Irrigation manifold (orbit) question

I run a similar system and finally gave up on using drippers, emitters, and sprinklers/sprayers. They stayed clogged so I finally settled on just allowing it to free flow from the end of the 1/4" tubing and it works fine.

I'm using a $53 sump pump from Amazon to push the nutes out to the plants. I also managed to integrate a quick disconnect, so I can remove the bubbler and connect a garden hose. It takes less than 5-mins to do a full reservoir change including cleaning/scrubbing and mixing the fresh nutes. EASY!

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I put a quick connect from the pump to the main line, so I can remove it to clean etc. I have 24 lines, and I'm not sure if I'd get even pressure running them wide open w/o a emitter or sprinkler. Haven't had any issues with the sprinklers or the 2gph emitters as of yet (knock on wood)
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Did you make a closed loop? I think you're supposed to have more even pressure that way, that's why I made the loop as small as possible and run the 1/4" to where you need it.
dude…. the amount of googling I did behind the closed loop vs straight runs… I hit that 2nd page of google before I concluded that it’s all just theories. When you start looking at professional large scale set ups they never ever run a loop. It cost too much in labor and parts is the main reason. I went with the straight run with minimal amount of bends. I figured I can loop if later if I run into issues. Honesty, I don’t think it matters unless if you are running low PSI. My 5gpm pump keeps a lot of pressure in the line.

im also running pressure compensating drippers so I figured the closed loop would of been extra work and get in my way more.

That’s pressure compensated (which I like) but I’d wonder if you will run into clogging issues later on if you are running nutes.
i've been using the 6 port version for probably 8 years. no clogs even when i was running kelp, fulvics, etc.
That’s awesome. I’m planning on occasionally runnings some nutes through my PC drippers and I’ll just give them a gallon or two of fresh water to try to clear them after.

the drip line and pro pack of emitters were cheap enough that I could replace them if I run into issues later.
That’s pressure compensated (which I like) but I’d wonder if you will run into clogging issues later on if you are running nutes.

not had an pc emitter clog running nutes DTW. low pressure system w as many as 24 emitters.
where clogging has happened to me was at any adjustable valve, port, etc.
low pressure pump WFO thru 4 or 8 gph pc drip emitters usually 4 per 6x block.
(older pic)
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not had an pc emitter clog running nutes DTW. low pressure system w as many as 24 emitters.
where clogging has happened to me was at any adjustable valve, port, etc.
low pressure pump WFO thru 4 or 8 gph pc drip emitters usually 4 per 6x block.
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(older pic)
That’s exciting! My wife is pregnant so I’m hoping this setup will allow me to coast with minimal intervention from my part.

my set up currently is 23 sites or 46 1gph emitters. The kicker is I’m in soil. I gotta be careful not to over water.
That’s awesome. I’m planning on occasionally runnings some nutes through my PC drippers and I’ll just give them a gallon or two of fresh water to try to clear them after.

the drip line and pro pack of emitters were cheap enough that I could replace them if I run into issues later.
There are products you can use to help keep the lines clear like hypochlorous acid (using that now and seems to eliminate the salt buildup on the sprayers), there's also hyclean by green planet (I think). Supposed to keep lines clean. Ive used that one too, hard to get in Canada but the rep gave me a box of large sample bottles because I said I can't get it. Lol. Duno if its necessarily worth the cost to buy but it is a small bit of insurance, to combat clogging.
That’s exciting! My wife is pregnant so I’m hoping this setup will allow me to coast with minimal intervention from my part.

my set up currently is 23 sites or 46 1gph emitters. The kicker is I’m in soil. I gotta be careful not to over water.
Even if I were to run in promix again, I'd set up the irrigation system. Saves my back from bending over and reaching into Timbuktu corner in the back lol. I would just leave the repeat cycle timer out and only water when needed. Guess the prob with that is being able to control the amount going into each pot. Eg some may need more/less and you can't really do that per say
Living soil, I'll do blumats w/plain water.
Congrats on the kiddo.
dude…. the amount of googling I did behind the closed loop vs straight runs… I hit that 2nd page of google before I concluded that it’s all just theories. When you start looking at professional large scale set ups they never ever run a loop. It cost too much in labor and parts is the main reason. I went with the straight run with minimal amount of bends. I figured I can loop if later if I run into issues. Honesty, I don’t think it matters unless if you are running low PSI. My 5gpm pump keeps a lot of pressure in the line.

im also running pressure compensating drippers so I figured the closed loop would of been extra work and get in my way more.

That’s pressure compensated (which I like) but I’d wonder if you will run into clogging issues later on if you are running nutes.
Why would that be an issue? I'm just starting my research on all of this so it's all new to me.
Why would that be an issue? I'm just starting my research on all of this so it's all new to me.
for large volumes/pressures it equalizes the pressure/flow at any port in the loop. I'd imagine it would be required with any large commercial grow.
if you have a long single run with taps all along it the last tap is likely to not flow the same as the first.
with the 1/4" tubing coming from the distribution block its not a problem(for me).
Living soil, I'll do blumats w/plain water.
Congrats on the kiddo.

Appreciate it!

I liked bluemats but the drip set up was a cheaper route for my endeavor. I like the idea of them in a large living bed.

In regards to the closed loop; I figured with PC drippers it wasn’t as much of an issue. I haven’t noticed any issue in regards to the water flow. If I was running a lower PSI system i would be worried.
Appreciate it!

I liked bluemats but the drip set up was a cheaper route for my endeavor. I like the idea of them in a large living bed.

In regards to the closed loop; I figured with PC drippers it wasn’t as much of an issue. I haven’t noticed any issue in regards to the water flow. If I was running a lower PSI system i would be worried.
I'm running a sump pump 1300ish gph. Not quite sure what the psi is but it does seem pretty high. I get good flow from each line
Blumats are both good and bad. They have limits. Using the blumat moisture meter really helps dial in a more exact moisture level and keep it there. I don't think I'll use them with nutes again though they clog and it becomes a nightmare checking the pots etc. You're right about using them in a living soil type situation in large pots, or a bed.
Now, with this setup, when a watering event is about to happen I can just go crack the tent and make sure everything's kosher. Easy peasy
I bought my pump and res with Canadian Tire money so it was all 'free' to me. The pipe, fittings, manifolds, and 1/4"line cost maybe 60bucks? Super cheap setup that works better than anything I've used in my own personal grow
If I was just recirculating, I wouldn't bother as much with regulating flow or putting loops in either. Just make sure they all get watered, really..

DTW is different though. Not only would I put in a looped manifold, I would finely tune each line by going around and measuring the exact amounts that each feed line puts out, for whatever the amount of time for the cycle. Like doing a compression test on an engine, I make sure all the lines are withing 5-10 percent of each other. It's tricky without putting a looped manifold to help equalize it. Messing with one throws off all the rest, etc..

If even one pot on one end of the row is receiving more nutrient solution, just to make sure all or some of the ones on the other end even get enough runoff, you'll be wasting a lot of water and nutes over time..
fine tuning may be constant if you use adjustable anything with the 1/4".
the build-up in tiny orafices screws with it. been there, done that.
run everything from the pump out WFO and let the emitters control the flow.
of course dont over power the system either. start blowing stuff up. :mrgreen:
I'm running an Eco 185 fixed flow 160 gph in the res. and theres
plenty of flow to run 8 plants w 4 pc emitters each.
be sure to get quality drip emitters...orbit, dig both work well for me.:peace:
fine tuning may be constant if you use adjustable anything with the 1/4".
the build-up in tiny orafices screws with it. been there, done that.
run everything from the pump out WFO and let the emitters control the flow.
of course dont over power the system either. start blowing stuff up. :mrgreen:
I'm running an Eco 185 fixed flow 160 gph in the res. and theres
plenty of flow to run 8 plants w 4 pc emitters each.
be sure to get quality drip emitters...orbit, dig both work well for me.:peace:
I have rainbird drippers and sprinklers are just amazon special