Blaze & Daze

I sold high end mens clothing as a part time job while I was in school. One thing I learned is men cannot dress themselves.

Sorry fellas but it’s true
I noticed the other day that there is an official retired guy uniform. Shorts, tee shirt and sandals or tennis shoes. When we went out to dinner the other night it was almost comical how similarly we were all dressed. Yep we are incapable of dressing ourselves and have given up.
I know if you roll that around just a little it will 3d right back up ;D

Y’all discriminate against flat joints or something? I’m sure it smokes just fine flattened…lol

Mostly rectangular now, and the added hash kind of compressed it really good.
It was bit rough to get going, I think it had a couple holes. Really blotto now, hope I don't loose it again!