Social Media is not Real Life

That's a scary thought.

Why would anyone look up to her? What has she done? That's one of the problems these days. Youth look up to people that haven't accomplished anything significant other than be popular on social media.

I disagree, but probably a better discussion in the music section. For her age, gender, music genre, and demographic, she's a positive light. You should dig into her a bit. She's pretty outstanding compared to some of her other peers in entertainment.
I disagree, but probably a better discussion in the music section. For her age, gender, music genre, and demographic, she's a positive light. You should dig into her a bit. She's pretty outstanding compared to some of her other peers in entertainment.

Being positive does not bestow leadership qualities on an individual. She's a pop star with a bunch of instagram followers. I don't see how that makes her anyone that should be considered a leader especially with her young age and lack of experience with life. She needs to accomplish something more than winning some grammy awards to qualify as a leader.

She doesn't even have a decent education and was home schooled. She's done nothing other than write pop songs. No way in hell I would consider her any kind of leader. It just shows how low the standards have gotten days when some 20 year old like Billy Eilish is considered a leader.

It's completely absurd that this young lady would be considered a leader.

I disagree, but probably a better discussion in the music section. For her age, gender, music genre, and demographic, she's a positive light. You should dig into her a bit. She's pretty outstanding compared to some of her other peers in entertainment.
The keyword is entertainment. Strip entertainers out of the category “celebrities” and not much is left. Politicians and industry wingnuts like the Muskmelon. Astronauts were a temporary aberration. But the people who know and make and run things tend not to achieve celebrity.
Being positive does not bestow leadership qualities on an individual. She's a pop star with a bunch of instagram followers. I don't see how that makes her anyone that should be considered a leader especially with her young age and lack of experience with life. She needs to accomplish something more than winning some grammy awards to qualify as a leader.

She doesn't even have a decent education and was home schooled. She's done nothing other than write pop songs. No way in hell I would consider her any kind of leader. It just shows how low the standards have gotten days when some 20 year old like Billy Eilish is considered a leader.

It's completely absurd that this young lady would be considered a leader.

I agree with the leader part. But that might depend on how the definition of leader is viewed, and by who. Positive role model is probably a better term.
While the following is not yet peer reviewed, if it holds up to scrutiny, this is pretty wild. Being able to reconstruct images based on brain activity from a fMRI. I can imagine one day you'll be able to have a little nap and someone will be able to watch your dreams. Would be curious to see if they will be able to reconstruct images based on memory of an image. Won't be able to hide anything you've seen if that becomes the case, kind of creepy when thinking it all through.

The keyword is entertainment. Strip entertainers out of the category “celebrities” and not much is left. Politicians and industry wingnuts like the Muskmelon. Astronauts were a temporary aberration. But the people who know and make and run things tend not to achieve celebrity.

Politically speaking, Eilish has no role to play. That's why I think the discussion for this part is better served in the music (entertainment) thread. But you have to admit, this guy is pretty entertaining. In an oddball weirdo sort of way.

This is a pretty interesting read. You have to download a pdf. Back when Obama was running for President nobody had ever leveraged technology, social media, and the internet the way he did as much of what seems commonplace today was in it's early stages back then.

In terms of the numbers, externally, Obama’s campaign was able to garner 5 million supporters on 15 different social networks ranging from Facebook to MySpace. By November 2008, Obama had approximately 2.5 million (some sources say as much as 3.2 million supporters, outperforming Republican opponent John McCain by nearly four times. In terms of Twitter, Obama had over 115,000 followers, more than 23 times those of John McCain. In terms of YouTube followers and clips, people spent 14 million hours watching campaign-related Obama videos on YouTube with 50 million viewers total. That was four times McCain’s YouTube viewers.

The campaign’s internally created online social network, (MyBO), allowed individuals to use technology and web tools to connect to one another and to activate themselves on behalf of the Obama campaign. Two million profiles were created on that site. Registered users and volunteers planned over 200,000 offline events, wrote 400,000 blog posts, and created 35,000 volunteer groups through the site.
Beauty as with everything, is in the eye of the beholder.

Have you done as much as Eilish? Do you even have a Wiki page?

No I haven't won a Grammy for any pop songs nor do I have a wikipedia page. I fail to see what that has to do with claiming Eilish is a leader of her generation.

How is popularity a sign of leadership? marjorie taylor greene has a wikipedia page and has done things like win 2 terms to the United States congress and is on powerful Congressional committees. Do you consider her to be a leader?

Comparing what I have done in a backhanded attempt at an insult does not make Eilish a leader regardless of her accomplishing things I haven't accomplished. donald trump became President of the United States and has a loyal following of tens of millions of people. Would you call him a leader? kevin mccarthy has become Speaker of the House with actual powers and leads a branch of Congress. Do you consider him a leader?

The young lady has some significant accomplishments but I still refuse to consider her a leader. She's what 20 years old. She knows nothing but singing songs. Please list the leadership qualities that she possesses and where she gained the experience and knowledge to be considered a leader of a generation. A few hit songs and popularity on social media is not what most would consider leadership qualities. If you want to go that route then Madonna is a leader, Beyonce is a leader, the Spice Girls were leaders, Snoop Dog is a leader, etc... How low of a standard are you willing to go?
No I haven't won a Grammy for any pop songs nor do I have a wikipedia page. I fail to see what that has to do with claiming Eilish is a leader of her generation.

How is popularity a sign of leadership? marjorie taylor greene has a wikipedia page and has done things like win 2 terms to the United States congress and is on powerful Congressional committees. Do you consider her to be a leader?

Comparing what I have done in a backhanded attempt at an insult does not make Eilish a leader regardless of her accomplishing things I haven't accomplished. donald trump became President of the United States and has a loyal following of tens of millions of people. Would you call him a leader? kevin mccarthy has become Speaker of the House with actual powers and leads a branch of Congress. Do you consider him a leader?

The young lady has some significant accomplishments but I still refuse to consider her a leader. She's what 20 years old. She knows nothing but singing songs. Please list the leadership qualities that she possesses and where she gained the experience and knowledge to be considered a leader of a generation. A few hit songs and popularity on social media is not what most would consider leadership qualities. If you want to go that route then Madonna is a leader, Beyonce is a leader, the Spice Girls were leaders, Snoop Dog is a leader, etc... How low of a standard are you willing to go?

Have you ever heard of the PSA? We used to do them with famous folk because people listen and pay attention to those they identify with; you wanted to do it because they got you to stop and think about what the message was.

We don't do them so much anymore- everyone is afraid to piss off someone usually on..Social Media!

Just say no! (Nancy Reagan).
Beauty as with everything, is in the eye of the beholder.

Have you done as much as Eilish? Do you even have a Wiki page?
i know she? exists...that's it. I think she(it) is a singer?
Otherwise i couldn't care less about her? if i tried.
I have NO time to read about the trivial lives of entertainers, when i have half of our own government trying to destroy democracy, a russian dictator trying to take over Ukraine, various vassals to the dictator making waves, and the chinese looming over everything like a cloud of locusts....
oh, and not to forget them, various super wealthy people still shitting on the little people, murdoch, musk, the koch bros.....
entertainers and their thoughts are a fucking trivial joke i don't have time for.
While the following is not yet peer reviewed, if it holds up to scrutiny, this is pretty wild. Being able to reconstruct images based on brain activity from a fMRI. I can imagine one day you'll be able to have a little nap and someone will be able to watch your dreams. Would be curious to see if they will be able to reconstruct images based on memory of an image. Won't be able to hide anything you've seen if that becomes the case, kind of creepy when thinking it all through.

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they allready can, im living proof of it, they like to fuck with my dreams too, nasty buisness, fucking local drug squad and there hospital wives/husbands and friend and friends of friends (fucking locals). but dont get me started on that problem i have going on. none of you believe me anyway, like ive got nothing better to do them dream up the unimaginable, i have aspergers, ive got enough on my plate just trying to live with some sort of normality
i know she? exists...that's it. I think she(it) is a singer?
Otherwise i couldn't care less about her? if i tried.
I have NO time to read about the trivial lives of entertainers, when i have half of our own government trying to destroy democracy, a russian dictator trying to take over Ukraine, various vassals to the dictator making waves, and the chinese looming over everything like a cloud of locusts....
oh, and not to forget them, various super wealthy people still shitting on the little people, murdoch, musk, the koch bros.....
entertainers and their thoughts are a fucking trivial joke i don't have time for.

She and others like her will help to stop the SM madness. She's a role model for others her age. You are not her age. The post not meant for you:hug:
on the subject of social medea not being real life, i know many single mums and dads who would disagree, its there only lifeline from being basicly house bound
they allready can, im living proof of it, they like to fuck with my dreams too, nasty buisness, fucking local drug squad and there hospital wives/husbands and friend and friends of friends (fucking locals). but dont get me started on that problem i have going on. none of you believe me anyway, like ive got nothing better to do them dream up the unimaginable, i have aspergers, ive got enough on my plate just trying to live with some sort of normality
no...get started on that, exactly, are they fucking with your dreams? i'm intrigued...
She and others like her will help to stop the SM madness. She's a role model for others her age. You are not her age. The post not meant for you:hug:
shes fucking 12...who was the post meant for?
and isn't it sad that someone who hasn't ever done fuck all but sing a few songs is a role model for a generation?
Why isn't Greta Thunberg a role model? She does more in one day to help the planet than most celebrities will do in their entire lives.
on the subject of social medea not being real life, i know many single mums and dads who would disagree, its there only lifeline from being basicly house bound
no...being online does not qualify as not being house bound...getting out and speaking to other real people in person qualifies as not being house bound. convincing yourself that talking to losers like us counts as meaningful social interaction doesn't make it so...
shes fucking 12...who was the post meant for?
and isn't it sad that someone who hasn't ever done fuck all but sing a few songs is a role model for a generation?
Why isn't Greta Thunberg a role model? She does more in one day to help the planet than most celebrities will do in their entire lives.

The person who I was responding to @xtsho

Greta Thunberg is a planet activist role model. She's also from Sweden. She has never stated she's dropping SM. Greta Thunberg uses SM. The removal of the SM chip must be made by Americans to Americans.
She and others like her will help to stop the SM madness. She's a role model for others her age. You are not her age. The post not meant for you:hug:
while i applaud her if she helps keep other young people from making asinine choices, someone like John Stewart does more with each broadcast he makes than any ten teen heartthrobs will ever do.