Canadian Stuff

Gave many thinking points which basically no one responds to except with funny memes and belittling. LOL sticks and stones... Good alternatives have been relatively ignored and suppressed recently when it goes against trending narratives, Greta would be beaming lol.
Go to the covid thread, we have many pages of dealing with the same things you bring up. We get someone drop in, make vague claims, I spend too much time refuting them and the poster goes away. Then another one comes along after a while and we go through the same process. Not like there was a consensus but we mostly moved on from covid. Partly because the disease has settled down some.

Some background. I put ten years in a major hospital and worked with infectious control in keeping patients and staff safe from airborne transmission. Due to picking up something in my time there and doctors had trouble identifying it I waded into the world of the nervous system and read well over a couple thousand medical papers. Ended up figuring our what happened to me and (regular posters have heard this before) when I explained it to my doctor and showed him the papers he shook his head and said, "You realize no doctor would know this?" Yeah I did. My pain doctor said I should publish, not going to happen as my background is in engineering and not medicine.

That gave me a great primer for covid (retired just before it) and when all the misinformation went around I already had years of searching medical literature and knew how to find credible information. Won't say everything was perfect with how we handled it but we did not have years of experience with it that usually goes on with figuring out what the science is with a disease. Cue in your (using this word a lot here it seems) vague statments I think, "It ain't worth going through the trouble for". I could spend valuable time showing you may not know as much as you think you do, and that would get me a great big pat on the back. OK, maybe a little pat on the back. So it is not that nobody cares, just that nobody cares about you enough to go over stuff we went over for the past few years. Nothing personal, just that we don't feel like going back to an old flame that we had already moved on from. More than enough topics to comment on as it is. American politics being a gift that keeps on giving. Canadian politics is just too polite and boring compared to our bigger cousins.

And as far as being Canadian, I would give the nod to yes. He has been polite even though he talks crap. Must admit, the others who spout of the same were a little more, well, ass holes.
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Go to the covid thread, we have many pages of dealing with the same things you bring up. We get someone drop in, make vague claims, I spend too much time refuting them and the poster goes away. Then another one comes along after a while and we go through the same process. Not like there was a consensus but we mostly moved on from covid. Partly because the disease has settled down some.

Some background. I put ten years in a major hospital and worked with infectious control in keeping patients and staff safe from airborne transmission. Due to picking up something in my time there and doctors had trouble identifying it I waded into the world of the nervous system and read well over a couple thousand medical papers. Ended up figuring our what happened to me and (regular posters have heard this before) when I explained it to my doctor and showed him the papers he shook his head and said, "You realize no doctor would know this?" Yeah I did. My pain doctor said I should publish, not going to happen as my background is in engineering and not medicine.

That gave me a great primer for covid (retired just before it) and when all the misinformation went around I already had years of searching medical literature and knew how to find credible information. Won't say everything was perfect with how we handled it but we did not have years of experience with it that usually goes on with figuring out what the science is with a disease. Cue in your (using this word a lot here it seems) vague statments I think, "It ain't worth going through the trouble for". I could spend valuable time showing you may not know as much as you think you do, and that would get me a great big pat on the back. OK, maybe a little pat on the back. So it is not that nobody cares, just that nobody cares about you enough to go over stuff we went over for the past few years. Nothing personal, just that we don't feel like going back to an old flame that we had already moved on from. More than enough topics to comment on as it is. American politics being a gift that keeps on giving. Canadian politics is just too polite and boring compared to our bigger cousins.

And as far as being Canadian, I would give the nod to yes. He has been polite even though he talks crap. Must admit, the others who spout of the same were a little more, well, ass holes.
That was a much nicer way of telling Rex what I told him.

Maybe I’m not a real Canadian.
Gave many thinking points which basically no one responds to except with funny memes and belittling. LOL sticks and stones... Good alternatives have been relatively ignored and suppressed recently when it goes against trending narratives, Greta would be beaming lol.
your definition of "thinking point" is vastly different to mine, gave what seemed to me to be disjointed thoughts with very few connections to reality, reheated misinformation, conspiracy theories, and just...strange statements...
your definition of "thinking point" is vastly different to mine, gave what seemed to me to be disjointed thoughts with very few connections to reality, reheated misinformation, conspiracy theories, and just...strange statements...
Its just a political thread on a cannabis site, my opinions, are mine, and so are everyones. Terms like misinformation and conspiracy theories are just another label used to ridicule and censor exchange of opinion here. Its hard to relay emotion and sarcasm at times online and I misinterpret and misrepresent sometimes. The comment about my grandson seems weird and someone wrote sociopathic, but he was infected with covid before there was a vaccine available to infants, I hadn't been vaxxed and he caught it from his father, a vaxxed EMS employee, then it was passed from the child to his mother, then to the rest of us. He doesn't live here btw. We didn't Blame who brought it into the family, it just happened. And all of us suffered no more than symptoms of a cold rating 5 out of 10, The sense of smell thing was weird, though. The second time he tested positive he was handed around the nursing station like a football (Delta ). We had decided to prepare for getting it and stocked up on medicine and items to treat us IF we got it asthma puffers, vicks vapo, kleenex, decongestants, as we were not allowed to actually isolate in our remote off grid cottage. I used to get flu shots when my kid was little as she is asthmatic, (the Mom) but we don't anymore. Perhaps we will one day as we get older, and maybe even a Covid shot one day, but nature and actual experience has shown that in young healthy people, the risk wasn't warranted, and had serious repercussions. In time more people will be able to look back and look at weird points, but it was to soon I suppose. Most people responding here had nothing but ridicule, but that is expected as fear is easily exploited. On the lighter side, I did attend what we called a 'chicken pox party' in the 1960's. Sorry if I offended people (I don't think you were) on here who actually lost loved ones, but most responders just wanted to offend me. It doesn't work as I don't have an inflated sense of self-importance or lack of a sense of humour. Don Rickles is a favourite of mine. BTW who is that guy in your avatar, I recognize him, as a comedian? Cheers.
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Go to the covid thread, we have many pages of dealing with the same things you bring up. We get someone drop in, make vague claims, I spend too much time refuting them and the poster goes away. Then another one comes along after a while and we go through the same process. Not like there was a consensus but we mostly moved on from covid. Partly because the disease has settled down some.

Some background. I put ten years in a major hospital and worked with infectious control in keeping patients and staff safe from airborne transmission. Due to picking up something in my time there and doctors had trouble identifying it I waded into the world of the nervous system and read well over a couple thousand medical papers. Ended up figuring our what happened to me and (regular posters have heard this before) when I explained it to my doctor and showed him the papers he shook his head and said, "You realize no doctor would know this?" Yeah I did. My pain doctor said I should publish, not going to happen as my background is in engineering and not medicine.

That gave me a great primer for covid (retired just before it) and when all the misinformation went around I already had years of searching medical literature and knew how to find credible information. Won't say everything was perfect with how we handled it but we did not have years of experience with it that usually goes on with figuring out what the science is with a disease. Cue in your (using this word a lot here it seems) vague statments I think, "It ain't worth going through the trouble for". I could spend valuable time showing you may not know as much as you think you do, and that would get me a great big pat on the back. OK, maybe a little pat on the back. So it is not that nobody cares, just that nobody cares about you enough to go over stuff we went over for the past few years. Nothing personal, just that we don't feel like going back to an old flame that we had already moved on from. More than enough topics to comment on as it is. American politics being a gift that keeps on giving. Canadian politics is just too polite and boring compared to our bigger cousins.

And as far as being Canadian, I would give the nod to yes. He has been polite even though he talks crap. Must admit, the others who spout of the same were a little more, well, ass holes.
Thank you for posting that, I was hoping for this kind of post, but I guess my tone was too low brow, and I got a verbal spanking, as you say nothing is perfect. Hopefully one day we (Myself included) will be able to learn from some of the mistakes made by those we trust. The stifling of alternatives was cause for me to not 'follow along' with ONLY the vax. Otherwise we all were models of isolation, testing and behavior. Thanks again, really.