What did you accomplish today?

They are heavier but I do find coiling it is easier. Since it doesn't have memory like vinyl and want to stay in whatever shape it was in.

Try it if you like.
The problem I have with the rubber ones is they tend to get hung on stuff, like the tires when I wash the car or stuff in the shop ( rubber air hoses ) but I have one that is 30 + years old. Nylon slides real nice.
Veggies are all watered including the Colombian maple tree, don't see any aphids on any of the plants yet. They usually end up killing the zucchini plants. I'll mix up some soap/neem in a spray jug in case they show up. Tomatoes and zucchini looking healthy. Got the cages in around the tomatoes, need to pound in a couple posts still. Plenty of blackberries on the plants, netting coming today to keep the birds on the feeder and off the berries.
Bird feeder filled, should start seeing goldfinches on it now along with the house finches. Them puppies are BRIGHT!
Cut out a few more dead branches from the roses. Gardenia bush is blooming well and is more green after giving it a couple jugs of iron mix. The Milkweed plant I put in for the Monarch Butterflies is growing nicely, I think I'll feed it and see if I can attract some this year. The geranium is blooming profusely, it is a bright red and really jumps out at you being under the roses. I should do a pictorial walk through the yard, lol.
Left the house today, crossed over a bridge which spans a gorge , hiked through
the woods until I reached my " Tao Shack " ! Got some of the basics in ( bed, chair,
another little desk, a piss- pot ( very imporant in the middle of the night), food and drinks and something-something ! I also rounded up all the hot glass shit , gotta get it tuned up and ready to fire . I love it here , isolated, quiet, so simple . Needs some work done on it and a fresh coat of paint . I can really hear the coyotes and
critters over hear and the creek running puts me to sleep. Lots more to do ! Even got the woodstove prepped for a very chilly morning. I'll stay here all summer !
The pic is a candle in a glass housing, my porch light.20230604_001522.jpg20230604_001522.jpg


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