Is Biden really that bad?

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So uh, how much money did you give that billionaire?

Will leave you to it I guess as I don't think we will reach a common ground.
Almost half the public doesn't appear to want good responsible government and are not acting on facts and reason, and it seems never will. The democrats don't need to do anything but watch the republicans destroy themselves with Trump's help. They have their policy act together and know where the stand united on key issues, the state republicans appear to be helping them the most though with anti-democratic and laws, going after LBGTQ and women's rights. Trump in the field helps to motivate the democratic vote too and his mounting legal issues are not helping his chances in the primary or general election.

You want as big a democratic majority as you can get, especially in the senate and of course you also need Biden to win. Solid policy and division on the right could see this happen in 24. If Trump loses the GOP primary, he will run as an independent even from a cell and he will endorse independent candidates from his cell too. If he wins the GOP primary before he is convicted, then he will be incarcerated upon conviction, perhaps before the election. They are only trying Trump and Nauta for the MAL docs and obstruction, a simple quick case with few complications estimated to take between 3 to 6 weeks.
Thank you for agreeing with me. I moved this sub-thread from the "trump indicted" thread into this one, because we are not about talking about Trump right now and fuck him anyway.

Democrats need to stick together. As you point out, Democrats and anti-GOP independents are majority only if we can stick together. But we won't stick together if the only message is vote "for me because they are awful". Democrats need to discuss what we are FOR. This is why I mentioned Bidenomics.

It's the CHIPS act. It's the last round of Covid relief spending that helped propel this economy out of Trump's COVID recession. It is the infrustructure bill that was signed into law in Nov. '21. It was student loan forgiveness program until the SCOTUS shut it down. It is policies that make this country's manufacturing more competitive and favor US made products. It's keeping many of Trump's trade policies to reduce US imports from China -- one of the few things Trump did that most could agree with.

Most of the media attention has been on Trump and his legal issues or on the war in Ukraine, but the very unsexy and slow acting work that Biden has been doing with unified support from Democratic Congressmen and their constituents has put this economy on a path that will make life better for the working classes of this country.
Thank you for agreeing with me. I moved this sub-thread from the "trump indicted" thread into this one, because we are not about talking about Trump right now and fuck him anyway.

Democrats need to stick together. As you point out, Democrats and anti-GOP independents are majority only if we can stick together. But we won't stick together if the only message is vote "for me because they are awful". Democrats need to discuss what we are FOR. This is why I mentioned Bidenomics.

It's the CHIPS act. It's the last round of Covid relief spending that helped propel this economy out of Trump's COVID recession. It is the infrustructure bill that was signed into law in Nov. '21. It was student loan forgiveness program until the SCOTUS shut it down. It is policies that make this country's manufacturing more competitive and favor US made products. It's keeping many of Trump's trade policies to reduce US imports from China -- one of the few things Trump did that most could agree with.

Most of the media attention has been on Trump and his legal issues or on the war in Ukraine, but the very unsexy and slow acting work that Biden has been doing with unified support from Democratic Congressmen and their constituents has put this economy on a path that will make life better for the working classes of this country.
Look what Biden did with the congress he had to work with and imagine if he had a useful democratic one to advance sensible policies. Serious and meaningful change that will ensure the future of democracy and better policy can only be had with clear democratic majorities. The republicans must be removed from the levers of power for real progress and reform to begin, they are unfit to govern and a real and present danger in their current state.

Joe has been blowing his horn and I've been posting it, but the press of events drowns much out, however in Ukraine he is kicking Vlad's ass and even the republican hawks are on side, Ukraine is another issue that divides the GOP. I think much of Ukraine will be settled by election day and Vlad might not be around, Donald sure looks like he will be convicted of something either before the primaries or election. Donald has a powerful sway over the republicans, and much will depend on what happens to him in the courts and what he does about the election. Liability or asset, you are nonetheless stuck with the fucker for a while yet, so are the republicans.
Just nothing to be proud of....can't even be proud without being called a proud boy lmfao whatever that shit is
Oh, we know who they are. They aren't hard to pick out. I've been at protests and counter protests in Portland when they showed up. They are in fact pretty scary dudes who fight for a bad cause. But at the protests I've been at, we outnumber them 7 or 10 to one. They show up in the hundreds, we show up in the thousands. They don't like that. They are tough but can't win either politically or on the street with those numbers against them.

How to tell if a protester is not a Proud Boy.

1) Proud boys have no sense of humor. Pick the people who are Proud Boys in the photo below:

2) Proud Boys embrace and celebrate violence as any good fascist does. They train for violence. Antifa are skinny kids dressed in fashionable black or are otherwise ordinary men and women who, as they say, are antifascist. Pick out the antifa in the image below:


3) Proud Boys don't like Vegan milkshakes.
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Look what Biden did with the congress he had to work with and imagine if he had a useful democratic one to advance sensible policies. Serious and meaningful change that will ensure the future of democracy and better policy can only be had with clear democratic majorities. The republicans must be removed from the levers of power for real progress and reform to begin, they are unfit to govern and a real and present danger in their current state.

Joe has been blowing his horn and I've been posting it, but the press of events drowns much out, however in Ukraine he is kicking Vlad's ass and even the republican hawks are on side, Ukraine is another issue that divides the GOP. I think much of Ukraine will be settled by election day and Vlad might not be around, Donald sure looks like he will be convicted of something either before the primaries or election. Donald has a powerful sway over the republicans, and much will depend on what happens to him in the courts and what he does about the election. Liability or asset, you are nonetheless stuck with the fucker for a while yet, so are the republicans.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
do you even remember what gas was when trump was in office? Under 2 bucks where I am per gallon.
I don't think that means what you think it means. The price of gas is always low when the economy is in free fall. Bad economy = No demand = low prices.

I'm sorry that your family is barely making it with inflation being the proverbial straw. I'm old enough to remember how Reagan dealt with inflation. High interest rates (18 - 20 percent). Mortgages unavailable. Farms foreclosed by the thousands. And unions undermined at every turn. I prefer how Biden is shooting for a soft landing. And it looks like he is going to be successful. I suspect that the Reagan approach would be less comfortable for most Americans. And I sure hope that we can stick a dagger in the trickle down voodoo economics that has been GOP policy for forty years.

As far as oil policy goes, Conservatives have no answer to climate change. And expecting that we will develop solutions at no cost is expecting too much. "Drill baby drill" is less of a policy than it is environmental vandalism on a multi-generational scale.
I hate both sides I did like trump however....that dude told these globalists to suck it...what I dislike about Republicans is their will to bend and cower to the dems...all these Republicans in office now are in name only bc they're truly Democrat.

I just want new people... I want all 500+ members of congress replaced immediately with people with no career experience in politics and a good team of advisors to advise them. Someone who is just honest and from the heart and not the pocket book like all the current ones are. Get rid of lobbying, add in term limits for all and then we're getting somewhere
Yeah I want a herd of unicorns
I hate both sides I did like trump however....that dude told these globalists to suck it...what I dislike about Republicans is their will to bend and cower to the dems...all these Republicans in office now are in name only bc they're truly Democrat.

I just want new people... I want all 500+ members of congress replaced immediately with people with no career experience in politics and a good team of advisors to advise them. Someone who is just honest and from the heart and not the pocket book like all the current ones are. Get rid of lobbying, add in term limits for all and then we're getting somewhere
Spoken like a true authoritarian.

"I want all 500+ members of congress who were voted into office in free and fair elections to be replaced by people I approve of"
I prefer social democracy to the current kleptocracy. I am not advocating for the collectivization of the means of production (the line between socialism and social democracy), merely their subordination to authority.

The pseudolibertarian experiment is an unqualified failure that has evolved into billionaire oligarchy. Russia illustrates where that ends up.

(add) I am curious. Most Diesels in this country are unnecessary heavy pickup trucks, unlike Europe that has tiny and very efficient Diesel cars. What sort is yours?
Farm Tractor
The free market is a unicorn. There is no such thing; it is as deluded as the rest of the libertarian creed.

As for working for it, sure thing, once a forklift operator and a CFO get comparable wages. And once someone disabled is not forced to Work For It.
The CFO has a college degree, the operator is high school at best.
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