
Yeah,it's sick,especially those who espouse our military should be like Russia's,REALLY,their performance is piss poor and their cruelty is off the charts,like I said though the initial fear of the nuke armed bear and it's response to the West overtly aiding the Ukranian's w/lethal weaponry that sends Russian soldiers home in body bags has kind of worn off IMO,while on the other hand the desperation of Putin selling this thing as a existential "all in" conflict combined w/China looming(remember McCartur telling Truman there was no way communist China would intervine) makes this whole thing more escalatory than ever.Russian pilots flew MIGS over Korea,Chinese troops look enough like ethnic Asian Russians to wear Russian uniforms and Russian insignia's can easily be painted on Chinese equipment (just saying).

And you know MAGA knows these little maneuvers which is why they wear black underneath..presto, change-o and you have the feared Antifa!

The true wolf.
I wonder if the Russians were involved in those attacks too? Iran is in for an ass kicking, Joe and Bebe might have their differences, but when it comes time to kick Iran's ass, there will be no disagreement. This was a serious mistake on their part and America is itching for the chance to destroy their drone and missile production along with their nuclear capabilities. If Russia is involved, just give more shit to Ukraine and they can make them howl for you.

'We're not going to shy away': Kirby responds to Iran-backed attack on U.S. Syria base

4,462 views Mar 24, 2023 #Iran #Syria #WorldNews
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby joins Morning Joe to discuss the rocket attacks on U.S. military bases in Syria by Iran-backed groups and the United States' response to their destabilizing activities. He also discusses President Biden's visit to Canada, where he is expected to address migration challenges, climate change, and trade.
Looks like Xi is making moves on central Asia and moving into a leadership role in the region, freezing Russia out. Xi's advisors must have been dancing on his desk, raving about the opportunities in central Asia and the future disintegrating Russian Empire. Surely those with brains are directing the emperor's attention away from Taiwan and a fatal mistake, and towards the path of least resistance on mainland Asia. There are pipelines and railways to be built, time zones of virgin forests and untapped minerals as well as a bounty of oil and gas. Greed is a very powerful force...

Xi snubbed Putin after their summit, calling a meeting of Central Asian countries as part of an audacious power play

  • China's leader, Xi Jinping, has made a power move timed with his visit to Russia.
  • He set up a new meeting of Central Asian countries this week, muscling in on Russia's backyard.
  • The Kremlin has long seen former-Soviet republics as part of its sphere of influence.
okie dokie during the weekend ol Pooty and his renegade friends made a stop in Crimea and Mariupol over the weekend.....

this is him in Crimea: Ck the face......

to me it looked digital and it was confirmed by none other than:

yes your favorite hackers

and while in Mariupol (i really am surprised he made it there so fast btw) he was :

ck out the heckle right in the beginning....security detail looking like a scared rabbit

evidently he used a body double in Mariupol and a deep fake in Crimea as a publicity stunt....
But sadly pootins minions don't know or want to know. Just like here.
But not pilots for every type of aircraft. There are foreign (US) F16 pilots ready to fight for Ukraine, all they need are planes...
That's kinda what I meant, and they have been training on F16s as well as Mirage 2000 and the Eurofighter. Foreign veterans with skills are used in ground combat and those trained in the air should be the same, though they might find themselves stuck training other pilots rather than having fun.
Russia Braces For Attack By 50,000 Ukrainian Kamikaze Drones, Seeks Shotguns

The key point about the FPV attack drones is that, compared to other guided weapons and loitering munitions, they are cheap and easily available. In a previous blog post, Russian Engineer listed the components needed to assemble an FPV attack drone, with a total cost of $355, or $421 with digital communications rather than analog. Others quote similar prices in the range of hundreds of dollars depending on the exact specification – notably less than the $2,000+ price tag for a Mavic 3 Pro quadcopter.