All politicians fund raise, they have to, with the way the system is set up. Which side does it blatantly, shamelessly, relentlessly?....I don't recall too many democrats being that offensive about it. Biden certainly never shamelessly grifted from mentally challenged people.
The news is what it is, and people react to it differently. I don't watch news, i read it, because i don't like watching commercials, and i want to be able to fact check stories as i read them. On the few occasions i do watch a news story, it's entirely possible i'll say rude things to the commentator, or about the subject of the story...but I'm aware they can't hear me, and my personal opinion has no bearing on anything except how close i get to a stroke.
I'm just tired of "both sides" arguments, when one side, the democrats, aren't angels, but they aren't demons, either...While the other side has gone full blown fucking fascist, white supremacist, threatening doctors, nurses, teachers, preachers, principals...anyone who doesn't support their white christian nationalist recruitment program...Both sides ARE NOT the same.