The Junk Drawer

How AI can make Hollywood actors look years younger

21,487 views Jul 20, 2023 #CNN #News
As actors continue to strike, one issue is the potential for studios to wipe out acting jobs with artificial intelligence. CNN shows how new AI technology allows film directors to make actors look younger than they actually are. Donie O'Sullivan reports.
When they have the technology to make the actors hands look younger, too, I will return to the cinema.
There’s nothing worse than looking at 50 year old Robert Deniro’s face and then seeing his 80 year old hands.
When they have the technology to make the actors hands look younger, too, I will return to the cinema.
There’s nothing worse than looking at 50 year old Robert Deniro’s face and then seeing his 80 year old hands.
They are getting there, and progress is very fast, two years makes a world of difference. I like the idea of dubbing in different languages, and I can see how movie studios and governments would be interested in it. It could be used by YouTube eventually and make any video in any language accessible. I can even see it used in video phones that translate language in a decade or so, it should be worth a lot of money either as an online service or software. As far as video phones and video channels are concerned it would be like the startrek universal translator.

Still way too many believing in those fairy tales. Christianity stole their origin story from a religion 2 millennia before the advent of the current nonsense.

There is no god so go out and enjoy your life while you have it!

best news ive herd. if you were god and were all powerfull, would you just sit back and watch your own creations destroying such a butifull planet??????
Funny stuff. He never answers the question and nobody questions it because they're trying to decipher what he just said. He's a clever criminal who just adjusts to peoples hatred and the feeling at the time. His gut will fail him. I mean, look at it.
Funny stuff. He never answers the question and nobody questions it because they're trying to decipher what he just said. He's a clever criminal who just adjusts to peoples hatred and the feeling at the time. His gut will fail him. I mean, look at it.
It will be interesting to see how his fans react when he goes down, repeatedly. He has to answer questions about abortion, he knows it's a losing issue, but he will lose the Bible thumpers if he says so and he already did. A party that would nominate this clown or even let him run is not worth a second glance, its full of idiots and lunatics.