Blaze & Daze

The AC Infinity controllers do look pretty amazing. In fact all their stuff does, with reasonable prices. I really like their tents too.

I'm a big fan! they have a few bugs and the automatic fan control settings is not intuitive at all. Programming schedules is straight forward. I would have used a UIS plug for my pump but one minute is the smallest increment.

I would love for them to go wireless. It's kind of annoying having a power cable and control cable for each device.
@curious2garden got me interested in the pulse pro. If I wasn't poor I'd get one.

How many new doodads have you gotten the last month? I'm living my shopping dreams through your posts, lol
Too many! I freaking changed just about everything.

My housemate is the worst though...He is straight up going to be a hoarder!! Delivery trucks are here every day! He's on my Amazon acct., and when I told him I was thinking of cancelling last month he almost

We have an agreement...I have him on my Amazon acct, and he has me on his Netflix, which they both allow. We're both cheap!! :lol:
Who knows about dimmers? Freaking' foxtails!!

My Progro1800 didn't come with a dimmer. It was an option and I figured I'd be running it full bore. It's wayyyy to powerful for a tent though at full bore.

I have another LED light, only half it's size @ 300 watts, but it does have a dimmer and daisy chain capability for the dimmer.

It looks like I could dim the bigger light through the smaller light. And those 2 would be more than enough for my 4 x 8

Whataya think??
That sucks do you have plants outside?
I do but by the time it gets here it will have lost it's punch. We might get some showers. It will be a tropical storm by the time it hits the state, first one since 1939. The Mojave gets impassable when there is a lot of rain, I about got stuck in my Jeep Cherokee after a thunderstorm down there, the desert tried to take back the roads. I was on back roads however. It will be pretty after the water soaks in and everything blooms.
Speaking of camping... Im a car camper through out winter/spring to ski.
Did a car-camper build to the new car I bought last year.

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I've made some changes the last week for the coming season.

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I'd have to go full on shaggin wagon with porthole back windows, shag carpet on the ceiling and gnarly sound system.
I had an old '65 Chevy van someone had customized. My buddys uncle was a car dealer, and we bought it from him when we were 16. My buddy Tim conned his mom into registering and insuring it.

We both quit school and went to Clearwater Florida, where we got jobs and rented a little house...all at 16 years old. I didn't even have a drivers license until I got down there, and I remember I had to get my mom to have papers notarized so I could get one.

This was the style....Engine right between the driver and front passenger. It was great for keeping a pizza warm. Mine used a quart of oil every hour of driving. :o
