If you are an average Russian, you might not like Vlad, but you like the idea of Russian imperialism and at some level are swapping an ideal for your liberty. You might even be an innocent child, but if Vlad nukes America Uncle Sam will kill you for Vlad's choices. Like I said it is about the fate of nations and not about the blame of individuals, it is about collective choices, but not about individual blame, because everybody suffers or benefits from the choices. It is not fair and it is not just, which is why collective punishment has been outlawed.
Those people in that conservative county in Texas never asked to be shot, but a majority of them voted republican both state and federal and knew what they stood for. That is a consequence of a collective decision, one other jurisdictions don't make and don't suffer the consequences of unless someone smuggles a gun in illegally. That applies of other states and not just Canada, the majority of people in Texas chose to live like fools and are suffering a fool's fate, innocent or guilty. They do live in a democratic republic and elected Gregg Abbot and the rest of the clowns just 6 months ago and their answer is thoughts and prayers. I guess not enough people died yet, but give it time, they are not all bad and delusional in Texas, the democrats are only down by 5 seats in the state house, but until then people die. The fascist state government that they chose are encouraging, arming and coddling the domestic terrorist who committed the mall murder, he was one of theirs and it showed in the response and lack of a news conference.