
I read it close to 40 years ago! Many of its elements were used in the first RoboCop film. Note inflation: that dollar in the movie was two bits in the story.

As for offshoring strategic manufacturing capacity, that pendulum may be starting its backswing. The combo of the pandemic and the eye-opening logistics of World War Lite (with their shared message of Make Critical Shit At Home) seem to have snagged some high-level attention.

About f'n time. Getting a good look here too. Our governments have been fools for not keeping essential manufacturing here at home even if they had to run the damn businesses themselves. Capitalism only sees $$ signs and screw everybody else.

Like the monarchy our leaders are just figureheads for the corporations that really run our world. :(


You could have just said as I have a couple times in this thread . . . Be careful what you wish for.

I always like the old one, A buddy told me to smile as things could be a lot worse. So I smiled and sure enough, things got a lot worse. I think that one has it's roots in Yiddish. :)

If the Russians lose the south of Ukraine and the coast along the sea of Azov, the Russians won't be able to supply Crimea and can't hold it. The Ukrainians will first cut them off and then starve them out before attacking, but first they will pound them with drones and rockets. The Kerch bridge will be as good as gone when they get in missile range. The rail lines to the west of Crimea pass through the north of the isthmus at a rail junction within easy artillery range for the Ukrainians, if they take the south too, they can divide Crimea by rail from east to west.

Keir Simmons: Putin may do ‘pretty much anything’ to keep Crimea

18,002 views Feb 28, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #Crimea
NBC News Senior International Correspondent Keir Simmons joins Andrea Mitchell to report from Crimea, an area vital to both Ukraine and Russia and one whose control is caught in the middle of both countries, after it was annexed by Moscow in 2014. “Vladimir Putin will be determined to defend that port, to not have it taken away from him. He may well do pretty much anything to try to achieve that, and the reason why is because it is so strategically important to Russia,” says Simmons about the Crimean city of Sevastopol. “But here's the irony: the fact that since he launched that invasion a year ago in Ukraine, Ukrainians now will be determined not to have the Black Sea Fleet there, potentially threatening their coast for years to come.”

Not the best but from my watching and reading from real Russians they really think they never start wars. That is why they always send "peace keepers" into other countries.

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The allies still could have knocked out Stalin if they'd done it right away. Think of all the grief we and the rest of the world would have been spared if we had. Trillions of dollars saved not having that stupid arms race for f'n nothing other than trying to one-up the other guy.

The Ruskies started into WWII helping Hitler invade Poland and only switched sides when Hitler stabbed them in the back after a joint agreement not to attack each other. Damn good thing Hitler went after the USSR or he would have taken all of Europe and the UK as well if he hadn't wasted so many resources attacking in the east.

Stupid dictators doing stupid things is half the reason the rest of us are still fairly free tho a lot of those freedoms are being eroded day by day. :(

I'm just pointing out the problems at the time of doing so, would Truman suddenly nuke Moscow with B29s? The war was over the boys wanted to go home and there was Japan undefeated until the fall of 45. After the war in Europe was over Uncle Sam wanted the troops for the Pacific, just in case and France was given a bigger role as they recruited a new army and were GI equipped. The brits were exhausted after 6 long years of war and continental Europe was pretty well fucked. Just the Russians maintained a large army and kept on producing arms after everybody else stopped and were converting to a civilian economy which began in 1944 for some industries in America and the UK.

The Russians were still seen as allies for a couple of years after the war and public sentiment had yet to change, then there was the newly formed UN which outlawed nuking Moscow for shits and giggles. Once Stalin had the bomb the cold war really set in, but old Uncle Joe was smart enough to keep a low profile until he had a nuke of his own. It was only when a cypher clerk at the Russian embassy in Ottawa defected did the shit really hit the fan and the cold war was on.

How the Cold War started...in Ottawa
The allies still could have knocked out Stalin if they'd done it right away. Think of all the grief we and the rest of the world would have been spared if we had. Trillions of dollars saved not having that stupid arms race for f'n nothing other than trying to one-up the other guy.
That was Patton’s thinking. My dad said we were fighting the wrong people, and I’ve had difficuty with trying to think that doesn’t mean what I think it must mean…but I suppose he could have meant the Soviets
The British monarchy is just a figurehead family and has been for decades. They have no say in how gov't is run other than give permission for a new Prime Minister to be installed. They don't go to the house of commons without an invite and that only happened a couple times the whole of Queen Elizabeth's reign.

Even in Canada we disconnected from the Crown decades ago but the now King Charles is a token head of state. I get a kick when Americans say we still have a monarchy here but I blame the shoddy US education system for stuff like that.

Damn near half of the British would like to see them gone too but still a lot of royal lovers there and here would like to keep them around. Our version of magats I guess. :D

I'm glad to hear that Canada modernized its form of government.
That was Patton’s thinking. My dad said we were fighting the wrong people, and I’ve had difficuty with trying to think that doesn’t mean what I think it must mean…but I suppose he could have meant the Soviets
Turns out that the famous Churchill quote about slaughtering the wrong pig is a fabrication.

Bagginski says the magats think trump held their best interests at heart. Which is true, and they always will.

Consider: these are either the most faithful or the most blindly duped, but either way, they’re bought in to the hilt. Everything is on the line for them: their core beliefs, their sense of themselves, their core relationships, their freedom of action - it’s all on the line for them. ... like w/ the fnords, the effort to NOT SEE WHAT’S GOING ON RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM is exhausting. Performance in every sense suffers. The struggle to STAY ASLEEP gets harder every day…and the cognitive dissonance between events and transparent cover stories grows.

‘Woke’ is indeed their enemy. Staying asleep long enough - listening only to the voices of their handlers despite the evidence of reality - is truly their only chance, and it’s not a good one

This is illustrated in Senator/ Jim Webb's Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America:

(A) book by American politician and author James "Jim" Webb. It describes the
history of the Scots-Irish ethnic group, summarising their Scottish roots and time
in Ulster before entering a more elaborate narrative of their time in the United States
of America. Webb describes what he considers to be their inherent characteristics,
such as their senses of militarism, independence and staunch opposition to adversaries.
He notes their roles in the creation of country music and the Bible Belt.
-- wiki

They ain't called The Fighting Irish for nuthin'. (NOT that there's anything wrong with that).--disclaimer for all of our Scots Irish friends. :)

Damn good thing Hitler went after the USSR or he would have taken all of Europe and the UK as well if he hadn't wasted so many resources attacking in the east.

This would be illustrated in the following from then Sen. Harry Truman:

In the United States, isolationist moods were still strong in the summer of 1941.
Democratic senator Harry Truman said then, “If we see that Germany is winning
we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and
that way let them kill as many as possible.”

TO POSTERS HERE: You guys are terrific. Enlightened and "woke" as you are Keep on being awake (woke). I can barely keep up with you all. Thanks. :)
No, we have the same form of government as in the beginning, it is based on the British form of government. But it was WWI where Canada seen itself as its own country rather than just a British colony.
I was being facetious and if I offended any Canadian by implying their government was anything less than what we have in the US I will promise to never again ask a Canadian what part of the US they are from.
I'm just pointing out the problems at the time of doing so, would Truman suddenly nuke Moscow with B29s? The war was over the boys wanted to go home and there was Japan undefeated until the fall of 45. After the war in Europe was over Uncle Sam wanted the troops for the Pacific, just in case and France was given a bigger role as they recruited a new army and were GI equipped. The brits were exhausted after 6 long years of war and continental Europe was pretty well fucked. Just the Russians maintained a large army and kept on producing arms after everybody else stopped and were converting to a civilian economy which began in 1944 for some industries in America and the UK.

The Russians were still seen as allies for a couple of years after the war and public sentiment had yet to change, then there was the newly formed UN which outlawed nuking Moscow for shits and giggles. Once Stalin had the bomb the cold war really set in, but old Uncle Joe was smart enough to keep a low profile until he had a nuke of his own. It was only when a cypher clerk at the Russian embassy in Ottawa defected did the shit really hit the fan and the cold war was on.

How the Cold War started...in Ottawa

I know all that stuff. Can't even let a guy dream a little eh.

I like alternative history stories and that one in particular especially with what's happening now.

We are on the cusp and something wicked this way comes.

I was being facetious and if I offended any Canadian by implying their government was anything less than what we have in the US I will promise to never again ask a Canadian what part of the US they are from.
No, did not take it that way. The thing is our governments evolved from British roots. Way back when I was on another forum with mostly Americans they did not know your freedoms and government came about due to British history. Some there never hear of the Magna Carta or all the other major democratic advances from the Middle Ages onward that did not come out of your Constitution. Mind you, many of them did not have a good comprehension of your own history never mind others. A thought came to mind after reading your reply, that the little group of Americans here know a lot more about Canadians than most Americans. Sure, some university kids that took a softball course on Canadian history might know more details but the mindset from listening to our ramblings could easily see any of you dropped in the middle of Canadian society and function just fine. On government we are still younger than you and only in 1982 came up with our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, still modifying things as we go.
Bagginski says the magats think trump held their best interests at heart. Which is true, and they always will.

This is illustrated in Senator/ Jim Webb's Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America:

-- wiki

They ain't called The Fighting Irish for nuthin'. (NOT that there's anything wrong with that).--disclaimer for all of our Scots Irish friends. :)

This would be illustrated in the following from then Sen. Harry Truman:


TO POSTERS HERE: You guys are terrific. Enlightened and "woke" as you are Keep on being awake (woke). I can barely keep up with you all. Thanks. :)
I watched a lecture series from a Prof from one of your more prestigious universities that said the difference between the US north and south is partly due to the people who moved there. The ones in the south were more from a livestock background and you shoot first and asked questions latter as someone could walk away with your major wealth.
No, we have the same form of government as in the beginning, it is based on the British form of government. But it was WWI where Canada seen itself as its own country rather than just a British colony.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure it wasn't until we ratified our own constitution that we got behind the driver's wheel. I remember when we got our own flag when I was in Grade 6 and old lady Miss Westman, a huge royalist, was up in arms about it. The principal Mr. Fitchet snuck into our home room and pinned a bunch of Maple Leaf flags all over the room. She blew a gasket when she walked into the room that morning. She never did take down the big framed photo of the Queen tho.

The two of them retired about 5 years later and got married FFS. She died about a year after. Go figure.

Tumultuous times for sure.

No, did not take it that way. The thing is our governments evolved from British roots. Way back when I was on another forum with mostly Americans they did not know your freedoms and government came about due to British history. Some there never hear of the Magna Carta or all the other major democratic advances from the Middle Ages onward that did not come out of your Constitution. Mind you, many of them did not have a good comprehension of your own history never mind others. A thought came to mind after reading your reply, that the little group of Americans here know a lot more about Canadians than most Americans. Sure, some university kids that took a softball course on Canadian history might know more details but the mindset from listening to our ramblings could easily see any of you dropped in the middle of Canadian society and function just fine. On government we are still younger than you and only in 1982 came up with our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, still modifying things as we go.
Magna Carta was the #1 consumer credit instrument of the crusader era.

I was being facetious and if I offended any Canadian by implying their government was anything less than what we have in the US I will promise to never again ask a Canadian what part of the US they are from.

No worries man. Some of the best laughs I get are when some guy on TV like Stephen Cobert etc make jokes about Canadians especially our gov't. That South Park episode aboot war with Canada is one of the best. :)

We don't take ourselves as seriously as a lot of societies and can take a joke better than most.
