hello, im not sure what to do with my outdoor plants as some of the nugs seem to have mold starting to grow on it. its my first grow and im terrified it will all be ruined and for nothing. what should i do please help. thanks
He said outdoors, not much you can do with RH outside but I suppose you could put a fan on it.No need to be terrified just learn from it and carry on. Your RH must be too high you'll want to monitor it with a hygrometer. You want your RH between 40% and 60% during flower. Also one or two small fans to move the air around.
some strains are not ment to be grown outside, you want a tried and tested outdoor strain. look in the gorilla growing section and see which strains did best outdoorsi ended up cutting out all the moldy parts and just chopped it down and hung it so hopefully it wont be a complete waste
Yikes, how did I miss that?He said outdoors, not much you can do with RH outside but I suppose you could put a fan on it.
Arber also makes a great biofungicide and is available in most walmarts or even cheaper on ebay. Works great for PM too.If you use "Tricoderme" (it's a microbe) this help prevent root rot - This is found in all microbical additives (stump Tea, Miicrobial Mass, Great White, ect_