Are opiates the only painkiller?

I've tried all the serious morphine based pain killers legal and illegal, they're damn good and enjoyable but my back still hurt like hell.

The best pain relief I've tried is Gabapentine, to the best of my knowledge they're normally prescribed for epilepsy but for reasons unknown to me they're also good pain relief/management.
I've tried all the serious morphine based pain killers legal and illegal, they're damn good and enjoyable but my back still hurt like hell.

The best pain relief I've tried is Gabapentine, to the best of my knowledge they're normally prescribed for epilepsy but for reasons unknown to me they're also good pain relief/management.
You should try pregabalin. It's gabapentin x10
The effects of Demerol is great but it's also terrible for the kidneys.

I'd rather lose a kidney than a liver from too much tylenol and related compounds. You'd have to be on heavy doses for a long period to screw up the kidneys and I was doing 30 in 4 - 6 months only when needed.

Friend gave me some percs once and I hated them. He ate them like Smarties for his back. Hooked like a fish.

I haven't had an opiate in years.

I've tried all the serious morphine based pain killers legal and illegal, they're damn good and enjoyable but my back still hurt like hell.

The best pain relief I've tried is Gabapentine, to the best of my knowledge they're normally prescribed for epilepsy but for reasons unknown to me they're also good pain relief/management.
I Think it’s a nerve blocker? I was prescribed it (gaba) for a broken leg after I just couldn’t do the opioids anymore. They give you bottles of like 90 at a time with 3 refills so I am thinking it’s not addicting but not 100% sure. Ilike you say it seemed to help but I really don’t like takin many pills lol.
The local pain management clinics here just cut everyone off week before last. And I mean everyone. The whole town and surrounding town patients. Didnt matter what opioid was prescribed or the extent of their diagnosis and medical history. No warning, no opiate refills. Only buprenorphine and suboxone. The local Facebook groups are lighting up about it. Hundreds of people with serious problems. My wife was born with Klippel-Fiel syndrome a rare skeletal disease. Vertebra fused together, spinal curvature, one shoulder blade about 4 inches higher than the other, left arm 6 inches shorter. Her fingers are atrophied on her left hand and unusable except as a hook. She has no thumb on that hand. One kidney, twin malformed reproductive tracts and many other problems associated with this rare disease. She's 55 and works her ass off every day. Never needed pain treatment until 3 years ago. She has already outlived the life expectancy of Klipper-Fiel patients. But her spine and shoulder gets worse every year and its totally untreatable. She's just on a small dose of Norco 7.5mg and the clinic pretty much said screw you. She has her own business and the talk this week is having to retire. After 2 years they cut me off also. Norco 10mg for pinched nerves and arthritis. It doesn't take all the pain away but it keeps me able to live a semi-active lifestyle with a pain level I can handle with my heart failure diagnosis. I had a dozen spinal injections that would only last 2-3 days before they prescribed me painkillers. And even though we both have months and months of extra medicine from taking less than the prescribed dosage we want to face this problem now instead of later. Im a light cannabis smoker and she doesn't smoke at all....never has, not one time and never will. Im not worried about myself its my wife who concerns me I hate to see her upset and in pain and having to quit what she loves because stupid lawmakers have threatened these doctors. They need to work on the Fentanyl laced drugs coming across the border but they cant stop illegals so how can they stop illegals carrying drugs?

We both already take Gabapentin. Me for nerve pain associated with shingles and her for a different problem but it doesn't provide any pain relief for us.

We are open to and would like to explore other options. The internet isnt much help because nothing is as effective as opiates. :wall:
The local pain management clinics here just cut everyone off week before last. And I mean everyone. The whole town and surrounding town patients. Didnt matter what opioid was prescribed or the extent of their diagnosis and medical history. No warning, no opiate refills. Only buprenorphine and suboxone. The local Facebook groups are lighting up about it. Hundreds of people with serious problems. My wife was born with Klippel-Fiel syndrome a rare skeletal disease. Vertebra fused together, spinal curvature, one shoulder blade about 4 inches higher than the other, left arm 6 inches shorter. Her fingers are atrophied on her left hand and unusable except as a hook. She has no thumb on that hand. One kidney, twin malformed reproductive tracts and many other problems associated with this rare disease. She's 55 and works her ass off every day. Never needed pain treatment until 3 years ago. She has already outlived the life expectancy of Klipper-Fiel patients. But her spine and shoulder gets worse every year and its totally untreatable. She's just on a small dose of Norco 7.5mg and the clinic pretty much said screw you. She has her own business and the talk this week is having to retire. After 2 years they cut me off also. Norco 10mg for pinched nerves and arthritis. It doesn't take all the pain away but it keeps me able to live a semi-active lifestyle with a pain level I can handle with my heart failure diagnosis. I had a dozen spinal injections that would only last 2-3 days before they prescribed me painkillers. And even though we both have months and months of extra medicine from taking less than the prescribed dosage we want to face this problem now instead of later. Im a light cannabis smoker and she doesn't smoke at all....never has, not one time and never will. Im not worried about myself its my wife who concerns me I hate to see her upset and in pain and having to quit what she loves because stupid lawmakers have threatened these doctors. They need to work on the Fentanyl laced drugs coming across the border but they cant stop illegals so how can they stop illegals carrying drugs?

We both already take Gabapentin. Me for nerve pain associated with shingles and her for a different problem but it doesn't provide any pain relief for us.

We are open to and would like to explore other options. The internet isnt much help because nothing is as effective as opiates. :wall:
That's fucked up.
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The local pain management clinics here just cut everyone off week before last. And I mean everyone. The whole town and surrounding town patients. Didnt matter what opioid was prescribed or the extent of their diagnosis and medical history. No warning, no opiate refills. Only buprenorphine and suboxone. The local Facebook groups are lighting up about it. Hundreds of people with serious problems. My wife was born with Klippel-Fiel syndrome a rare skeletal disease. Vertebra fused together, spinal curvature, one shoulder blade about 4 inches higher than the other, left arm 6 inches shorter. Her fingers are atrophied on her left hand and unusable except as a hook. She has no thumb on that hand. One kidney, twin malformed reproductive tracts and many other problems associated with this rare disease. She's 55 and works her ass off every day. Never needed pain treatment until 3 years ago. She has already outlived the life expectancy of Klipper-Fiel patients. But her spine and shoulder gets worse every year and its totally untreatable. She's just on a small dose of Norco 7.5mg and the clinic pretty much said screw you. She has her own business and the talk this week is having to retire. After 2 years they cut me off also. Norco 10mg for pinched nerves and arthritis. It doesn't take all the pain away but it keeps me able to live a semi-active lifestyle with a pain level I can handle with my heart failure diagnosis. I had a dozen spinal injections that would only last 2-3 days before they prescribed me painkillers. And even though we both have months and months of extra medicine from taking less than the prescribed dosage we want to face this problem now instead of later. Im a light cannabis smoker and she doesn't smoke at all....never has, not one time and never will. Im not worried about myself its my wife who concerns me I hate to see her upset and in pain and having to quit what she loves because stupid lawmakers have threatened these doctors. They need to work on the Fentanyl laced drugs coming across the border but they cant stop illegals so how can they stop illegals carrying drugs?

We both already take Gabapentin. Me for nerve pain associated with shingles and her for a different problem but it doesn't provide any pain relief for us.

We are open to and would like to explore other options. The internet isnt much help because nothing is as effective as opiates. :wall:

I really feel for you and your wife. I’ve witnessed this happening for years now. It’s a crying shame and it needs to be addressed. I wish you guys the best.
I just had wrist surgery after basically shattering mine a few weeks ago(bunch of screws went in) and honestly weed helped more than the oxycodone at least for the nerve pain. The oxys were really only needed for the first 3 days after then once the bone pain went down weed kept everything else manageable.
in most cases yes
Nice to meet you...never bumped into you before in.( l'm the very last year of the program , way back when [ a 4yr degree ] before I flunked out because of some cosmic , super-duper , absract , quantum leap , morphing, highly advanced synthethetic organic chemistry would a made Lavoisier and his gang scratch their nuggets . ( oh I'm sure some asshole passed it ) . ( I'm ripped )..........where were we...oh yeah... could you tell me what those other cases are in which real pain can be relieved without opiates . Either or is f'ing Hell . Kinda leaves ya with no options unless ya got brass nugges. Anima ( spelling ? ) ey ? Purples cool !
I just had wrist surgery after basically shattering mine a few weeks ago(bunch of screws went in) and honestly weed helped more than the oxycodone at least for the nerve pain. The oxys were really only needed for the first 3 days after then once the bone pain went down weed kept everything else manageable.

Glad yer making out.............never bumped into you before, nice to meet you . I'm very happy for must have a brain in your head . You have
No f'ing idea what you could fallen into . I'm sure you've heard about 0xy ( shit-fuck , ya want a nightmare on your hands.........then try getting off it , that'll about kill what's left of ya ( all 80-90 lbs) . Coming from a stoner who's been there. Had 9 leg ops...doc prescribed this f'ing poison and keep using it.........320mg / day . I just should got drunk.