• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What is corporate fascisim


New Member
I was not saying that I was bitching about the price of a steak, I was saying that the only prices that would go up would be in the service industry such as restaurants... Go back and read very carefully.
Dank, I was talkin to ViRedd, I usually have no conflict with your views, as Vi says, God it's nice to see your posts, and if he's as rich as he acts, then let the ---hole pay and quit bitchin> I'm beginning to think he's a big phony anyway and just likes to stir the shit. I've been posting here for a couple of weeks, and he always picks one line out of my entire post to rant on me with. He puts everything I try and say into a box, labels it, and proceeds to try and tear it down> He wants to let the Government round up citizens by labeling them so his commute won't ever see another human feces, geeze is this guy confused ,or what. Libertarian, only for himself and fuck everyone else!


Well-Known Member
Good night med, I just finished a can of pringles and a glass of milk, I'm going to bed... Peace bro I'm out.


Well-Known Member
Not to pee on anybody's parade, but the whole idea of "corporate fascism" is retarded. You have to redefine the meaning of "fascism" to even start talking about it. In reading the thread, all I see in the whole argument is regurgitated and reheated Marxist class envy "poor proletariat" bullshit... which is no problem, really, if that's what you wanna believe. Be as mad at the corporations and at rich people as you want... but don't expect me to buy into the idea just because it's wearing a new dress.

BTW, the definition of Fascism as it has been commonly accepted for years is linked below.

Definition of fascism - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


New Member
BTW, the definition of Fascism as it has been commonly accepted for years is linked below.

Definition of fascism - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
That might have been the definition before Bush-Cheney, but they took it to a new level. With the corporate giveaways they have instituted, the corporations are virtually running the govt, and that is the new definition of corporate fascism as postulated in many sited on the web!


Well-Known Member
Danky, whether you want to admit it or not, our Government has been bought out by the corporations over the past 6 years. With the sweetheart deals that the “Drug Companies” have gotten with the Medicare part “D” deal, Subsidies that “Big Oil” has gotten in a year with record profits, taking away bankruptcy protections in favor of credit corporations (which I will remind you are still allowed to set predatory interest rates), this list goes on and on.
With the loopholes that are in the McCain – Feingold campaign finance reform bill (called 527’s) has given corporations a way to influence elections by the sheer amounts of monies that candidates are allowed to collect through dummy special interest groups.
Here are some links that you may find interesting:
WhiteHouseForSale.org | Understand This Issue | U.S. Supreme Court Upholds the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Law
When these people are elected to office they are beholding to these corporations, and thus have to pass laws that are in favor of the of the corporations, leaving the people (the Voters) holding the bag. Please take your right wing hat off for a second and put on your common sense hat.


Active Member
Sounds like a lot of "both" "and" arguments here... Not possible to be absolutely clear on the definitions they do take new forms... But, In my humble opinion, I do not see that big blues or corporate America are some kind of super-governmental hybrid monster out of control and set loose amongst the entire globe to inflict suffering and torture smaller nations or form a new world order or any of this line of thought. To me that sounds like an excuse to be completely paranoid or/and guilty and/or helpless about what we don't believe we have the power to currently change... I do believe however that we have been and are being hemmed in by some kind of socialism and fascism at the same time. In the presence of competition both systems end in tyranny as does the capitalist system unless the size and scope of government can be kept in check either through oversight or more preferably the acquiring of good leaders with a decent understanding and a reasonable amount of goodwill towards their fellow man. (by the way, we as Americans are not facing anything like what other governments have forced upon and subjected their citizens with, all we have to do is change our minds and begin to act accordingly...)
The government in our system, if freedom is central, is not supposed to be anything like a corporation it is supposed to be a government! One of the worst actions our government can take is its ability to "acquire" from one entity and give to another entity. Socially this happens and economically also!!!! This is not supposed to be their modus operandi and it needs to be stopped in order for any viable future to proceed and so that first America and then the WORLD can begin to couple things together so that they really work. I could be wrong though...


New Member
Sounds like a lot of "both" "and" arguments here... Not possible to be absolutely clear on the definitions they do take new forms... But, In my humble opinion, I do not see that big blues or corporate America are some kind of super-governmental hybrid monster out of control and set loose amongst the entire globe to inflict suffering and torture smaller nations or form a new world order or any of this line of thought. To me that sounds like an excuse to be completely paranoid or/and guilty and/or helpless about what we don't believe we have the power to currently change... I do believe however that we have been and are being hemmed in by some kind of socialism and fascism at the same time. In the presence of competition both systems end in tyranny as does the capitalist system unless the size and scope of government can be kept in check either through oversight or more preferably the acquiring of good leaders with a decent understanding and a reasonable amount of goodwill towards their fellow man. (by the way, we as Americans are not facing anything like what other governments have forced upon and subjected their citizens with, all we have to do is change our minds and begin to act accordingly...)
The government in our system, if freedom is central, is not supposed to be anything like a corporation it is supposed to be a government! One of the worst actions our government can take is its ability to "acquire" from one entity and give to another entity. Socially this happens and economically also!!!! This is not supposed to be their modus operandi and it needs to be stopped in order for any viable future to proceed and so that first America and then the WORLD can begin to couple things together so that they really work. I could be wrong though...
Well I won't say you're wrong as this is an opinion forum, although I'll argue the take and give part. A governments duty is, as has been said on this forum, to protect and provide for the welfare of it's citizens. That might mean taking some from the more well off and giving to the less well off or as some have inferred, transferance of wealth. In my estimation, a country should be judged on how they treat the least of their citizens, not the rich! As far as the corporate fascist thing, you must read more enlightening materials to be informed!


New Member
A governments duty is, as has been said on this forum, to protect and provide for the welfare of it's citizens.

Med ...

Would you please show us the part of the Constitution that gives the federal government the power to PROVIDE for the welfare of the citizens?

"As far as the corporate fascist thing, you must read more enlightening materials to be informed!"

I believe that when you pass out due to reading fatigue from trying to find the clause in the Constitution that gives the federal government the power to "provide" for the welfare of the citizens, you might just change your mind on whom, exactly is the misinformed person in this thread.



New Member
A governments duty is, as has been said on this forum, to protect and provide for the welfare of it's citizens.

Med ...

Would you please show us the part of the Constitution that gives the federal government the power to PROVIDE for the welfare of the citizens?

"As far as the corporate fascist thing, you must read more enlightening materials to be informed!"

I believe that when you pass out due to reading fatigue from trying to find the clause in the Constitution that gives the federal government the power to "provide" for the welfare of the citizens, you might just change your mind on whom, exactly is the misinformed person in this thread.

FUCK YOU VI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Med, please do not let it degenerate into a Fuck You / No Fuck You.
Dank, when he dissed my mentaly disabled son, and called those unfortunate souls crazy and they should be locked up, He crossed the line, from this moment forward the only answer to any post by that pompous ass will be Fuck You! His mentality does not deserve better! My poor son fights demons every day that any normal person can not imagine and to lable him and disrespect my motives in that post was despicable. That shows what a truly disturbed asshole he really is! May he roast in hell!


Well-Known Member
Yes I see what you are saying, but you do not have to lower yourself to that... Dude, I also have Mentally Disabled (retarded) child, don't get yourself so worked up, you make a better arguement when you have a clear head.


New Member
Yes I see what you are saying, but you do not have to lower yourself to that... Dude, I also have Mentally Disabled (retarded) child, don't get yourself so worked up, you make a better arguement when you have a clear head.
I guess I'm getting tired of argueing with a brickhead. It's not like I'll change any minds, It's just like raging against the machine. No matter what or how I post things, the asshole tears it down just to spite me. I guess I don't have the interest any more, Besides my wifes been bitchin about all the time I spend on line instead of being with her, It has kinda been my escape from the grandkids I'm raising, as you might know at my age a 4 and 6 year old take a toll on you, so I think I'll pass this up for a while. No more argueing with mr. know it all. If I post I'll ignore his comments! I would have thought there would have been more liberals on a pot site but I guess the Nazis have invaded! Keep them honest Dank, you know they're a bunch of lying A-holes!


Well-Known Member
Vi is a funny guy, He is not going to abandon his basic principles but you would be suprised that he does learn a lot form facts that are presented.
But I also know that when he get's your goat he sets back in his chair and giggles like a school girl. Kind of like an old friend of ours, Preservationdude, (R.I.P)


New Member
Med ...

How did I "diss" your son? I commended you for taking personal responsibility for his care. How did you read disrespect into that?



Well-Known Member
Danky, whether you want to admit it or not, our Government has been bought out by the corporations over the past 6 years. hat.
Dude, I wasn't trying to say that any of that isn't true, of course I understand that rich people have a bigger say in what goes on politically than poor people. I was only beefing with the way the word was defined. (Though I wouldn't agree that the problem started "in the last six years", that's just goofy.) The idea that rich people get to run shit is hardly new. They get better health care, better cars, and their girlfriends often have way bigger tits than my girlfriend. Been that way since they created money. Before that, it was the most aggressive male with the biggest cock that got all the cool shit. I like it better this way, as I'm not really all that aggressive, and my dick is kinda small.


New Member
Dude, (Though I wouldn't agree that the problem started "in the last six years", that's just goofy.) The idea that rich people get to run shit is hardly new.
I will agree With the Idea that rich people get to run shit is not a new proposition. I'll just say this: the situation has accelerated beyond control with the Bushies. I don't have a clue what your economic status is and don't care. It just seems that if you take the Bush position you have to be either Rich or stupid, or maybe a scairdycat that believes all the bull the Bush regime tries to lay on us. I'm only making a rational observation from the type of posting you do, sort of like being called a communist from my postings! Have you seen any al Queda guys walking down your street, would there be some if Al Gore was president? I think the answer is a resounding No to both, and the "threat level" would certainly be less if we hadn't invaded Iraq! If we took the money being spent on the war and protected our borders and ports, our nuclear and chemical sites etc., I certainly would feel a lot safer. I don't think Bushs' idea of a jeffersonian democratic Iraq was ever a viable solution to terrorism, in fact quite the opposite. He opened Pandoras Box. The only solution for the US, is to GTFO! You can't force Democracy at the barrel of a gun.


New Member
"Bushs' idea of a jeffersonian democratic Iraq ..."

Bush wouldn't know anything Jeffersonian if it hit him in the face. And, the government being formed in Iraq isn't anything close to being Jeffersonian either.



Well-Known Member
I don't have a clue what your economic status is and don't care. It just seems that if you take the Bush position you have to be either Rich or stupid, Have you seen any al Queda guys walking down your street, would there be some if Al Gore was president? You can't force Democracy at the barrel of a gun.
My average income is 30,000 a year... so I guess I'm just stupid.:neutral:

I did not vote for Bush. I do not like Bush. I do not think it was a good idea to go into Iraq, and I certainly think the war has been ill-fought and mismanaged.

The thing is, I think that that making Bush the focus of hate and derision is a distraction, and completely misses the point. I sincerely believe, as I have stated before, that we would be in much the same situation as we are right now if Gore were president. We would be in iraq, the Dems would be saying we are there for human rights, and the Reps would be calling it a meals on wheels program. The only thing that might be a little different is we might have had a little more support from other countries, as Bush is a horrible diplomat (but even that is somewhat doubtful, as Saddam was paying off so many in the U.N.).

Point being, there is no difference between the two parties that is significant enough to matter.

You and I don't disagree that much on Bush, we just butt heads when it comes to fiscal shit. Which I guess we will continue to do.