Curious, are you getting rid of the tk nl5 haze because it wasn't sativa enough?I'm looking for heavy sat dom hybrids / polyhybrids . Not so much interested in landraces , prefer worked lines , IBLs . Nevils Haze is as far indica as I want to go . My trade goods attached :
It is good but stoney not zippy . If you BX'd it with Haze it'd be somethin' . As is it's more towards the indy side than I prefer .Curious, are you getting rid of the tk nl5 haze because it wasn't sativa enough?
Ok perfect! I’ll send over my email if it’s easier to send pictures that way and then iron out the details here. It’s I high chance I’ll forget to check my email for your message lol It sounds like you have some interesting projects going on over there!i got some hazes let me get back to you in a couple hours when I’m finished work. Do you have email? Easier for me to send pics through there I can’t always upload through here idk why or I can message you on here doesn’t matter. I know off hand I have a pretty killer purple haze exodus cheese, suicide blonde , blue dream , a fire Hawaiian cross, super lemon haze . Most aren’t worked lines but grew fire out of them. Harvesting a white nightmare x ethos orange velvet underground crosses with ethos super lemon haze in a couple of weeks also.! I’ll get back to you in a bit
it not the end of the world get over it. theyre newer members they likely dont understand how to use the forum , and no where in the rules does it say people cant trade in other threads.You guys got a lot of balls & zero respect doing your trades in MY thread .
Yeah I had no idea I was in your thread or that there would be an issue for being in your thread.You guys got a lot of balls & zero respect doing your trades in MY thread .
What you might do to remedy this,You guys got a lot of balls & zero respect doing your trades in MY thread .
You misread . Have a pk of Shoreline's Chem 91 & a pk of Katsu's Fritter Bomb .Do you still have shoreline and who is it by? also, is the katsu the bubba kush?
collage close by has supplied a steady bunch of dorm fridges !Sometimes if you don't grab what you want now, it won't be around later. But I can't grow it all fast enough. I don't sit on packs trying to make money off them later. I intend to grow everything in my fridge. Investing in a small bean fridge and being smart about how you handle them will help with the longevity.
Hi sir do you still have the Hindu Kush from hazeman ? sunshine 4 and chem 91 to trade still?I'm looking for heavy sat dom hybrids / polyhybrids . Not so much interested in landraces , prefer worked lines , IBLs . Nevils Haze is as far indica as I want to go . My trade goods attached :