Justice Thomas CAUGHT in MILLION DOLLAR Criminal Fraud

So, the Justice and his wife took this $500k trip every year for the last X amount of years..like 20?

Never reported to SCOTUS disclosure statement and I'm guessing not on any tax return; any year- you have to pay taxes on it.
Drain the swamp!
The way I see it, the news about Thomas and foxnews are just grounds for investigations and serious change if the democrats win a hat trick in 24. They can use the revelations of the lawsuits to pass new laws and regulations, eliminating fox's business model, that alone would cut the republicans off at the knees and slowly diminish the culture wars they are completely dependent on. Thomas's and other justices' behavior is cause for impeachment hearings once the house is regained, it need not even proceed to an impeachment vote. Public hearings, some finished vetting and some answering questions under oath in public hearings would be humiliating and could force resignations or retirements of certain justices. Clearance might find his rich white friends don't call any more if he is no longer a SCOTUS justice and is no longer useful, Jenny might divorce him for the same reason! :lol:

It is all adding up and I detected social change in the voice of the youth of Nashville, "Fuck you fascists", they know who and what the enemy are, a good sign. I'm more hopeful for 24 than before and I hope we don't have a global recession or morons will be blaming the government for something they can't control in the short term.
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Let's talk about reactions to the Justice Thomas news....
Who is this guy, Beau of the Fifth Column? He looks like a magat, and is southern.
"The discussions of a southern journalist who is tired of a lack of common sense."
But I can find nothing on him. No name, nothing.

What is YouTube's “Beau of the Fifth Column”?

It’s an American op-ed channel on youtube for a news outlet called “The fifth column”.

On the channel, a journalist named Justin King, uses his long time nickname of Beau, to reach an audience about political and social talking points using ironic representation and research based reporting combined with opinionated views and stances on a variety of topics.

He typically speaks directly toward the camera, addressing the audience bluntly and with earnest demeanor, though the use of sarcasm is not uncommon when illustrating the absurdity of some situations. The setting of most videos is in his home workshop or around a fire, however many others from his alternate channels have been shot at different locations, such as in front of a whiteboard inside a home.

Fact checking and free thought are immensely encouraged and he purposely attempts to spur his viewers into independent investigation or study. In this way, his channel becomes philosophical in nature at many points.

He has a large number of subscribers and even more views, but to some the channel has become controversial. The arguments he presents are rarely attacked on their own merits as he seems incredibly thorough with his fact checking and vetting of information, though his personality and character has been called into question by many in disagreement with the ideology of his channel.

Some people have accused him of utilizing his nickname as a separate character from himself in order to deceive people because he speaks in his native accent on one outlet while playing it down for others, however any small amount investigation reveals that the pseudonym is immediately tied to him and there is no attempt to claim otherwise, and as many people with strong natural accents can attest, it is advantageous to play them down in certain situations.

He has anarchist beliefs and is strongly in favor of self sustaining community with a focus on lessening government controls, but he does not hide this in any capacity as you will see it mentioned numerous times on the channel.

Others have called his background into question for his arrest record as well as his previous work as a military contractor, however research into both of these still align with the opinions and statements shared on his channel and there seems to be no contradictory evidence to support claims that against his character or honesty about such matters.
N/M, I guess I found something on him from quora.com, if that counts. Helllifino.
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Who is this guy, Beau of the Fifth Column? He looks like a magat, and is southern. But I can find nothing on him.
Beau is left of center and not a magat, he just looks like one from his man cave and it sucks in quite a few republicans and makes them see the light. He is a journalist really and appears to have a military background in special forces, he has many magat enemies who hate his guts because Beau has his head screwed on right, is smart and has a heart. Hence the security he keeps online. He preaches to the heathen and because he looks and sounds like them, they listen to him and send him questions regularly, so ya know they watch.
Who is this guy, Beau of the Fifth Column? He looks like a magat, and is southern.
"The discussions of a southern journalist who is tired of a lack of common sense."
But I can find nothing on him. No name, nothing.
Dude, I have NO IDEA how he's so insanely popular. He gets 10s of 1000s of views within hours and really just recites fresh news topics. He comes off as very non-partisan if maybe a little Left-leaning but I do agree his appearance screams "LETS GO BRANDON" :lol:
Dude, I have NO IDEA how he's so insanely popular. He gets 10s of 1000s of views within hours and really just recites fresh news topics. He comes off as very non-partisan if maybe a little Left-leaning but I do agree his appearance screams "LETS GO BRANDON" :lol:
I think that’s part of his charm. He looks like he has a Tractor Supply Platinum membership card, but still appeals to the center.

Well gawddamn, he's the "real deal", as in like a real journalist and a person with real military experience. Neat.

He looks more like a Beau than a Justin :lol: lol
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Clarence Thomas's offenses are impeachable - Democrats have better options

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” — Napoleon Bonaparte

For twenty-five years, Clarence Thomas has been billionaire Harlan Crow’s kept man and pocket Justice. This plutocrat has showered the public servant with luxury cruises, high-end vacations, liquor, and sweetmeats. Crow defends his relationship by saying they are just friends. Although, their friendship is one-sided, as there is no record of Thomas picking up a tab.

The news of this cozy domestic arrangement has come as a shock and no surprise. Another conservative playing footsie with big money is a ‘dog bites man’ story. Regardless, Thomas's behavior smacks of influence-peddling, and he should not be allowed to skate.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks Congress should take action. She addressed Clarence Thomas’s venality and spoke about his possible impeachment on the Lever Time podcast, saying,

“I think this is an emergency. I think that this is a crisis. I think we’ve had a crisis for some time on the Supreme Court.”

She adds: “If we decide strategically that the actual author of those articles [of impeachment] and who introduces them may not be me. That’s fine. I will support impeachment. But I just think that if no one’s going to introduce it, I would certainly be open to doing so.”

AOC is a cut above the usual politician. She thinks of the ramifications of her actions and demands strategic thinking. It is easy in the heat of passion to go off half-cocked. Miss the target. And in doing so, suffer the consequences. Ocasio-Cortez knows this and, as a tactician, is looking for the most effective course.

In this case, that course is to abstain from an impeachment push.

Do not get me wrong, Thomas is a disgrace to the bench. Legally, he makes things up. His jurisprudence springs from the tortured place where he battles his demons. A massive chip on his shoulder informs his philosophy. That is not my opinion. It is his — he talks about it at length in his autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son.”

Thomas is the Trump of the judicial branch. A thin-skinned vulgarian whose reason is blinded by roiling anger at the injustices he has suffered. His rage against the establishment was honed to a red-hot edge by the revelations in his confirmation hearings that he was a sexual predator, fond of porn. He called it a “high-tech lynching.” And he has been bent on his revenge from the bench.

He wants to strip Americans of reproductive freedoms — not just choice but also the right to contraception. He would deny many the right to marry the one they love. He has promoted profit over people. And he has dismissed the glaring conflict of interest inherent in his marriage.

He is a horrible man, lacking the sober-minded stature to sit on the highest court in the land. However, the Democrats should not try to impeach him. Not because he does not deserve it. But because it is lousy politics.

Some people say we should always do what is right regardless of the consequences. I wish we could. But that is not the way the world works. Liberals are waging war to defeat a conservative army on a crusade to strip most Americans of their inalienable rights. The liberal goal has to be to win the war — not every battle. The road to perdition is paved with pyrrhic victories.

Democrats should dismiss talk of impeachment. Not because it is the wrong thing to do. But because it is unattainable. A GOP House majority would defeat any attempt. And even if the Democrats could find some Cheneys and Kinzingers to break ranks, the necessary 2/3rds of senators would never coalesce to convict.

Paradoxically a move to impeach would give Republicans the strategic high ground. Trump's two impeachment trials — doomed to fail — bound the MAGA base to him so firmly that they would now vote for him if he were on death row.

More importantly, those attempted impeachments did not push independents to the liberal cause. The Democrats got 81 million votes in 2020 because of Trump’s bigotry, stupidity, incompetence, toxic narcissism, and embrace of autocracy — not because they impeached him the first time. In 2022, the Democrats outperformed expectations because of the Republican overreach on abortion and insurrection denial — not because they impeached him again.

The best Democratic strategy is to keep asking Republicans what they intend to do about Thomas. Not that the GOP will do anything. But as long as they do nothing, they will be forced to explain why. It is an effective strategy. Thomas is helping by issuing a pathetic defense of his actions

Republicans think they have their messaging down pat. The election results of the past five years show they are wrong. The right wing’s cynical nihilism has turned off centrist Americans.

Republicans are desperate to paint Trump’s indictment as political. The public is not buying it. Or even if they see a political element, they agree that the prosecutor should have charged him. In large part because Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, is pursuing a legal path. He has presented the case to a grand jury, not a political jury. Trump’s rights are constitutionally protected. And he has the presumption of innocence.

On the other hand, impeachment is a political proceeding. It takes place entirely in Congress. It is impossible to sell it as a dispassionate look at the behavior of politically appointed Justice. And if the Democrats pursue that goal, there is no upside.

The Republicans are like the scorpion that stings the frog. They are destroying themselves, and they cannot help it. Take the expulsion of two Black legislators in Tennessee. No one would have ever heard of the eloquent state Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, if Cameron Sexton and his pack of racist morons had not voted for that drastic measure.

Now middle America looks at those Republicans and wonders what the hell is the matter with them. Let the GOP keep making those kinds of mistakes. Let Jim Jordan, James Comer, and the rest of the Republican House keep up their Hunter Biden and Twitter follies. It will be their Benghazi failure on steroids.

A move to impeach Thomas would give Republicans a needed distraction. The Democrats must not do it. Let AOC use her considerable rhetorical skills, along with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Jamie Raskin, and the rest of the Democratic caucus, to harry and terrorize the Republicans, much as Washington did to the British in the Revolutionary War.

Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has already promised hearings on Thomas's venality. He can elicit the same testimony as an impeachment push would — but without the downside. And, unlike the House investigations, there is evidence of rule-breaking on the part of the subject.

Mahatma Gandhi subdued the British Empire not by tackling them head-on but by showing how impotent its supposed power was. And he has a heartening message. “Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”
Dude, I have NO IDEA how he's so insanely popular. He gets 10s of 1000s of views within hours and really just recites fresh news topics. He comes off as very non-partisan if maybe a little Left-leaning but I do agree his appearance screams "LETS GO BRANDON" :lol:
the appearance is so he can get his foot in the door with magats.
He knows what he's talking about 90+% of the time, and has probably changed more magat minds than the Lincoln project and Meidas touch ever will.
I listen to what he says. I don't agree with him all the time, but it seems like he's right at least 75-80% of the time, and will admit if he makes a mistake.
Time for some clear-headed opinion on the matter

Steve Schmidt explains why Clarence Thomas is unfit for the Supreme Court | The Warning

5,433 views Apr 8, 2023
Steve Schmidt reacts to the ProPublica story that reveals Clarence Thomas secretly accepted gifts from major GOP donors. He describes how Thomas and his wife Ginni have continued to cozy up to the MAGA movement and why that undermines the American people's trust in the court and other important institutions.