New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

I don't bother making round biscuits. The less you work the dough the flakier the biscuits are. When using a cutter you end up with scraps that you have to form again. I just make a square and cut them. No scraps to rework and nice flaky biscuits.

Some sausage gravy and scrambled eggs = breakfast.

don't know if you've ever been to germany but one time when i was over there it was Spargel time. white asparagus. they served that stuff every way you could think of. huge signs announcing Spargel was in season. the spargel soup was really awesome.

No I haven't been to Germany but it's on my places to go before I die list. Guaranteed that if I ever make it to that region the first meal I'm seeking out is some Schnitzel. :)
don't know if you've ever been to germany but one time when i was over there it was Spargel time. white asparagus. they served that stuff every way you could think of. huge signs announcing Spargel was in season. the spargel soup was really awesome.
Been through the airport more than once, going to and from a shitty place in the world. They wouldn't let us out of the terminal.