Canadian Stuff

YOU WILL NOT do well in the deep south...if you do move, if you love your life, stay in the cities and don't repeat any of this to your neighbors...
Why won’t I do well? It has a low cost of living and very affordable. There is great food and fun cities . I am not racist and don’t discriminate . I am there to provide healthcare to people that need my skills. It would be nice to save money for retirement. I read reviews of the area and it got high ratings.
Why won’t I do well? It has a low cost of living and very affordable. There is great food and fun cities . I am not racist and don’t discriminate . I am there to provide healthcare to people that need my skills. It would be nice to save money for retirement. I read reviews of the area and it got high ratings.
come down here and start talking shit like that to these hillbillies and they'll murder you, that's why not...These are NOT highly evolved individuals, their level of social consciousness is about pre school, and their responses are about the same.
The cities for the most part are much more liberal, but there are still areas where you would be wise to avoid. Any working class or lower neighborhood is highly likely to be the red that turn the city purple.
I live with them, I'm a rough old cob, and have very little fear of them, and i still don't provoke them unnecessarily. I carry a pistol when i wear my Dark Brandon tshirt....i doubt you own one, and probably never should. (a pistol, not a dark Brandon shirt....)
What? Like that doesn’t make sense?
It makes sense to you, and that's all that matters. I have never heard raising a family as selfish before, mind you. It's all a matter of perspective, but as a Canadian husband, father and grandfather it spurs some pity towards you. The 'your smoke' bit is so hilarious, glad comedy is still alive.
So Reagan, Thatcher and Mulroney seduced you?
Shucks , no. I woulda loved a go with the iron lady though LOL All politicians are not to be trusted from my view, but no one can deny the economy thrived and opportunity was everywhere. Raygun and the war on drugs was, well, a fail. BUT the one quote I cherish from him was "The top 9 terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'" Words to live by...
come down here and start talking shit like that to these hillbillies and they'll murder you, that's why not...These are NOT highly evolved individuals, their level of social consciousness is about pre school, and their responses are about the same.
The cities for the most part are much more liberal, but there are still areas where you would be wise to avoid. Any working class or lower neighborhood is highly likely to be the red that turn the city purple.
I live with them, I'm a rough old cob, and have very little fear of them, and i still don't provoke them unnecessarily. I carry a pistol when i wear my Dark Brandon tshirt....i doubt you own one, and probably never should. (a pistol, not a dark Brandon shirt....)
DAMN! So glad you helped me see how it is before I made a really bad decision. I would be scared to like go on a road trip and have to use the bathroom in a gas station. What the hell was I thinking!!! Thanks Rog, you saved my ass.
It makes sense to you, and that's all that matters. I have never heard raising a family as selfish before, mind you. It's all a matter of perspective, but as a Canadian husband, father and grandfather it spurs some pity towards you. The 'your smoke' bit is so hilarious, glad comedy is still alive.
sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. You don’t need to pity me, I made the right decision not having children. It’s not for everyone, many have them when they should not. I feel good about making the right decision!
Shucks , no. I woulda loved a go with the iron lady though LOL All politicians are not to be trusted from my view, but no one can deny the economy thrived and opportunity was everywhere. Raygun and the war on drugs was, well, a fail. BUT the one quote I cherish from him was "The top 9 terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'" Words to live by...
Not a Conrad Black fan, but I found it more interesting than the current narrative. Every 'news' article has a bias to it, especially these days. So what did you find objectionable? It's hard to discuss matters without someone ridiculing or discounting anything other than relevant subject matter, or transposing history into todays mindset of trending morals. Peeps tend to discount anything they don't find palatable to their identity politic filter. I tend to read what is said, as opposed to who said it.
Well this part of your article is more than just objectionable:
"Reparations of $4.7 billion have already been made in respect of the residential schools attended by approximately 150,000 Indigenous children who, whatever the other consequences, and some of them were undoubtedly reprehensible, were given an education, and in many cases, better opportunities."

If you think the residential schools brought any good, there is nothing more to discuss. What would you feel if someone took your children, or now your grandchildren, and they suffered the same conditions and abuse.
Well this part of your article is more than just objectionable:
"Reparations of $4.7 billion have already been made in respect of the residential schools attended by approximately 150,000 Indigenous children who, whatever the other consequences, and some of them were undoubtedly reprehensible, were given an education, and in many cases, better opportunities."

If you think the residential schools brought any good, there is nothing more to discuss. What would you feel if someone took your children, or now your grandchildren, and they suffered the same conditions and abuse.
Foster parent/children programs subject some kids to the same or worse abuse to this day. Not that the idea is bad, just the absence of proper vetting and application of thereof, but generally is good for the majority.
"How would I feel" you ask me? I was taken, forced to be educated and raised by strangers in a territory where None of my family were from, and given no choice about the direction of my upbringing. If you remove the reparations and the ethnicity from the sentence above it perfectly applies...and nobody owes me shit, BECAUSE our society at this time believes in the reasons for 'taking kids away' for a better life going forward. I agree.
Foster parent/children programs subject some kids to the same or worse abuse to this day. Not that the idea is bad, just the absence of proper vetting and application of thereof, but generally is good for the majority.
"How would I feel" you ask me? I was taken, forced to be educated and raised by strangers in a territory where None of my family were from, and given no choice about the direction of my upbringing. If you remove the reparations and the ethnicity from the sentence above it perfectly applies...and nobody owes me shit, BECAUSE our society at this time believes in the reasons for 'taking kids away' for a better life going forward. I agree.
Well I am sorry that you were kidnapped by the government and forced to live in conditions that were deemed criminal and genocidal by the doctor overseeing the whole thing; and that doctor(Dr. Peter Bryce) said that OVER 100 HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

Are you saying that the same conditions exist in foster care today?
The same underlying ideology exists and is implemented today in a present day context, funny that as far as I know the term genocide was not coined over a hundred years ago...we blur the lines between today and yesterdays standards. Life isn't fair and hindsight is 20/20, we can 'deem' many outcomes as bad, but 'deeming' my children and grandchildren as financially responsible, and being forced to 'use' their own honestly earned money to equal, repay, or somehow repair 'deemed', 'genocide' is an affront. Perhaps I just should have said "YES" my bad...