Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 28.1%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 41 25.6%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 74 46.3%

  • Total voters
build homes in a state that is a sand bar...the highest spot above seal level in the entire state is 345 feet, and that is in northern florida, by the gorgia border, the average is only 100 feet. strong weather is here, it's not going to take long to erode what few high points florida has...They're fucked, and they keep moving there...all those republicans are going to need to build an ark soon...

They haven't had the best luck with boats.


Geothermal is going global!

89,835 views Apr 23, 2023
Geothermal energy has the potential to provide all our human energy requirements for millions of years. The trouble is we just can't easily get at it other than in areas of volcanic activity or along fault lines in the earth's tectonic plates. So geothermal energy has always remained a niche energy source - accounting for just 1% of global energy. Now a Canadian company has developed a system that can work profitably anywhere in the world, regardless of geological conditions. This one could be a winner!!
that's the kind of problems the entire world should and could be dealing with, if they'd just pull their fucking heads out of their asses.
It will mean not firing up the generators as much, and the more panels and wind turbines with batteries to store the excess, will mean firing them up a lot less. You have to look at the saving switching to EVs will have on countries in Europe, no more sending a fortune out of the country every year for gasoline or for heating oil and NG.
There is money to be made here, 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2035, as Joe has the guts to move forward despite the storm of stupidity. Joe does not lack guts or wisdom and Trump or any other republican had neither. Country first is what this is about, not trying to get elected by appealing to ignorant morons with a chip on their shoulders.

Of course, the republicans would roll everything back and open coal fired plants instead, fuck the future and fuck the sanctions that other countries would put on America in the future. The brown people are taking over, hordes of them are crossing the border, America is under siege. Woke ideas are ravaging the land as crime by blacks in the cities rises to insane levels. Only the good Christian white real Americans who watch foxnews, know the truth and vote republican can save America, under the genius leadership of Donald Trump! Welcome to MAGA world and reality as presented by foxnews.

Biden aims to cut carbon emissions
Attempting to succeed where his predecessors have failed, President Joe Biden’s administration this week was expected to formally propose cutting carbon emissions from new and existing U.S. power plants. Courts blocked a previous effort by the Obama administration to limit these emissions and a less ambitious proposal from the Trump administration to achieve reductions through increased efficiency. Biden’s plan is expected to incentivize carbon capture and storage technologies and discourage the construction of plants that burn natural gas, media organizations reported based on confidential sources. The administration has said it wants 80% of U.S. electricity to come from sources that emit no greenhouse gases by 2030 and for the power sector to be emissions-free by 2035. The new plan is likely to face legal challenges from utilities and states that produce fossil fuels.

Advance doubles battery output
The world’s largest maker of batteries announced last week a major advance in the energy storage of its batteries, which the company claims could power electric aircraft and double the range of electric cars to 1000 kilometers between charges. China-based Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) plans to begin mass-producing lithium-ion batteries this year that can store up to 500 watt-hours per kilogram, nearly twice as much as industry-leading cells produced by Tesla and other big batterymakers. The performance comes from improvements to the battery’s electrodes and electrolyte, says Wu Kai, CATL’s chief scientist. Last year, Amprius, a U.S. battery startup, announced it, too, is close to manufacturing such a battery.

This one could be a monster!

4,829 views Apr 30, 2023
After three years of La Niña in the South Pacific supressing the effects of global warming, the ENSO system is now turning towards El Niño conditions, which do the exact opposite. According to the worlds meteorological agencies, this El Niño is shaping up to become a potential record breaker – and not in a good way. So, what's happening and what can we expect?
So far it's been a disappointing climate change. When it was still called global warming I had hopes it would result in more sunny beach days. It's getting warmer, but also wetter. While the drought in southern Europe, Italy and Spain for example, is getting pretty crazy.
So far it's been a disappointing climate change. When it was still called global warming I had hopes it would result in more sunny beach days. It's getting warmer, but also wetter. While the drought in southern Europe, Italy and Spain for example, is getting pretty crazy.
perhaps climate destabilization would be a more descriptive term. Heating means energy input, which drives something like turbulence. The increase in extreme events is the apparent outcome.