Canadian Stuff

The sands pump out more than 3 million barrels of oil per day, helping make Canada the world’s fourth-largest oil producer and the top exporter of crude to the United States. Their economic benefits are significant: Oil is the nation’s top export, and the mining and energy sector as a whole accounts for nearly a quarter of Alberta’s provincial economy. But the companies’ energy-hungry extraction has also made the oil and gas sector Canada’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. And despite the extreme environmental costs, and the growing need for countries to shift away from fossil fuels, the mines continue to expand, digging up nearly 500 Olympic swimming pools-worth of earth every day.
Greedy Canada.
Oh, and you expect us to eat sand? What do you expect us to pay for the goods you produce (and a lot of produce)? We are the only country of note that have an equal trade balance with you. Your gulf refineries are built to operate with a certain weight of oil. The fracking oil you have is too light to be processed and mixing a heavy oil allows you to process it. You can always get the oil from Venezuela but Canada is a better trade partner from what I hear.
Scientists say oil production must begin falling immediately. Canada’s tar sands are among the most climate-polluting sources of oil, and so are an obvious place to begin winding down. The largest oil sands companies have pledged to reduce their emissions, saying they will rely largely on government-subsidized carbon capture projects.
Yet oil companies and the government expect output will climb well into the 2030s. Even a new proposal by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to cap emissions in the oil sector does not include any plan to lower production.

American is going to have to start thinking about cutting off Canadian oil exports. I know it’s going to hurt but it might be the only way to get Canada to start moving in another direction.
The sands pump out more than 3 million barrels of oil per day, helping make Canada the world’s fourth-largest oil producer and the top exporter of crude to the United States. Their economic benefits are significant: Oil is the nation’s top export, and the mining and energy sector as a whole accounts for nearly a quarter of Alberta’s provincial economy. But the companies’ energy-hungry extraction has also made the oil and gas sector Canada’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. And despite the extreme environmental costs, and the growing need for countries to shift away from fossil fuels, the mines continue to expand, digging up nearly 500 Olympic swimming pools-worth of earth every day.
Greedy Canada.
And who is the at the top? You've got some strange logic.

Thank you, I appreciate the compassion while my fellow Americans are gasping for air and dying from your smoke.

Just payback for decades of acid rain caused by American coal-fired power plants that choked the life out of countless Canadians and killed countless more lakes.

If tRump gets back in he can build a huge filter wall on the northern border! :D
Scientists say oil production must begin falling immediately. Canada’s tar sands are among the most climate-polluting sources of oil, and so are an obvious place to begin winding down. The largest oil sands companies have pledged to reduce their emissions, saying they will rely largely on government-subsidized carbon capture projects.
Yet oil companies and the government expect output will climb well into the 2030s. Even a new proposal by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to cap emissions in the oil sector does not include any plan to lower production.

American is going to have to start thinking about cutting off Canadian oil exports. I know it’s going to hurt but it might be the only way to get Canada to start moving in another direction.
How are you going to run your oil refineries?

Shale oil has a refining problem, and Morgan Stanley thinks investors can profit
Surging U.S. oil supplies may soon struggle to find a buyer, and Morgan Stanley
believes that could create winners in the stock and commodity markets.

Output from American shale oil fields has pushed U.S. crude production to all-time highs. But Morgan Stanley warns that the nation’s shale wells are mostly yielding a type of light oil for which domestic refiners don’t have much use.

Most American refineries are configured to process heavier crude grades, creating a mismatch with the growing supply of light shale oil being extracted in places like the Permian Basin in Texas.

“Our thesis is that the US refining system is close to being maxed-out on the amount of shale oil it can process,” wrote Morgan Stanley equity analysts, led by Martijn Rats, the head of the bank’s European oil and gas research team.

Refiners have compensated by blending the super light shale oil with gunkier grades, but those heavy crudes are in short supply, says Morgan Stanley. Output from heavy crude producers Venezuela and Mexico is falling, and pipeline bottlenecks are keeping it from being shipped from Canada.

That means more shale barrels will have to be exported, but Morgan Stanley sees trouble here, too.

Making matters worse, Morgan Stanley expects so-called middle distillates like diesel and jet fuel to account for most of the growth in oil demand, and light crudes aren’t ideal for making these products.

This all leads Morgan Stanley to its takeaway: In order to gain market share around the world, traders will have to offer a discount on U.S. light oil.
Just payback for decades of acid rain caused by American coal-fired power plants that choked the life out of countless Canadians and killed countless more lakes.

If tRump gets back in he can build a huge filter wall on the northern border! :D
What goes around comes around, eh. Well I dodged the Fort Meyers hurricane. And I dodged this smoke out . Might be moving to the Deep South soon. Hurricane alley. There are some houses built on stilts I might look into.
How are you going to run your oil refineries?

Shale oil has a refining problem, and Morgan Stanley thinks investors can profit
Surging U.S. oil supplies may soon struggle to find a buyer, and Morgan Stanley
believes that could create winners in the stock and commodity markets.

Output from American shale oil fields has pushed U.S. crude production to all-time highs. But Morgan Stanley warns that the nation’s shale wells are mostly yielding a type of light oil for which domestic refiners don’t have much use.

Most American refineries are configured to process heavier crude grades, creating a mismatch with the growing supply of light shale oil being extracted in places like the Permian Basin in Texas.

“Our thesis is that the US refining system is close to being maxed-out on the amount of shale oil it can process,” wrote Morgan Stanley equity analysts, led by Martijn Rats, the head of the bank’s European oil and gas research team.

Refiners have compensated by blending the super light shale oil with gunkier grades, but those heavy crudes are in short supply, says Morgan Stanley. Output from heavy crude producers Venezuela and Mexico is falling, and pipeline bottlenecks are keeping it from being shipped from Canada.

That means more shale barrels will have to be exported, but Morgan Stanley sees trouble here, too.

Making matters worse, Morgan Stanley expects so-called middle distillates like diesel and jet fuel to account for most of the growth in oil demand, and light crudes aren’t ideal for making these products.

This all leads Morgan Stanley to its takeaway: In order to gain market share around the world, traders will have to offer a discount on U.S. light oil.
We are sitting on a gold mine of oil in Alaska. We don’t need yours.
Most Canadians here want to see it gone and it's on its way out.
You shouldn’t have allowed this to happen. Maybe if you stopped having these endless conversations with yourself on the internet sitting on your ass and get out there and start clear cutting the forests of the old growth and debris. If anyone can do it or start a movement I know you can! Your smart and with your droning capabilities you could really make a difference!
You shouldn’t have allowed this to happen. Maybe if you stopped having these endless conversations with yourself on the internet sitting on your ass and get out there and start clear cutting the forests of the old growth and debris. If anyone can do it or start a movement I know you can! Your smart and with your droning capabilities you could really make a difference!
You shouldn’t have allowed this to happen. Maybe if you stopped having these endless conversations with yourself on the internet sitting on your ass and get out there and start clear cutting the forests of the old growth and debris. If anyone can do it or start a movement I know you can! Your smart and with your droning capabilities you could really make a difference!

For your information old growth forests are not where these wildfires originate from and need to be preserved. It's that damn Smokey the Bear that caused all this by preventing smaller natural fires for the last many decades.
What goes around comes around, eh. Well I dodged the Fort Meyers hurricane. And I dodged this smoke out . Might be moving to the Deep South soon. Hurricane alley. There are some houses built on stilts I might look into.
YOU WILL NOT do well in the deep south...if you do move, if you love your life, stay in the cities and don't repeat any of this to your neighbors...