Spy Balloon!

It wasn’t “the pentagon” though. Even the Huffington Post article you linked has a hyperlink to the DOD statement that doesn’t even mention previous balloons. Look at their and source in their own article. Look at the DOD statement. It wouldn’t be the first time, but you fell for more Trump hysteria from “anonymous sources”

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So, here you are avidly trying to spin some story that this is a fake report. There is nothing in your post to conclude anything one way or another To be fair, it's a trivial story. Doesn't really matter one way of the other if it's true because there is nothing important reported here.

But it does prompt me to ask. Did you ever post a correction to Trump's fake story about the stolen election lie? Did you post anywhere in RIU to refute the lies promoted by right wingers about Antifa being the ones who attacked the Capitol Building? When did your passion for the truth first appear? Republicans have told some massive whoppers recently. Where is your passion for the truth evident when they do that? Where is your passion for truth when people make posts trying to equate what Trump did with confidential documents with what Biden did?
So, here you are avidly trying to spin some story that this is a fake report. There is nothing in your post to conclude anything one way or another To be fair, it's a trivial story. Doesn't really matter one way of the other if it's true because there is nothing important reported here.

But it does prompt me to ask. Did you ever post a correction to Trump's fake story about the stolen election lie? Did you post anywhere in RIU to refute the lies promoted by right wingers about Antifa being the ones who attacked the Capitol Building? When did your passion for the truth first appear? Republicans have told some massive whoppers recently. Where is your passion for the truth evident when they do that? Where is your passion for truth when people make posts trying to equate what Trump did with confidential documents with what Biden did?
I'm guessing in his imagination¿?
So, here you are avidly trying to spin some story that this is a fake report. There is nothing in your post to conclude anything one way or another To be fair, it's a trivial story. Doesn't really matter one way of the other if it's true because there is nothing important reported here.

But it does prompt me to ask. Did you ever post a correction to Trump's fake story about the stolen election lie? Did you post anywhere in RIU to refute the lies promoted by right wingers about Antifa being the ones who attacked the Capitol Building? When did your passion for the truth first appear? Republicans have told some massive whoppers recently. Where is your passion for the truth evident when they do that? Where is your passion for truth when people make posts trying to equate what Trump did with confidential documents with what Biden did?

The thing is, I don’t have to believe everything trump says to agree and like many ways he governed. Him believing the election was stolen is taken out of context in many respects. If he had stopped at “the media is corrupt and social media is corrupt” in that they reported everything with a negative/scandalous connotation for 5 years which wound up swaying millions of people to vote against him; it would have held more weight.

He became his own worst enemy pushing all the other stuff about voting machines and this and that. I disagree with him. He was wrong. That’s ok.

Antifa didn’t breach the capital building they just caused property damage and physical assault and sort of took over an entire section of Portland causing various other crimes due to lack of police presence in that area. It’s not my job as a citizen to do anything more than observe and form my own opinions. I don’t have to agree with any wild conspiracy antifa breached the capital building. What’s your point?

Any passions or opinions of mine stem from right of center. I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal in many respects. Example being I think the welfare system is wrought with corruption and is creating a permanent class of underachieving poor people, while at the same time think the military industrial complex and militarization of police forces create huge problems for our citizenry. I’m pro choice. Anti war on drugs. Pro police body cams and accountability all while thinking we should increase their pay and benefits and training requirements to serve. I think it should be nearly impossible to be an illegal immigrant here in the US, yet cannot blame people for taking advantage of a broken system. Revamping the visa program making it easier to screen and move people into the country for work makes so much more sense than having an open border and fueling cartel profits that in turn harm the family I have in Mexico.

I’ve said it before but I do not fit in to any cookie cutter version of republican or democrat. In the midterms I voted for 3 democrats (agriculture commissioner being one along with a couple judges.) I even voted independent against my governor because I did not want the R or D candidates representing me as I disagreed with both of their platforms in many respects.

But first and foremost, I vote for my wallet.

I do not sign on to the idea it’s the end of the world if one party or another is in power. At the end of the all I can do is vote and share my worldview/opinions with others.
The thing is, I don’t have to believe everything trump says to agree and like many ways he governed. Him believing the election was stolen is taken out of context in many respects. If he had stopped at “the media is corrupt and social media is corrupt” in that they reported everything with a negative/scandalous connotation for 5 years which wound up swaying millions of people to vote against him; it would have held more weight.

He became his own worst enemy pushing all the other stuff about voting machines and this and that. I disagree with him. He was wrong. That’s ok.

Antifa didn’t breach the capital building they just caused property damage and physical assault and sort of took over an entire section of Portland causing various other crimes due to lack of police presence in that area. It’s not my job as a citizen to do anything more than observe and form my own opinions. I don’t have to agree with any wild conspiracy antifa breached the capital building. What’s your point?

Any passions or opinions of mine stem from right of center. I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal in many respects. Example being I think the welfare system is wrought with corruption and is creating a permanent class of underachieving poor people, while at the same time think the military industrial complex and militarization of police forces create huge problems for our citizenry. I’m pro choice. Anti war on drugs. Pro police body cams and accountability all while thinking we should increase their pay and benefits and training requirements to serve. I think it should be nearly impossible to be an illegal immigrant here in the US, yet cannot blame people for taking advantage of a broken system. Revamping the visa program making it easier to screen and move people into the country for work makes so much more sense than having an open border and fueling cartel profits that in turn harm the family I have in Mexico.

I’ve said it before but I do not fit in to any cookie cutter version of republican or democrat. In the midterms I voted for 3 democrats (agriculture commissioner being one along with a couple judges.) I even voted independent against my governor because I did not want the R or D candidates representing me as I disagreed with both of their platforms in many respects.

But first and foremost, I vote for my wallet.

I do not sign on to the idea it’s the end of the world if one party or another is in power. At the end of the all I can do is vote and share my worldview/opinions with others.
Too funny. I didn't ask you about your politics, just, like, when did you get so interested in the truth? lulz at the layer of shit you spread over the Big Lie. What was reported about Trump's use of the Big Lie It wasn't taken out of context, it was his main talking point for months. 60 or so court cases and losing every one. And of course it was his rallying call for the insurrection. So, you aren't really interested in the truth. MAGA alternative facts fit your wallet better.

Didn't read the rest of your post. The answer was in your first paragraph. Thanks for being honest for once. I can understand how hard it was for you, so, thanks for the effort.

Circling back to the OP. Lulz at those three times spy balloons crossed into US continental land mass during Trump's term in office. It makes Republican and your umbrage this week look foolish.
There is a good side to Biden's shitty handling of the balloon though. Now he just pissed off a lot more people and got more of our country thinking more like me, :clap:

Biden handled the balloon situation badly by following the advice of his national security advisors and the pentagon?

Nobody is pissed off at Biden’s “shitty handling of the balloon” except the usual simpletons. The same simpletons who are brainwashed by other simpletons on Fox News .
Biden handled the balloon situation badly by following the advice of his national security advisors and the pentagon?

Nobody is pissed off at Biden’s “shitty handling of the balloon” except the usual simpletons. The same simpletons who are brainwashed by other simpletons on Fox News .
Sorry man, I'm a real American. The handling of the balloon was pathetic. As was Afghanistan and everything else that incompetent fool has touched.
Looks like they went through Trump's old PDBs to see what he missed. A lot, since he hardly ever listened to them and never read them.

Chinese spy balloons under Trump not discovered until after Biden took office

The transiting of three suspected Chinese spy balloons over the continental US during the Trump administration was only discovered after President Joe Biden took office, a senior administration official told CNN on Sunday.

The official did not say how or when those incidents were discovered.

The official said that the intelligence community is prepared to offer briefings to key Trump administration officials about the Chinese surveillance program, which the Biden administration believes has been deployed in countries across five continents over the last several years.

After the Biden administration disclosed last week that a suspected Chinese spy balloon was hovering over Montana, the Pentagon said that similar balloon incidents had occurred during the Trump administration. In response, former Trump administration Defense Secretary Mark Esper told CNN on Friday that he was “surprised” by that statement.

“I don’t ever recall somebody coming into my office or reading anything that the Chinese had a surveillance balloon above the United States,” he said.

Former President Donald Trump also said on Truth Social this week that reports of Chinese balloons transiting the US during his administration were “fake disinformation.”

The Biden administration official now says the incidents were not discovered until after the Trump administration had already left. But the official did not say how those incidents were discovered or when.

CNN reported on Sunday that the Pentagon had briefed Congress of previous Chinese surveillance balloons during the Trump administration that flew near Texas and Florida.

Rep. Michael Waltz confirmed in a statement to CNN that “currently, we understand there were incursions near Florida and Texas, but we don’t have clarity on what kind of systems were on these balloons or if these incursions occurred in territorial waters or overflew land.”

Another Chinese spy balloon also transited the continental US briefly at the beginning of the Biden administration, the senior administration official said. But the balloon that was shot down by the US military on Saturday was unique in both the path it took, down from Alaska and Canada into the US, and the length of time it spent loitering over sensitive missile sites in Montana, officials said.

The senior administration official said that with regard to the balloon shot down on Saturday, the analysis into its capabilities is ongoing. But, the official added, “closely observing the balloon in flight has allowed us to better understand this Chinese program and further confirmed its mission was surveillance.”

Republicans have criticized the Biden administration for not shooting the balloon down earlier after it was first noticed over Alaska on January 28. House Republicans are weighing the passage of a resolution this week condemning the Biden administration for its handling the balloon, CNN reported Sunday.
I was curious what his definition of a “real American” was. I know he has a skewed definition for the word “patriot”.
For an American, a patriot is someone who supports the constitution and rule of law, and republicans don't, it's really that simple. A patriot supports the founding ethos of the country and liberal democratic rule, not fascism and authoritarian government. Patriots support an elected president, not a despot who tries to steal the people's votes with the help of a mob of suckers and losers storming the capitol.

The republican party aided and abetted treason and are trying to cover it up now, only a fool would vote for such people.

Americans, the republicans can't go low enough into the gutter for their base, and the democrats want not a mere mortal man as president, they want fucking superman and nothing short of perfection will do!
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