Thrips? Or something else?

Here are some pictures checks the girls this afternoon and noticed this it’s only on a couple leafs on a couple plants, was leaning towards thrips but know I’m thinking deficiencies somewhere any help is greatly appreciated !



Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures checks the girls this afternoon and noticed this it’s only on a couple leafs on a couple plants, was leaning towards thrips but know I’m thinking deficiencies somewhere any help is greatly appreciated !
Check the underside you can usually see thrips without using a loupe they're active so they move around check all over the plant


Well-Known Member
Had a quick look under the leafs and nothing there that I noticed, so you think the damage looks bug inflicted?
Yh the yellow spots look like thrip damage but if you carn see them could be another issue I've had thrips twice and when turning to the underside of the leaf you can see them moving around easily without a loupe I've only every used the loupe to magnify and confirm them as thrips