What did you accomplish today?

you are a v interesting person, can i ask how in the absolute fuck you managed to dodge a federal indictment?

Right, because they have over a 99% conviction rate!!

I was the only one out of about 25 of us that did get out of it....And I didn't rat on anyone, while everyone else "cooperated". I did spend 20k on the best Federal attorney I could find, and he eventually got me out on 2 statues....Withdrawal from a conspiracy, and the statue of limitations. About 6 years earlier, the head of all this thought I stole a bunch of pounds out of storage. It wasn't me...But we had a blowout and I was done with them. I had just started in real estate, had gotten off coke, and was trying to start a new life anyways. So everyone knew about the fight I had and that I had left the group 6 years earlier. Federal statue of limitations is 5 years....and by getting in that fight it qualified as "withdrawing from a conspiracy"....Thank you George for the favor!!

I think he knew I didn't steal those pounds, BUT I was going to Tucson behind his back and getting my own loads after I got to know the Mexicans. I think he knew. And this thief I was talking about was the head honchos little brother.

It was exciting times for sure!!
today i ate one (1) entire digiorno pizza, and did 3 sets of overhead press singles @ 185lbs, then 6 sets of barbell rows @ an rpe 8.

feeling stronger everyday
You went from not being able to bench a bar to benching 315 and overhead pressing 185? Those are very impressive numbers. Especially with that diet of digiorno lol. How many years did this transfornation take? Mind telling me what program you're following? I seem to remember you asking about steroids in your old account not too long ago ( maybe 2 years ago?) Either way, 315 and 185 are pinnacle numbers for lifters, natural or enhanced. Nice work...