Questions, defoliation


Well-Known Member
Here I have a decent outdoor plant. It's been a struggle to get this far, with decent results in the vegetation stage. Now looking into flower, before that wondering if I should at least trim some lower sites to boost planet energy. I've already top successfully twice. Certainly looking to make the most of this girl. Comments and suggestions please. Also winds have been pretty strong here so I had release my tie downs for the branches. I was breaking them too tight I guess so I let her grow for 5 days now without. Very little sun in between, still a good idea to tie them back down to allow for proper sunlight
I wouldnt bother deoliating anything she'll grow just fine
Do you train your plants, if so would you advise me to go and tie branches back up once they've gain their strength again and say two weeks. For optimal Sun that's what I was thinking
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Here I have a decent outdoor plant. It's been a struggle to get this far, with decent results in the vegetation stage. Now looking into flower, before that wondering if I should at least trim some lower sites to boost planet energy. I've already top successfully twice. Certainly looking to make the most of this girl. Comments and suggestions please. Also winds have been pretty strong here so I had release my tie downs for the branches. I was breaking them too tight I guess so I let her grow for 5 days now without. Very little sun in between, still a good idea to tie them back down to allow for proper sunlight
Outdoors you don't really need to defoliate. Sun produces indirect light.

Indoors is a different story.
I wouldn’t worry about cleaning up the plant like one would inside. I’d pinch off the closest bud sites (inside/closest to the main stalk) on the side branches before I’d remove anything that reached the perimeter of the plant. The sun will catch all that.
Sun can penetrate that little bit of canopy you have there
You won’t need or benefit from defoliation until you grow indoors or start growing trees outdoors
Trees as in bigger plants. It's been a tough grow season for me. Happy to have this girl.
Sun can penetrate that little bit of canopy you have there
You won’t need or benefit from defoliation until you grow indoors or start growing trees outdoors
So as it's starting flower should thicken the canopy. Is that what you're saying
My advice- remove fan leaves that are growing towards the center of the plant.
This will open it up to get more light penetration- they aren’t doing much but blocking possibly the best bud sites.
Looking good so far, that canopy is primed to get YUGE!
I'm thinking so too thank you I got a sister beside it that did not too well. They're only feet apart clones too same plant. Maybe a bit of difference in soil medium. I found a soil three and one that is under $10 and it's phenomenal.. seem to be a bit rich in nitrogen, however I might have needed a shot of it. And below that it's growing into clay. I live on an island of clay
No I’m saying you won’t yield much so don’t remove the leaves
They look small as in I doubt you’ll get an ounce of bud off them
You could be right, I'm just at the stretching phase of flowering. I think an ounce I'll do. More I don't. I have top this three times by the way. I'm due for a couple of good buds