The Junk Drawer

So instead of investing this money in their infrastructures, which would improve the lives of all their citizens, they want to make a gesture designed to secure them votes in the next election?
it makes me sad that a fair number of these people are democrats.
I’m sure the school system would like, y’know, books and stuff. And better lunches. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
Time for another culture war, this one will count though. Talk about a cultural shift and shit storm, the magats would be running their heads into concrete walls in protest! :lol: :lol:

Replace it with soccer if that is found less harmful, hockey could be in for the same fate, but football is doomed. Schools are suppose to train young minds, not turn their brains into mush. The Romans gave up gladiatorial combat for amusement and America will eventually have to give up on football. Eventually only morons will play, those with not much to lose I suppose.

Saw the Minuteman launch last night. The moon was up, so the smoke trail was ghostly visible. When stage 1 separated, it rotated slowly, showing a still-incandescent end, like God dropped a cigarette butt.

Just before stage 3 burnout there was a great symmetrical burst of smoke. I found out what that was this morning: how does one turn off a solid-fuel rocket, once target velocity is achieved?

Showtime The DarkNet documentary. I've been catching up. This is two seasons. Each installment is the story in itself; you can choose which subject matter. Everything you've wanted to know (and not know).

The only solution sounds like a final solution. Maybe allow immigration? There's America's solution, if you don't allow immigration, kill off the old, a very republican idea, in America, just cut off their social security and Medicare and let em die! Or they can kill themselves in despair I suppose. Just think about all those tax cuts you could have then!
