Blaze & Daze

We went out for pizza tonight. It was Sonoran style restaurant week. A local place was participating, you got a wood fired pizza, desert and 2 drinks for 25 bucks. Best of all no dishes and a beautiful view of the Santa Catalina mountains while we dined.
Here's a picture from the course we played this weekend with our friend Marty and a spectator.

Rain and 50°s today.

Happy Monday......
I hope you folks don't mind an instrumental laden 3:35 video of the outdoor babes today - cause video shows the bulking up better than any stills could. And I figured how to remove audio from a recording and overlay the instrumental using my video editor. Replacing audio was not explained in their HELP tutorial so it was lots of trial and error. And at first, mostly error.

We've got a little yellowing on some of the bottom fans but nothing horrid. I've got me some big appetites to manage.

Oct 18th they are scheduled for chop.