PGRs; bad in flower, or altogether bad?


Well-Known Member
I know there's a negative view regarding the use of PGRs in cannabis. ... But, is that just in flowering bud that's frowned upon? PGRs seem to be an integral part of tissue culture. .??

Just curious what everyone's opinion is on this?
IMHO, it would be OK to use on clones for rooting purposes, other than that, I'd avoid them like the plague. I know they test for PGR use on cannabis in many states, and if found it cannot be sold.

Edit: There are other rooting compounds and methods that don't use PGR's I'd start with them first.
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So for the purpose of tissue culture, are there protocols for rooting & multiplication that can be done WITHOUT using plant growth regulators? I'd love to know, and also any recipes/protocols for tissue culture medium for cannabis, would be awesome

Appreciate the comments, thanks guys
So for the purpose of tissue culture, are there protocols for rooting & multiplication that can be done WITHOUT using plant growth regulators? I'd love to know, and also any recipes/protocols for tissue culture medium for cannabis, would be awesome

Appreciate the comments, thanks guys
This is a fascinating thread with some excellent links:
So for the purpose of tissue culture, are there protocols for rooting & multiplication that can be done WITHOUT using plant growth regulators? I'd love to know, and also any recipes/protocols for tissue culture medium for cannabis, would be awesome

Appreciate the comments, thanks guys

There are natural PGR containing alternatives, kelp, chitosan, and triacontanol (alfalfa extract) all provide natural non-synthetic PGR’s. They don’t have the same risks as synthetics.


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Anything that can turn a under ripe, green blueberry blue overnight, does not seem like something I'd want to add to my nute list:D
If we're talking synthetic pgrs and cannabis in veg/flower, hard pass.
Anything that can turn a under ripe, green blueberry blue overnight, does not seem like something I'd want to add to my nute list:D
If we're talking synthetic pgrs and cannabis in veg/flower, hard pass.
If you'd read all the comments, you'd see that my focus is more regarding the use of PGRs during tissue culture propagation, storage, etc. I already know it's generally frowned upon in flowered plants.
If you'd read all the comments, you'd see that my focus is more regarding the use of PGRs during tissue culture propagation, storage, etc. I already know it's generally frowned upon in flowered plants.
If you're keen, I for one would like to read about your process for tissue culturing, successes, failures, and things you learned along the way. I'm a long ways from considering it, but with enough time in this hobby, I'm sure I will give it a shot either out of curiosity or nessessity.
If you're keen, I for one would like to read about your process for tissue culturing, successes, failures, and things you learned along the way. I'm a long ways from considering it, but with enough time in this hobby, I'm sure I will give it a shot either out of curiosity or nessessity.
Still taking notes, haven't actually tried it yet.
This looks pretty similar to type of agar-work done when growing mushrooms. If that can be done at home, this should be able to be done too.
Yeah, my biggest concerns are that I don't have an autoclave or pressure cooker so I might try the microwave trick, and I question my ability to truly keep everything sterlie. But, if "Plants In Jars" can do it in her apartment, why can't I do it at home, right?
I watched the whole video, and it was pretty straightforward and explained things well. I’m gonna have to sub to her channel and learn more.

edit : Craigslist or Facebook marketplace for small pressure cooker for cheap.