Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

MacGyver was my favorite show when I was a kid...

I even have the full theme song mp3 in my rig on a flash drive. Sometimes it randomly comes on and i cruise to it. I've rolled by people who got pulled over playing the cops theme song too, lol.

Here's my new shmuvbox, to create a clean room grade like environment inside of large clear recycling bags to work in. My back hurts to much to sit and work in a SAB for long sessions, so hopefully this will get me by until I make a FFU. Maybe i'll never have to make one ;)

I took my other ideas for flexible ducting from that proto type I was working on, and implemented it into a Holmes aer1 unit instead, using a 3x4" flexible down spout adapter. It allows you to hookup the bag in many different configurations, or work areas. 99.99 true HEPA rated filtration with the plus filter installed.
For my next project, I was gonna use an angled 6mm stainless steel drinking straw to make a tool for cutting perfect round pucks in agar, instead of slicing wedges with a scalpel.

Maybe I could just use wire instead of the straw or tubing, so I can also hook it to a mod and sterilize i too, just like my new loop saber. Maybe it could even lift the puck out of the agar dish (unlike getting stuck in the tube), and also drop it to the new transfer plate with a short push of the button. Heating it just enough so it melts the agar by the ring (not burning the myc on the other side of the puck) and falls onto the new plate on the right side, without needing another pick or scalpel to pick it up with.. Punch the hole, pick it up, and drop it to the new plate all with one piece of wire, in just a few seconds..

I'm trying to figure out a way to minimize the amount of tools though, but there's so many cool ideas out there. I want to make like a swiss army mycology tool that has most of what I need in one unit. All electronic with self sterilizing attachments.

I could probably get a scalpel red hot with one of my high wattage E-cig mods too...
Nope. But it doesn't matter you get your orders ASAP. Usually 3 days. Only place I'll order from now been messing with them for a couple years and everything's legit

The web site says based in MI, that's michigan. And the first post about this place said Lansing area, again michigan.
So many ways to do things with this I just figured out you can fill your syringes with broth and pull some up and let it colonize in the syringes

You can use vaccutainers (red top), isolate your tissue one at a time and keep a library of your best cultures. You have a couple of years in the fridge and you can just suck a little out if the vacu, squirt it into your lc and within days have perfectly serviceable spawn. Then you can squirt some of the new stuff into a fresh vacu and have another couple years. You can do this 3 or 4 times till your culture needs refreshing.
When I mix the spawn bag with the substrate in the monotub shouldn't the monotub be sealed until fruiting is ready?? I ordered a monotub but they only sent me filter disks for the holes. Don't I need to keep those holes sealed until I see pins?