quick question about mother plants


Well-Known Member
so in less than a month i want to start flowering my first crop but i do want to keep 1 mother. dont you have to start the 12/12 to start flowering and therefore determine the sex of the plant? is there any way to do this without starting 12/12 because i wanna put my mothers through the least amount of stress possible. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
are your plants in the 18/6 veggie cycle? why don't you clone your female now. You don't have to flower to determine sex.... you should be able to determine this now... if you are thinking of flowering. Clone what you need for your mothers while they are in veggie. BEFORE flowering to avoid stress... and shitty mothers. Sure they can switch back to veggie but, is it not only a waste of time, it stresses the shit out of your clones !

Good luck bro hope this helped


Active Member
Flip the lights as soon as it shows sex clone from the lowest part of the plant and you will be fine


Well-Known Member
no thats the thing, i just planted the germinated seeds 6 days ago and they just have the first 2 leaves, so i dont know whats male and whats female yet, i just wanted to know if there is another option other than to put all 20 plants into flower and then wait from the pre-flowers to determine the sex and then pulling the the best mother to put back into vegitation. like you said, i wanna cause the least amount of stress possible


Well-Known Member
DONT flower.. grow them in veggie 18/6 until the height you want your plants to bud. Keep in mind they do get a 'little taller' Then weed out the males on the way. Keep your veggie cycle. Then bud when your height is right. :D


Well-Known Member
Seeds don't show sex within six days. The plant will take couple of weeks to several weeks to show sex, depending on the strain. Do as stated above and you will be :D If they get budding height but have not shown sex, then flower and weed out the males.

happy growing


Well-Known Member
if you want a mother cut a clone mark it and bud it if its a male you know which plant it came from so you can keep it or throw it out


Well-Known Member
they are only six days old.. how can he cut a clone? just grow them in veggie 18/6 plants should determine sex naturally if in veg long enough. You can do as chucktownskunk said but let your babies get a little bit older


Well-Known Member
To determine the sex to find a mother plant you can flower all of your plants and when you find a suitable female then quickly revert that one back to veg. (put back on 24/0 or 18/6 light schedule). Another method is to take clones from the vegging plants and flower the clones and see the sex of them. If the clone is female then the plant you got it off is female and the opposite is also true. Good luck..


Well-Known Member
DONT flower.. grow them in veggie 18/6 until the height you want your plants to bud. Keep in mind they do get a 'little taller' Then weed out the males on the way. Keep your veggie cycle. Then bud when your height is right. :D
Seeds don't show sex within six days. The plant will take couple of weeks to several weeks to show sex, depending on the strain. Do as stated above and you will be :D If they get budding height but have not shown sex, then flower and weed out the males.

happy growing

I agree, I think you should grow them to the height you want then, sort them out. For a mother, you want to see the qualities of the plant. Some females will show pistils and then throw male pods, hermies. I like to take the best female that had the most potent buds and re-vegitate. Here is one:

and two.

These mamas grow about 16 viable clones + + per week, each. Re-veg mamas. It takes a while to get good mothers but when you do, you can keep them for years.
You especially want to see plant potential if you are using bagseed.

"Every seed planted is anutha fuckin SOLDJA." -Cypress Hill

V Red I Rasta



Active Member
Okay so lets say he goes with the "re-veg" technique...is he using veg nutes up until they show sex, or does he switch to bloom nutes after flipping to 12/12 then revert back to the veg nutes during the "re-veg"?


Well-Known Member
I have six plants I started from seed. Once they show preflowers I cut the top cola and clone it. Then I sex the rooted clone while my potential mother plants grow larger. Then once they are sexed I will thin out the males and let the mommies grow big and strong. The 4 on the left are Shiva Skunk. The two on the right are Big Bud.




Well-Known Member
Re-veg technique :| Is garbage, I do not recommend it what so ever. It stresses the shit of the plant. Weakens the strain and so on. You are just asking for problems that can be avoided. Clone your best plant when your considering on switching the light schedule to 12/12 bud cycle. Cloning should only be done in vegetative state.

I use all organic "special blend" soil. For vegetative growth and chemicals only during bud when needed. Veggie nutes for veggie. Bud for bud. Pretty simple. Be careful to not over fertilize. And learn to read plant leaves this will help.

:bigjoint: cheers


Well-Known Member
nice mom! looks nice and healthy what strain you have there? indica dominant?
This is my own strain, Very Indica Dominant, Romulan, mostly. Finishes purple to BLACK. NL X LOCAL PURPLE X ACAIDO ROMULAN

Okay so lets say he goes with the "re-veg" technique...is he using veg nutes up until they show sex, or does he switch to bloom nutes after flipping to 12/12 then revert back to the veg nutes during the "re-veg"?
I use an organic bloom 1-3-3 fert, and a 5-3-3 for Veg. I use fert only when the plant shows signs that it needs nutes, I use Magnesium, molasses, corn syrup, borax, hydrogen peroxide, and iron. But only if the plant shows signs, the bottom leaves are the indicators. I think vertical bud growth needs nitrogen, I do not starve the plant of this in bud like some growers.// and with a re-veg the plants have already been harvested, so I have flushed the dirt for cutting. Then I give it a healthy dose of mag/sulf and high nitrogen for the re-veg.



Active Member
That method never worked for me. Actually the plant is much smaller than normal due to lack of growth.


Well-Known Member
Re-veg technique :| Is garbage, I do not recommend it what so ever. It stresses the shit of the plant. Weakens the strain and so on. You are just asking for problems that can be avoided. Clone your best plant when your considering on switching the light schedule to 12/12 bud cycle. Cloning should only be done in vegetative state.

I use all organic "special blend" soil. For vegetative growth and chemicals only during bud when needed. Veggie nutes for veggie. Bud for bud. Pretty simple. Be careful to not over fertilize. And learn to read plant leaves this will help.

:bigjoint: cheers
ON the contrary, I think that if you sort the best females and re-veg them the results are more desirable. The only down side is that it takes about two to three weeks to see significant re-growth. The buds are actually more potent and the internodes are closer together, a strong yield and funky budda bonsai are all I get soooooo, no negatives here.

I think that everyone has their fav technique so it's all good,
more knowledge more power.
