Individual 1 claims he never had sex with the porn star. Why would he give her money, a lot of money? He claims he doesn't settle (lie), he's a fighter. Why didn't he fight the claimed extortion? I'm just asking questions. The American people deserve to know.
Here is a question, do federal felons serving time get to vote? If you can't vote, then you can't run for office and if you are incarcerated, even awaiting sentence, then you are ineligible to be elected, even if your name is on the ballot for POTUS. This was a legal argument I heard from Obama's former solicitor General on TV. The documents and obstruction cases could see Donald tried and convicted before the election or even primary...
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Trump could be disqualified from serving as Prez if convicted for the crime of sedition and Congress invokes the disqualification clause of the 14th amendment.
No, it's not that simple...Some stares allow felons to vote, and some don't. Some do after you basically pay a fee to get your rights restored, and some you have to jump through hoops, and you still might never get them restored, depending on your offenses.
However, federal law does not bar a felon from voting, or running for office, even if they are currently incarcerated. Eugene Debs did it the the 1930s, after being locked up for a stupid ass law to basically get him out of the way.
I was aware of that, but federal felons cannot vote while in prison and nobody challenged it yet in court, Debs was allowed to run, nobody determined if he had the right to run. Also, states can keep people from voting, federal elections are often mixed with local ones on the ballots in some places. Lots of things have not been tested in court like a federal ban on all semiautomatic firearms or registration and taxation of firearms, the list is long, and Trump is going to explore the outer boundaries. Like pulling a freshly written self-pardon out of his pocket when Jack busts him! :lol:
about as much as magats keep donating to him....
he's not "broke" like you are...but he is far from as rich as people think he is...most of his "money" isn't real, it's lines of credit from different sources, and they're drying up, as more and more banks refuse to touch him.
That's why he grifts shamelessly, nonstop...He has to, to keep the charade going...
once the forensic accountants are done, we will probably discover he’s worth billions in debt.
That's the key word convicted. I think Braggs is gonna pull out he didn't seem very confident in his speech. I personally don't think he will be able to take the heat. And the defense is going to be much stronger than he intended.
What you think is irrelevant. The charges could be thrown out on a technicality or the judge could rule key bits of evidence have to be thrown out, therefore invalidating the case. What the judge or appeals court judges think is the only thing that matters. What you think is irrelevant.
I was aware of that, but federal felons cannot vote while in prison and nobody challenged it yet in court, Debs was allowed to run, nobody determined if he had the right to run. Also, states can keep people from voting, federal elections are often mixed with local ones on the ballots in some places. Lots of things have not been tested in court like a federal ban on all semiautomatic firearms or registration and taxation of firearms, the list is long, and Trump is going to explore the outer boundaries. Like pulling a freshly written self-pardon out of his pocket when Jack busts him! :lol:
Due to the separation of powers specified in the Constitution, the qualifications necessary to serve as President of the US cannot be specified by any legal authority other than the US Constitution.
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Trump could be disqualified from serving as Prez if convicted for the crime of sedition and Congress invokes the disqualification clause of the 14th amendment.
Unlikely he is convicted of that before the election, but the documents and obstruction cases could be shocking to many including Trump with the speed at which they are conducted and their brevity. He has no defense and very few delays, most were taken care of in pretrial motions already and Jack is clearly nearing the end of that particular matter and should indict by summer.

My main question is can he be kept off the ballot by law in a state, since states elect presidents and it's not by popular vote. If he is an incarcerated felon he should not be on the ballot, solves a lot of legal problems for the SCOTUS. He is also the chief law enforcement officer in the country technically and could administer the DOJ personally FFS, then the SCOTUS would have fun!
once the forensic accountants are done, we will probably discover he’s worth billions in debt.
As far as I know that 10 billion, he claimed as a business loss was other people's money and he claimed their losses as his own while going bankrupt and not paying them back, that was a massive tax fraud, one of the biggest in US history, he had no losses, his investors did. Was it claimed twice? By him and the investors, surly they would have put such a loss on their taxes?
As far as I know that 10 billion, he claimed as a business loss was other people's money and he claimed their losses as his own while going bankrupt and not paying them back, that was a massive tax fraud, one of the biggest in US history, he had no losses, his investors did. Was it claimed twice? By him and the investors, surly they would have put such a loss on their taxes?
no idea.

will be wild!
As far as I know that 10 billion, he claimed as a business loss was other people's money and he claimed their losses as his own while going bankrupt and not paying them back, that was a massive tax fraud, one of the biggest in US history, he had no losses, his investors did. Was it claimed twice? By him and the investors, surly they would have put such a loss on their taxes?
Generally when you give a company money to get going and it fails it's a loss on an investor, so know I am talking to someone who I now know never invested a day in his life. That's just how the tax laws work.
Unlikely he is convicted of that before the election, but the documents and obstruction cases could be shocking to many including Trump with the speed at which they are conducted and their brevity. He has no defense and very few delays, most were taken care of in pretrial motions already and Jack is clearly nearing the end of that particular matter and should indict by summer.

My main question is can he be kept off the ballot by law in a state, since states elect presidents and it's not by popular vote. If he is an incarcerated felon he should not be on the ballot, solves a lot of legal problems for the SCOTUS. He is also the chief law enforcement officer in the country technically and could administer the DOJ personally FFS, then the SCOTUS would have fun!
I already said it. He can serve as Prez unless convicted of sedition. That is the only disqualification, even then Congress must invoke the 14th in order to disqualify him. States have jurisdiction over the elections held in their states but they cannot impose their own qualifications. Only the constitution can do that. Trump can be disqualified from voting but can't be kept off the ballot for prez if he's met the procedural requirements. Trump can even run from prison.
Generally when you give a company money to get going and it fails it's a loss on an investor, so know I am talking to someone who I now know never invested a day in his life. That's just how the tax laws work.
You can't claim the same loss twice, either he lost the money, or his investors did, and when you take such a loss you claim it on your taxes and if both parties claim the same loss, then that is tax fraud by one of the parties. The investors had a legitimate claim, Trump did not.
I already said it. He can serve as Prez unless convicted of sedition. That is the only disqualification, even then Congress must invoke the 14th in order to disqualify him. States have jurisdiction over the elections held in their states but they cannot impose their own qualifications. Only the constitution can do that. Trump can be disqualified from voting but can't be kept off the ballot for prez if he's met the procedural requirements. Trump can even run from prison.
So convicted felons can run for office federally, but not state offices. They would likely change the DOJ guidance on prosecuting presidents during Joe's lame duck if he lost to these clowns. And trying to block Jack from convicting him of sedition if he is indicted before or after taking office would be fucking epic! Let's hope he loses his primary! :lol: