What did you accomplish today?

For sure dude. Especially to the almost 50yr old body of a guy who did this fucking shit starting 30yrs ago.
Funny thing though is we used to do coke, crank, drink, smoke bud all day while working. This was on commercial union jobs. My trade IS the most brutal on the body period. Not bragging believe me.
Not sure that’s why i gotta try and get fucked up while working nowadays or because i start hurting and need to drink to make it to the end of the day which for me is right now. Only an 18pk today.
I’ll catch up to you in the politics forum once i shower :-D
Just hydrate for a couple weeks,you got plenty of good years.Or eat 3 boxes of Wheaties with milk.IMO
Just hydrate for a couple weeks,you got plenty of good years.Or eat 3 boxes of Wheaties with milk.IMO
I wish my back felt that positive about our situation lol. Hydration yeah, with beer. It’s mostly water and shit. :-D
i’m all about frosted mini wheats nowadays. Never really cared that much for wheaties unless you pour shitloads of sugar on it lol. At least raisin brand has some tasty things in there with it
So I went up into my attic and was taking inventory of all my camping gear. We're going to be planning another trip this year. And was like damn I got a bunch of shit.

And then I thought psssshhh @.The Outdoorsman. I wonder how outdoorsy that guy even is. I got waterproof matches and a canteen. I'm outdoorsy as fuck.
How outdoorsy exactly are you? Let’s see your backpacking setup?
How outdoorsy exactly are you? Let’s see your backpacking setup?

I told you Meta, I'm outdoorsy as fuck. I got waterproof matches and a canteen. And a Leatherman with a broken pair of scissors. And I don't have a backpacking setup. Because I have a truck. And go four-wheel driving on semi nice gravel roads. And gingerly pull off right into the nice flat grass.
I wish my back felt that positive about our situation lol. Hydration yeah, with beer. It’s mostly water and shit. :-D
i’m all about frosted mini wheats nowadays. Never really cared that much for wheaties unless you pour shitloads of sugar on it lol. At least raisin brand has some tasty things in there with it
So I went up into my attic and was taking inventory of all my camping gear. We're going to be planning another trip this year. And was like damn I got a bunch of shit.

And then I thought psssshhh @.The Outdoorsman. I wonder how outdoorsy that guy even is. I got waterproof matches and a canteen. I'm outdoorsy as fuck.
Oh my i wish you didnt go there. I strike farmer matches off zipper. Or my teeth. Or my taint. All good. If you're a good boy maybe ill teach you how to light a camp fire with your own flatulence. Also i had to google that word twice to try and impress your wife.
I wish my back felt that positive about our situation lol. Hydration yeah, with beer. It’s mostly water and shit. :-D
i’m all about frosted mini wheats nowadays. Never really cared that much for wheaties unless you pour shitloads of sugar on it lol. At least raisin brand has some tasty things in there with it

It's because you keep getting the wrong box


I'm thinking about installing a mini split in my home this year. I have a propane fired boiler, and a propane vented fireplace, but a mini split would be cleaner and a LOT cheaper to operate, and give me AC.

Plus we have some great rebates in NY....I think I can get over 6k in rebates.
When I'm not here I'm spending my time shopping mini splits. What are you looking at? After this winter's $750/mo gas bills to match my electric bill I have put this off too long! I'm looking at them too