males. Now you have captured all of the genetics you have available.

After that you can start growing seeds from your favourite of the females and doing selections from there if you want to refine the line to your liking.

If you make F2s from your Skunkberry seeds the offspring will be pretty all over the place and less uniform than the F1. That could be a good thing depending on your goals
Now that's a damn fine first post here on RIU!

I'm pretty sure Mark Emery would feel selling seeds wasn't a gray area in 2005. ;)
I'm not sure how long ago this occurred, but I just visited my favourite strain source this past week, www.peakseedsbc.com and was devestated to see that the website has been shut down! Not only that, but any and all email addresses associated with the domain are also no longer functional, telling me that this is likely not a technical issue with the website, but a full on company shut down. :( Mike J. seems to have closed up shop. Maybe this isn't new news and others have been aware of this for a while now, but I just realized it now!

If anyone can help me get in touch with Mike J from peak, please let me know. If anyone has any extra peak seeds laying around that they wouldn't mind selling / trading, please let me know. (keep in mind I'm really only interested in the blueberry, northern lights, skunk, and the corresponding crosses). I really hope to hear from someone regarding this issue asap as I really feel like I might have already missed the boat!!!!

I've been ordering seeds from this guy for almost the entire time that I've been growing, and looking back on archive.org (the way back machine), I now realize that I've been ordering from him for pretty much his website's entire lifespan. www.peakseedsbc.com started in 2007 and I'm pretty sure my first order from the site was in 2008.

Anyways, I've been growing his genetics pretty much every year since then, give or take a couple years where I was too busy working and was unable to grow. I've always been a strictly outdoor grower, only growing indoors to give my plants a head start for putting outdoors and for creating clones for planting outdoors. I live in Ontario, Canada. The main genetics he sold (blueberry, skunk, and northern lights, and the crosses between the 3) all worked phenomenally for me in my climate. Specifically Northern Skunk and Skunk Berry were always hands down winners for me. They always stood up to at least a couple of frosts without much issues, and were very mold and mildew resistant compared to most every other strain claiming to be 'outdoor strains'. The skunkberry specifically was excellent for producing customer favorite purple nugs with a great stone and a great flavor profile. The northern lights x skunk seemed to be one of the better yielding strains for m`e, although it did take a little longer to finish flowering. As if almost done on purpose, to make up for the longer flowering time, it seemed to be the most resistant to frost, mold, and mildew, allowing it to be left out there to finish properly.

Anyways, what I'm getting at with this thread is that I would love to know how to contact 'Mike J' from peakseedsbc. I've searched around and have seen that he has an account on rolllitup.org, but I'm not sure if he still posts with it or not. I haven't done too much searching thus far, but the most recent post of his that I have come across so far has been in 2021 which is concerning. Again though, I still have more threads to go through and more searches to conduct.

I would like to get my hands on a couple packs of blueberry, northern lights, and sweet skunk so that I can flower out males and females together and produce for myself a few hundred of all the original varieties before they are completely lost to time.. I've been growing these genetics for so long and I really don't want to switch to growing anything else. At this point in time I'm now 40 years old. I really enjoy the high I get from these 3 strains and the combinations of them all when crossed with each other. There are always different phenos that show up as well which is always great to discover from time to time.

I currently have a full 10 pack of northern skunk, a 10 pack of sweet skunk, and 5 seeds of skunk berry. My plan is to grow out males and females of each of these strains separately, turning those 10 and 5 packs into a few hundred of each instead, as to buy myself another 5 -10 years before having to repeat the process (depending on how well they store)

Thanks for your time~!~!~!
For British Columbia folk BCCS just released 3 peak strains in seed form. They have Blueberry, sweet skunk and grapefruit experience (grapefruit x c99). Five regular seeds a pack at 25$

So they are reproducing MikeJ's work AND selling at a higher price then he ever did . Sounds about right for the joke that is weed seed sales in 2024.
Nice to see chuckers cashing in on an actual breeders hard work.............

Cheers :)
So they are reproducing MikeJ's work AND selling at a higher price then he ever did . Sounds about right for the joke that is weed seed sales in 2024.
Nice to see chuckers cashing in on an actual breeders hard work.............

Cheers :)
Really eh? If that's the case I certainly won't be supporting this company. I was under the impression Mike was working or collaborating with them.
Hope this isn't true.
I'm lucky I stocked up on everything before he stopped selling seeds.