Blaze & Daze

Lots of rain and light show after 3:00 am. Cooler today at 96*, but super sticky air you can eat. Still hearing thunder getting loud again.
We got hit by the same front & it started a bit earlier. LOTS of fireworks & rain.
Beagle huddled under the covers & shivered for hours.
Some areas got 4" of rain but getting really muggy now.

Round two tonite/tomorrow am.
Whew, super muggy. Just flipped the AC on.

I moved 2 plants out of the tent....I am so glad I did, and so are they!! It is still plenty full! Week 2 and they are stacking nicely....and of course Bobs are starting to produce frost already!! :weed: I was just asking for PM....Not to mention I was slacking on their Regalia....I think they only got sprayed 2-3 times.

Taking my bro a few oz's of the small buds. He will like it. He breaks everything up into smalls anyways. :shock:

I'm feeling better just from having more varieties to toke :eyesmoke:
Woke up early this morning to the sound of my wife saying '"the air conditioner is not working".
Luckily the repair man said he will be out before noon. Thank you! Air conditioning is a necessity not a luxury in Tucson.
There was some monsoonal rain south of us yesterday, it's coming.
Day 6 of summer vacation without child.

Days 1&2: Delivered child to her grandparents. First had a 'family playdate' with some family friends, we spent all night playing pool and smoking, while the preteen girls made a lesbian thymiscra paradise SIMs suburb in the computer room.

Day 3: Regular chill Monday. Wife worked, life continued.
Day 4: Air handler unit quit working, edumacated guess is the Fan Control module has died. (the capacitors more than likely.) Tech is 2 days out.
Day 5: Purchased a $700 portable AC unit that keeps the house under 90°F, 32.2222222222 for those who don't use freedomheite. Slowly began to cook.
Day 6: AC guy is scheduled, we hope, between 3-5. We were supposed to be checking into the hotel 350 miles away an hour ago.

I f'n hope we get to check into the hotel tonight, which we've already paid for a 4 night stay. I MIGHT have enough weed to keep my cool through this. First vacation since the lockdowns and we're starting out at LEAST 8 hours late. At least the plants are in veg. I'm not happy about it, but at at my distilate farm job I saw plants pushing 115°F (46.1111111111111) in every stage of growth, so I know it won't kill them. They'll be as fuckin' stressed as I am. They won't like it, but they'll live; again much like me.
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Whew, super muggy. Just flipped the AC on.

I moved 2 plants out of the tent....I am so glad I did, and so are they!! It is still plenty full! Week 2 and they are stacking nicely....and of course Bobs are starting to produce frost already!! :weed: I was just asking for PM....Not to mention I was slacking on their Regalia....I think they only got sprayed 2-3 times.

Taking my bro a few oz's of the small buds. He will like it. He breaks everything up into smalls anyways. :shock:

I'm feeling better just from having more varieties to toke :eyesmoke:
Speaking of which I just dropped Riley off at the vet for an extraction (better him than me). I think I'll have a smoke. I have a nice, fat joint of SSH staring at me and a few hours to kill.
Woke up early this morning to the sound of my wife saying '"the air conditioner is not working".
Luckily the repair man said he will be out before noon. Thank you! Air conditioning is a necessity not a luxury in Tucson.
There was some monsoonal rain south of us yesterday, it's coming.
Where we live (I'm in the Mojave) that's boat horn alert level!