Elons Little Plan

Like the Chinese are doing on the dark side?..and you know they are.

Sneaky fucking bastard..he also has algorithm to post his to yours first.

what the hell?

what the hell?

r/Twitter - what the hell?

Next week they’re gonna tell you that only twitter blue users can have passwords.

First up, on Feb. 21, is Gonzalez v. Google. The underlying lawsuit was filed by the family of an American woman, Nohemi Gonzalez, who was killed in a 2015 ISIS attack in Paris. The family alleges that Google, which owns YouTube, is liable because its algorithms promoted extremist content to people likely to be susceptible to it.

From the Comments Section.

Maybe the solution should be to not "recommend" anything and simply allow people to search for what they want. This places the power and responsibility back on the consumer and might have a minimal reduction on the desires to these companies to continuously gather information about you (a nice side benefit in my opinion). The ability to market things to people should not be the first right of any society even if its economy is based on capitalist principles.

My take.

Based upon my viewing the algorithm does this auto (Recommendations) and I don't think you can turn it off..this reminds me of the age old statement 'guns don't kill people, people kill people.' Well, you're providing a platform (the gun) then retards looking for ISIS get pushed more on them..why doesn't the platform allow porn?..children porn?..and grossly enough baby porn? With their argument they will be soon because 'they're just the platform' and not in charge of what people upload. Weak.

Because this has been brought to my attention I will boycott You Tube Premium (letting them know why I'm boycotting- it's the best part) and go to Spotify or somewhere else.
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go to Spotify or somewhere else.
The same spotify that hosts joe rogin and other misinformation spreaders and white nationalist supporters?
you're gonna jump out of the pan into the fire, that way.
There is No platform that doesn't have some objectionable content, at least from time to time.
I'm not taking youtube's side, but do you know how many videos they have to "police"? Most of the time, they catch them by viewers reporting them. Videos aren't like text, you can't set a watchdog that will bark when certain words or phrases go by, someone has to flag it. That kind of makes me wonder why these people were visiting those youtube pages to begin with. i spend quite a bit of time on youtube, and i've never "accidentally stumbled" upon a ISIS page, or a militia page, or a white supremacist page, because i don't search for that kind of shit to begin with, and if i do, to follow upa story or something, i use a vpn.
It's easy to get self righteous about shit like this, but human nature is what it is, and the best you'll ever do is finding a place that takes offensive content down as quickly as it's pointed out, which youtube seems to do.
The same spotify that hosts joe rogin and other misinformation spreaders and white nationalist supporters?
you're gonna jump out of the pan into the fire, that way.
There is No platform that doesn't have some objectionable content, at least from time to time.
I'm not taking youtube's side, but do you know how many videos they have to "police"? Most of the time, they catch them by viewers reporting them. Videos aren't like text, you can't set a watchdog that will bark when certain words or phrases go by, someone has to flag it. That kind of makes me wonder why these people were visiting those youtube pages to begin with. i spend quite a bit of time on youtube, and i've never "accidentally stumbled" upon a ISIS page, or a militia page, or a white supremacist page, because i don't search for that kind of shit to begin with, and if i do, to follow upa story or something, i use a vpn.
It's easy to get self righteous about shit like this, but human nature is what it is, and the best you'll ever do is finding a place that takes offensive content down as quickly as it's pointed out, which youtube seems to do.

Then I'll just kick it down to YT NO Premium. It chokes them of monthly income. I can damage them while still using the platform which is an even bigger fuck you.
The same spotify that hosts joe rogin and other misinformation spreaders and white nationalist supporters?
you're gonna jump out of the pan into the fire, that way.
There is No platform that doesn't have some objectionable content, at least from time to time.
I'm not taking youtube's side, but do you know how many videos they have to "police"? Most of the time, they catch them by viewers reporting them. Videos aren't like text, you can't set a watchdog that will bark when certain words or phrases go by, someone has to flag it. That kind of makes me wonder why these people were visiting those youtube pages to begin with. i spend quite a bit of time on youtube, and i've never "accidentally stumbled" upon a ISIS page, or a militia page, or a white supremacist page, because i don't search for that kind of shit to begin with, and if i do, to follow upa story or something, i use a vpn.
It's easy to get self righteous about shit like this, but human nature is what it is, and the best you'll ever do is finding a place that takes offensive content down as quickly as it's pointed out, which youtube seems to do.
Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute 2007-2020

As of June 2022, more than 500 hours of video were uploaded to YouTube every minute. This equates to approximately 30,000 hours of newly uploaded content per hour. Jan 9, 2023
I got a Twitter account shortly after it started up but rarely ever log in. Same with YouTube unless there's something I really want to watch that is adult in content like grow ops ffs. Can watch Orcs being blown up anonymously but need to prove I'm an adult to watch someone grow a plant. lol

These f'n computers and especially the interweb have sucked up so much of my life that I'll never get back I wish I could sue someone for more time and toss everything in the dumpster. I have stuff I want to do IRL but stare at screens most of the time. :(

I got a Twitter account shortly after it started up but rarely ever log in. Same with YouTube unless there's something I really want to watch that is adult in content like grow ops ffs. Can watch Orcs being blown up anonymously but need to prove I'm an adult to watch someone grow a plant. lol

These f'n computers and especially the interweb have sucked up so much of my life that I'll never get back I wish I could sue someone for more time and toss everything in the dumpster. I have stuff I want to do IRL but stare at screens most of the time. :(

I looked online for a critique of Youtube Premium. I wanted to see what almost $150 a year gets.
Imagine my surprise when there was no real difference in available content.

Oddly, I found more than one writeup along the lines of “why Youtube premium is worth every penny”. It reduced to convenience features like less ads and being able to play music with little maintenance. No important stuff like being able to binge Gilligan.

It sure does not sound like a value proposition to me, when I can’t even find old movie/tv content on the Tube. How long does it take for media copyrights to expire anyway? Like, Disney.
(add) how the pintail duck do they get a 95-year copyright?? Shidd ain right.

It ties into my earlier rant about free markets being anything but free.
Then I'll just kick it down to YT NO Premium. It chokes them of monthly income. I can damage them while still using the platform which is an even bigger fuck you.
you know me, if someone pisses me off and i can stick it back to them somehow, i will...but they just make up the lost revenue with the adds they force you to watch if you don't go premium.
I have youtube premium, but watched at home on my pc for a long time with an add on for firefox just called "adblocker for youtube"..it skips all the video ads, and they seem to keep it updated pretty well, the only reason i went premium is they don't have a mobile version and i use my playlists from my phone in the car.
I looked online for a critique of Youtube Premium. I wanted to see what almost $150 a year gets.
Imagine my surprise when there was no real difference in available content.

Oddly, I found more than one writeup along the lines of “why Youtube premium is worth every penny”. It reduced to convenience features like less ads and being able to play music with little maintenance. No important stuff like being able to binge Gilligan.

It sure does not sound like a value proposition to me, when I can’t even find old movie/tv content on the Tube. How long does it take for media copyrights to expire anyway? Like, Disney.
(add) how the pintail duck do they get a 95-year copyright?? Shidd ain right.

It ties into my earlier rant about free markets being anything but free.
there are no ads, and i can download songs and/or video to my phone or pc for when i'm in an out of service area, or the internet is down.
that's worth the price to me, as i live in the hills and there are a lot of dead spots going up and down the mountains and in and out of the valleys.