If greed disappeared would it solve 95% of our problems?

Isn’t it obvious that the legal cannabis market is loosing ground.
The rising fear of a super strain, could mean that the corporations could loose an even bigger share of the markets as people are already turning away from their strains.
Therefore, higher thc strains are already being targeted as a medical threat. Scare tactics are being used such as announcing that high thc strains causes Psychosis…. Reminds me of the old movies. For real, refer madness all over again.
Higher taxes for higher thc strains, is another low blow, as the market tries to profit from its control.
The inevitable high thc strain will mean great looses to anyone who doesn’t have a competitive strain.
Millions of dollars can be made in a matter of few days when the next generation of cannabis debuts. Everyone will quickly turn to it, thus leaving cannabis current offering to age on the shelves. Like most of it’s doing now.
Therefore the owners of the corporations are trying to make it harder on the owners of the next gen of cannabis to proceed. Right now the cannabis market is ripe for the picking. And the big corporations know it.
Real talk, they want you to smoke mids at premium price +tax.
Virtually all violence and crime would disappear if we created a world where people's basic needs were met.

We are a social species, our success and our neighbor's success are the same thing. Nobody will ever be truly happy in a world filled with miserable, desperate people.

Capitalism requires miserable, desperate people for a cheap and compliant work force. The less miserable and desperate we are, the more we demand for our labor.
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Greed, money, power, all basis for most religions. The world is a fucked up place and inevitably greed will be the downfall of human civilization as we know it one way or another. EAT THE RICH.
back to my self governing and policeing comunity, not that you would need any policing.
a lot of greedy people have grown up with nothing and no one, within a small comunity, everyone would be treated equal, if the worst should happen and someone lodst there parents, there would be a whole comunity of asults taking there place, looking after them and teaching them that you dont need more then you can use.
i think greed has a lot to do with lonelyness or not being taught the value of simple living. once the indevidual is loved and nurtured, greed no longer plays a part
The problem is that people are often blinded by their own greed, and justify doing the things they do, based on a theory that they are contributing to a "greater good".

Interesting. Do you have an example? I'm trying to think of a good one.
Virtually all violence and crime would disappear if we created a world where people's basic needs were met.

We are a social species, our success and our neighbor's success are the same thing. Nobody will ever be truly happy in a world filled with miserable, desperate people.

Capitalism requires miserable, desperate people for a cheap and compliant work force. The less miserable and desperate we are, the more we demand for our labor.

I agree, but this made me depressed when I read it.
Organised religion?
Elected politicians?

Basically anyone in a leadership role who thinks that their viewpoint is best for the masses.

It's interesting the two examples you gave. Both are suppose to take the role of serving others, but because of greed they end up using others. I wonder how many false religious and political leaders would leave if no money was to be made. Sad to think that maybe some of these people in these groups are actually trying to serve others, but get pushed out by the greedy ones.
Certainly. Imagine if people set their goals on saving the world rather than making as much money as they could, and often causing significant damage to the planet and those around them in the process (I.e. look at industries like plastic and petroleum). It really is that simple, though there is no eliminating human nature, so….boom.
The other morning I made breakfast for the lady and I. I greedily took more fried potatoes than I gave to her. A few days before that I made six slices of bacon but greedily ate two of them leaving four that we split. I enjoyed the four slices I ate. I feel no shame at all over my greed. I ate that bacon and the potatoes and I will be doing it again.

We present three studies using multiple methods to assess the effects of economics education on greed.

A Summary of the Three Studies and Their Major Findings

Study 1
The Dictator Game Behavioral Task

1. Econ students kept $7.76/$10; Ed students kept $6.50/$10
2. 56% of Ed students mentioned fairness versus 31% of Econ students
3. 8/13 non-Econ majors in an Econ class kept $10 vs. 1/13non-Ed majors in an Ed class.

Study 2

Self-reported stories Evaluative ratings of greed

1. Econ major and 3+ courses: moral ratings of greed increased. 3+ courses also led to more positive feelings about own greedy actions.
2. Women rated greed as less moral than men if they were not econ majors; they also had more negative feelings about their own greedy actions.
3. Econ majors were less likely to mention greed‘s social impact

Study 3

Self-interest statements Evaluative Ratings of greed

1.Positive statements about self-interest led to positive moral ratings of greed
2.Women rated greed as less moral, but not significantly

The other morning I made breakfast for the lady and I. I greedily took more fried potatoes than I gave to her. A few days before that I made six slices of bacon but greedily ate two of them leaving four that we split. I enjoyed the four slices I ate. I feel no shame at all over my greed. I ate that bacon and the potatoes and I will be doing it again.
Saving her from the mean bacon.