Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 28.1%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 41 25.6%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 74 46.3%

  • Total voters

Sodium Ion Batteries for Vehicles // Analysis

32,941 views Apr 12, 2023
Are sodium ion batteries a viable chemistry for vehicles? Yes, but there are some catches. Today I'll run you through my analysis.

3 major energy storage breakthroughs in 2023

7,656 views Apr 16, 2023
Energy storage breakthroughs. You've heard it all before, right? And it is true that apparently "game changing" new technologies are being announced on an almost weekly basis. It's a sign of a rapidly accelerating market disruption that will see western societies move rapidly away from fossil fuel combustion by 2030. Now there are 3 more to add to the list - each of which looks set to change their respective sectors for ever.

SPECIAL: UK battery makers moving to the United States?

31,690 views Apr 16, 2023 #joebiden #unitedstates #batteries
One of Britain’s only battery producers is considering shifting manufacturing from the UK to the US to benefit from American subsidies, Sky News can reveal.

It comes after America introduced an unprecedented set of subsidies for green companies as part of its multi-billion dollar Inflation Reduction Act.

Sky’s economics and data editor Ed Conway has this special report.

R&D 100 Winner 2022: Iron Nitride Soft Magnetics

7,277 views Sep 8, 2022
Iron nitride (Fe4N), a new soft magnetic material, is a high-magnetization and high-resistivity soft magnetic alloy. Fe4N soft magnetic components can reduce next-generation smart grid power electronics system size and weight by up to an order of magnitude over existing state-of-the-art soft magnetic materials, while also realizing increases in efficiency. The revolutionary performance advantages of Fe4N soft magnetics are expected to spur key innovations in utility-scale and transportation-based power electronics hardware and to increase the accessibility and use of distributed energy resources such as grid energy storage and carbon-free mobility. This leading-edge material is the world’s first commercially available iron nitride soft magnetic component, and it is ready for manufacturing now.
Off-grid solar mini-grids light up Africa
All ya need are cheap batteries and EVs should provide them with mass manufacturing driving down costs, there are vehicles that can be salvaged and the cells used in DIY power grids. Solar costs are plummeting, and LEDs are very efficient these days, the missing link is cheap batteries, and they can have micro grids all over the place. I doubt many tropical islands will be using diesel generators in ten years as will other isolated communities.
Joe should send them each a bottle of Flint Michigan water to enjoy, I mean they obviously wouldn't mind drinking sewer water, but that doesn't come out of the taps in gated communities. You need to buy bottled water now, it's become a trend. In my hometown we have some of the best water in the world, no kidding, it used to test @40ppm of mostly calcium carbonate and was PH neutral (when I was growing), still people are buying bottled and RO water at the grocery store, even though the town water is among the best in the world.
Meatball Ron don't believe in no stink'en global warming conspiracy.

TypTap cancels thousands of flood insurance policies in Florida
build homes in a state that is a sand bar...the highest spot above seal level in the entire state is 345 feet, and that is in northern florida, by the gorgia border, the average is only 100 feet. strong weather is here, it's not going to take long to erode what few high points florida has...They're fucked, and they keep moving there...all those republicans are going to need to build an ark soon...
build homes in a state that is a sand bar...the highest spot above seal level in the entire state is 345 feet, and that is in northern florida, by the gorgia border, the average is only 100 feet. strong weather is here, it's not going to take long to erode what few high points florida has...They're fucked, and they keep moving there...all those republicans are going to need to build an ark soon...
Facts don't matter to them remember.
Facts don't matter to them remember.
not being able to get insurance will matter...Banks won't give out home owner loans without flood insurance if the house is in a place that has a history of flooding, which is pretty much all of florida...That means people are going to have to go with companies that charge a LOT more, and that will put many families out of the running...developers won't build more houses if the ones they already have aren't moving...this pretty much breaks the florida housing boom
not being able to get insurance will matter...Banks won't give out home owner loans without flood insurance if the house is in a place that has a history of flooding, which is pretty much all of florida...That means people are going to have to go with companies that charge a LOT more, and that will put many families out of the running...developers won't build more houses if the ones they already have aren't moving...this pretty much breaks the florida housing boom
Generally, facts don't matter to magats, unless they happen to be bitch slapped by them, as is this case, but only after they fucked themselves at the polls! Magats and climate change denial go hand in hand, just like with covid and vaccines, it was republicans who blocked everything for decades.
Generally, facts don't matter to magats, unless they happen to be bitch slapped by them, as is this case, but only after they fucked themselves at the polls! Magats and climate change denial go hand in hand, just like with covid and vaccines, it was republicans who blocked everything for decades.
the fact that they're trying to buy a house and can't because they can't get a loan without flood insurance which they can not afford will matter to them...
the fact that they're trying to buy a house and can't because they can't get a loan without flood insurance which they can not afford will matter to them...
Property taxes or home owners insurance . Is it even worth thinking about owning a house anymore with climate change and the economy like it is? Fires,floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, drought.
Property taxes or home owners insurance . Is it even worth thinking about owning a house anymore with climate change and the economy like it is? Fires,floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, drought.
depends on where you live, it's relatively stable where i live, and i am thinking about buying some property, but definitely not in any coastal areas or flood plains, not in tornado alley, not in places where fires happen like clockwork....
Probably a bad idea, a better one would be to take a 50% ownership of the companies and let them run their business and the government can attend to its business, governing. It does work out in a place like Norway where the profits go to a sovereign wealth fund and corruption is low. Government officials and elected officials can be bribed and often are, if the society is not ready for such a thing.